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Everything posted by brownonbow

  1. Pretty sure it's not the price but rather the QUALITY(ie it's not going to fall apart after three casts) that he was getting at.
  2. I'm wondering if the hydrogen peroxide is going to affect the fly lines integrity at all. 'Spose it doesn't really matter, it's pretty repulsive to fish as it is right now anyway. Thanks wolfie. How is it that cat urine is lethal to humans? I know that during all of my wife's pregnancies I was put in charge of the litter box, but didn't think there was any other imminent danger.
  3. Must be something about the way it smells that attracts it to leaving its scent on my gear. (or else my wife is training it...) And this cat dispels all understanding and wisdom previously posted as it is both female and spayed. I'm just gonna have to be more diligent about movin' the gear to higher ground as soon as I get back from a trip.
  4. No, but anyone want a cat...
  5. Okay, the good part of the story first, I got out yesterday and the weather was great and the fishing good too...but what is that faint smell??? I couldn't place it for the first while but then I took a wiff of my reel and there it was CAT PEE!!! I HATE the smell of cat pee. Especially on fly gear. Don't get me wrong I like cats, but why does their pee have to be so repulsive? The cat got my rod case and reel complete with a barely broken in rio grande flyline. I have soaked and scrubbed it but cannot relieve it of the odor. The worst part of it is that the cat has already had forgiveness for doing this once before. That time it targeted my fishing duffel bag and unleashed the vast majority of it's venom on a full (200 +) box of dry flies. I know, sacrelig right... Anyhow, lesson learned, cats are cheap, fly fishing gear is not.
  6. A firefighter was working on the engine outside the Station, when he noticed a little girl nearby in a little red wagon with little ladders hung off the sides and a garden hose tightly coiled in the middle. The girl was wearing a firefighter's helmet. The wagon was being pulled by her dog and her cat. The firefighter walked over to take a closer look. 'That sure is a nice fire truck,' the firefighter said with admiration. 'Thanks,' the girl replied. The firefighter looked a little closer. The girl had tied the wagon to her dog's collar and to the cat's testicles. 'Little partner,' the firefighter said, 'I don't want to tell you how to run your rig, but if you were to tie that rope around the cat's collar, I think you could go faster. ' The little girl replied thoughtfully, 'You're probably right, but then I wouldn't have a siren.'
  7. Lovin' the swagger!!!
  8. I enjoy all the aspects of fishing already mentioned. Everyone seems to derive common experiences from getting out and doing what we all love to do. For me one of my favorite times comes at the end of the day when your driving home from down south with some good friends and all is quiet. No words need to be spoken, everyone is just reflecting on the things just experienced, be it scenery, wildlife, weather, or fish...
  9. Brace yourself, it gets pretty pricey from this point on...your fly's just went from costing $12/dozen to approximately $20. Hopefully the quality increases as well as the price!!! Have fun, I too like catching the fish on a fly I constructed at home in my vise on a cold winter night.
  10. I broke the tip of my gl3 last summer and finally got around to replacing it. The service was done through fish tales and they as well as loomis were great. The rod is no longer in production so they replaced it with an xperience. I was not in a huge rush to get the rod back being off season and all, so I don't recall the exact amount of days till I got it back, but it was within a reasonable amount of time anyhow. I don't know if they offer the expedited service to Canada or not, (hands down the best warranty service offered by any rod company out there) but that would be the way to go if you are in a rush. Note: you've got a great rod there and from what I have heard they are very tough for there weight and tip diameter.
  11. I like a wire worm. There are a couple of great reasons for this. Firstly it is easy to tie... wrap wire around a hook...done. Secondly when tied on as the point fly on your rig it more or less replaces the need for lead.
  12. geart pcts amn, I olved all fo thme!!!!!!
  13. I really like how the wood grain compliments the water ripples. Nice job!
  14. Hey Jeff, I too have a reel you can have if needed, yours for free. Here is the link. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=11298 P.M. if interested.
  15. I'm not sure anyone would want to use my old waders, when I'm done with them they usually don't smell too good...
  16. Unfortunately I think the media hyping all the terrible things that can happen to kids by psychos does not help. I am not sure if the number of occurrences has gone up any since I was young but the medias coverage sure has. I remember summer vacations and going out to play at 9 a.m. then coming home for a quick bite to eat at lunch and then back out till 5:30 when Dad came home. Nobody worried, and Mom was glad to have us out of her hair. We had our bikes and that was freedom. Not just around the neighborhood either. Some days around the reservoir, other days through edworthy and along the bike path to the zoo. Good times selling Kool-aid and climbing trees. The stuff of yesteryear I suppose.
  17. I've got the 6 wt ridgeline polyfuse xt and it is now going into it's third season. No cracks yet. Haven't noticed it getting any dirtier than any other line I have owned. The end will sink like any other line I've owned, but when cleaned it will be good as new. Bottom line: comes with a 28 day satisfaction guarantee plus a 5 year no crack warranty...where is the risk?
  18. Kinda makes you wonder if the first guy to eat one did it on a dare from his buddy!!!
  19. Max, is paith an ancient fish god???
  20. It's been my experience that tying flies and saving money don't go hand in hand.
  21. Keep on keepin' on in that pinto canadensis P.S. with an avatar such as the one you've got you'd think you'd be flush and $800 would just be chump change...guess'n it's just fer foolin'...
  22. This is your humble opinion right??? The thing is you must cast the rod if you are gonna the spend big bucks. Others may not see the value in blowing the coin but hey, fly fishing is not about practicality is it. After all a lada or pinto will usually get you from point 'a' to point 'b' but a Bentley will do it in style. I just got the 5 wt z-axis and have only had the chance to false cast so far. I've strung it up with a rio grand and WOW. The thing throws line like crazy... and it loads at close distances quite well to boot. It is true you don't need to spend piles o dough on a rod, but with trout fishing I believe the money is better spent on the rod and go cheap on the reel. If you are serious about fly fishing I don't see the harm in spoiling yourself a little. P.S. Quality gear also holds it's value better than the cheap stuff if properly cared for.
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