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Everything posted by brownonbow

  1. San juan, followed by a prince followed by a copper john, there problem solved, fish caught.
  2. Mark me down for sharing the info, I had a hard enough time when I started and really appreciated any advice from those in the know. So ya any chance I can I will pass along the small bits of info I have accumulated over the years. Its just such a great sport and I want those who are new to it to succeed. We all know the local flyshop could use the $
  3. I've got the simms boot (not sure of the model)as well and I've gotta say I am really happy with them. I had previously wore out my boots in a year or maybe two. I stepped up to the simms boot and I gotta say for me they are worth the $ They've got to be 3 yrs old already and still going strong. I do fish mostly the bow, which the other boots could not even stand up to. Alan2, have you tried vibran soles? Maybe they would go the distance for the rocks.
  4. I too saw the effects of 'foreigners' fishing at the upper lake a few weeks back. I'm tellin' ya everything they caught was bagged. I realize that it has been stocked and fish over 12" are allowed to be kept, but c'mon, there is still a daily limit. They never caught any bulls but I had my suspicions that they would have been happy to take them as well.
  5. Good rod for casting competition, not too sure if that is the rod I'd choose to fish with as I agree it has one purpose- to yard out the line.
  6. I believe it should say unlimited bull trout limit. Before they put the bulls in it truly was a great fishery. Used to catch many rainbows and had an absolute blast as the rainbows actually fight when caught. I find the bulls hit hard and then come in like an old boot. Anyone else think that its time to harvest the bulls??? Are they really endangered? I have talked to old timers that had hunted and fished that lake when there was only a dirt road leading to it and they said they never caught bulls, and I found that interesting.
  7. Ian Tyson, Corb Lund, Tim Huss, K.D. Lang, Joni Mitchell, Whoops!!! those last two slipped... If you all are really lookin' to find some GREAT Alberta culture check out Wide Cut Country on the mighty C.K.U.A 93.7 on Saturday from 10 to noon on your F.M. dial. Seriously, Allison Brock has impeccable taste in music!!! I submit that those who are accusing Alberta of having no culture simply don't like the culture they have found here. Nothing wrong with being a redneck... it just means that you are not thinking with you head up your ass!!!
  8. The bow is a big river and therefore the water is hard to read. After some time spent on it you will more easily find fish, but it will take time or a walk and wade by someone like Maxwell to shorten the learning curve. If you are new to the river or even fly fishing, it can be a little daunting but well worth the time invested. Like others have already mentioned the catch rate really does depend on conditions. A couple of weeks ago you could see the fish rising to caddis with reckless abandon, it was like fishing a high mountain stream for cutts... yes they really were that willing. FFW to January and they are a lot more lethargic trying to conserve energy and simply make it to spring. Bottom line: if you want to catch fish consistently you must learn how to nymph fish properly. I am certainly no hotshot and am happy to return without being skunked. On any given outing I would say I catch around 3 fish and on a stellar day maybe 8-12 (3hr window). Keep in mind that one day can vary dramatically from the next. I have had great days that I try to relive the next day in the same or similar spot without the same success. The bow is a great fishery-you would be a fool to argue otherwise.
  9. Are you sure, I see it in the trading pit.
  10. Anybody know where Grant Fines got to ??
  11. Awesome, I too wore through the guides on my first decent rod and finally replaced it this winter. Glad to see your not just posing out there on the river!!!
  12. I considered what and where I was going to spend 90% of my time and set myself up accordingly. If you only target bullies and pike every once in a while consider targeting them on your spinning rod.
  13. X 2 on Maude lake. I have been there twice and I had a great time on both outings. I am also very grateful that I managed to do this before I broke my ankle in October as it seems it will not ever be the same and has put an end to my backpacking days. Lesson learned: life(health) is short, live every day well!!!
  14. Lance, try bonking them over the head with a stick, if that doesn't work look for a substantial rock.
  15. Man, I thought I was the only one to do this. Sorry to hear of the loss, I did the same thing at policemans about 7 years ago with a temple fork. I also found a hardy(?) perfect reel at policemans that I managed to reunite with it's appreciative owner. I have since taken McLennans advice to heart and put my rod on the hood of my truck first thing when I get back to the truck and when I leave I cannot forget it.
  16. You nerds have waaaaaayyy too much time on your hands...
  17. If you want to get a deal look on Kijiji. You will have to be patient, and quick when you see one, but every now and again one comes up for $250.00 A pontoon is much more comfortable to be in all day. Especially if the weather turns ugly. You have more options to bring gear with you and even do an overnighter. If you want to float a river, even once a year, go with a pontoon. You are taking your life into your hands floating a river with your feet dangling from a belly boat, waiting for a sweeper or other river debris to connect.
  18. I'm sure that'll do the rapids below fish creek quite nicely!!!
  19. brownonbow

    Upgrade Time

    Tell you what, fishing rods do not hold their value all that well for the most part, and for good reason... fishermen keep buying the latest "improvements." Go back a couple of years and find out what the hottest innovation was at the time and buy that rod on e-bay for a fraction of what it would have cost back in its day. If there is a rod you are particularly lusting after today wait until it is an outdated model and do the same thing. Don't get too caught up in the hype. After all this is (for most of us) just a hobby, a way to unwind after a weeks work. Spend the $ on fuel and camping fees instead, get out and really enjoy yourself. Memories are much, much more valuable than the latest offering from an American rod manufacturer.
  20. If you are looking for blue spruce I have a couple hundred I am considering putting on the market (ie: kijiji). They are between 2-4 ft tall. This would be a u-dig sort of deal. Of course they are healthy now and growing well, but I am not a nursery and cannot guarantee what happens to them after they leave my yard. Anybody interested??? P.M. me.
  21. Everybody loves boobies!!!
  22. And once again your knowledge on the subject at hand is astounding...
  23. Hope this helps to relieve any guilt you may have been feeling. Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." Remember they are just fish...
  24. I am with brownsbask except I prefer to wear mine all the time, especially in traffic when the snow is melting on the edge of the deerfoot. It is absolutely amazing how they take the glare away!!! Canadensis: Spend some more time on the bow and you too will be rewarded... these are not fish tales. The Bow is world renowned for a reason. (I did appreciate the humor though!)
  25. brownonbow

    2 Flys

    I would tie the bugger on first then the nymph because the nymph is smaller and lighter and I believe it floats more naturally that way. I usually don't fish a bugger in combination with anything else though. Try tying a san juan on first, followed by two nymphs of your choosing. You can have the two nymphs different sizes to see if the fish are keying into one over the other. Once you figure out what they are eating you can take one fly off and fish a two hook rig, or you can put the two nymphs on that the fish are keying in on under your san juan...
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