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  1. great video. Thanks for sharing
  2. Hi All, I will be working in Fernie area week on/week off. Possibly living in Sparwood. What sucks in my case is I am an Alberta resident and would like to go fishing after work. Other than the Crowsnest river, are there any rivers that are not classified within 20-30 min drive? Spending 20$/evening to fish after work will get pretty expensive. Thanks
  3. A good set of fins is essential and the hard plastic ones do not work well. I suggest getting a set of force fins which did me well. When you hook a fish, kick into shore and fight it. If faster currents, float down with the fish until you can find a place to kick in. A long net helps as well, as you need to put a pretty big bend in your rod to get it in between your legs.
  4. Did you end up fixing your twisting issue. That is the reason I am looking for new rope. I calls clackacraft and they recommended buying a zigco anchor pulley, which I may try
  5. Hi All I am looking to replace the anchor rope on my drift boat. Where I Calgary is the best place to find this?
  6. I would also highly reccommend a good set of fins. I have set of force fins which work awesome. I rarely use my oars and only use them when I need to move quicker on slow moving water
  7. There is a scadden pontoon on kijiji for 800$ those boats are some of the best out there. There is also one on this forum for 600$ which is a steal Please view this ad: Dave scadden pontoon boat skycomish sunrise , https://www.kijiji.ca/v-fishing-camping-outdoor/calgary/dave-scadden-pontoon-boat-skycomish-sunrise/1361480705?utm_source=com.google.android.apps.docs&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialbuttons&utm_content=app_android
  8. Hi I was wondering how the newly repaired boat launch is looking. Is it now safer to take out a boat there? Thanks
  9. ghus32


    I have been using William Joseph waders. I have been using them for 10 years and they have got a ton of use. no leaks yet
  10. If you are ever in Edmonton. The outcast rep works there and he repaired mine and its been going strong for 3 years now
  11. I am curious about a day like tomorrow(June 11), what would be the likelihood of the bow being blown out from the rain? Thanks everyone
  12. Just ordered one of these and a lanyard and clipper for 26$ all in. Thanks for this.
  13. I second that. I used screw piles on my last deck and it was very solid and stable
  14. Looking at buying an impact rod. Any other feedback on these?
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