Usually try to fish a foot or 2 off bottom. Floating line with tapered leader to a swivel then another 12 to 18 inches of line to chironomid u Der an indicator. Key is to find depth and size of fly.
There are 2 types to buy. Suction cup model and one that mounts on stem of the vise. You need the suction cup one so you can pull it out and put in hole in vise base.
Looking for some help. I have a Stonfo Transformer vise. I purchased the Stonfo magnifying glass as well. Mine mounts on the stem of the vise. I've seen some mount into one of the holes in the vise. I can't seem to figure out how to put it in the Base?
What do most suggest for a fly box to hold mostly #chironomid patterns when fishing from a small boat or pontoon? Thanks
I have a lot. And it's a pain carrying a bunch of smaller ones.
Edited 1 hour ago by Birddog
Looking for a Partridge skin for flytying. If any one would like to part or sell one please let me know. Thanks