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hydroman last won the day on October 9 2013

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About hydroman

  • Birthday February 7

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    NW Calgary

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  1. I would try Brian at Auto Marine in Calgary. He deals with Zodiacs and as leak detection and valves may be similar to yours. Great guy and always willing to help.
  2. I agree - cutbow.
  3. Roger on that Brent. Very surprised at their attempt, but as mention by others, hindsight is 20/20
  4. As others have already indicated, it is doable. A bit tight as there is not that much room, but have seen D boats on the that water.
  5. I am a Hydrogeologist and you are likely correct for some areas where the local groundwater flow could be a significant contributor to the stream flow. More common in the higher mountain streams.
  6. We floated by that area on Saturday and did not see any signs of a drift boat. Mind you the visibility was only 6 to 12 inches.
  7. Fishteck and others are correct. In my past job was as a consultant, I was involved in preparing work plans for this type of work. Prior to any work than may discharge or cause disturbance in flowing waters in Alberta, a work plan must be submitted and approved by AEP. The work program will include measures to mitigate impact to the waters and the aquatic environment. Downstream threshold limits (based on upstream levels and distance downstream from the work activities) on turbidity, total suspended solids and other work specific parameters are set. Upstream and downstream monitoring must be conducted and managed by qualified professionals. Exceedances of the threshold limits must be reported to AEP followed with an action plan to reduce the possibility of future exceedences. I know its not perfect folks, but engineering consultant professionals and AEP will monitor potential impact to the waters during the instream work. However as others have indicated, call the AEP line if you see excess silt or impact, or feel the appropriate efforts are not being done. -Garry-
  8. Got them on big stimulaters and the turks tarnatula
  9. Barry Mitchell's book Alberta Trout Highway has some of those old cutty streams
  10. Yeah, a FFC member forgot his wading boots and wet waded in flip flops all day. Flip flops did not survived, but he did..
  11. Looking forward to the cold beverage!
  12. 6wt for poppers and 8 wt for streamers is my preference.
  13. Just got my IIIx back from Winston. 3 week turnaround. Pretty good for a summer repair. $50 US.
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