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Everything posted by jonn

  1. Thats actually not a bad price, is it on sale.
  2. But what did you pay for it? great camara, great purchase Iceman
  3. My wife bought me the 8000 for x-mas. Sweet camara but it's a pain in the ass trying to figure out how to get good indoor shots. After you figure out the settings it takes great pictures though (way better outside though). Super tough camaras though, I've dropped mine, kicked mine, submerged mine and it still looks and preforms like brand new. Very happy with this camara, it takes great under water shots too (now if I could only get the fish in the frame).
  4. I would have to agree with Brunsie, There is alot of different companies out there all of which let you cast or demo there rods. Don't get caught up on the name, cast them all and find the one you like.
  5. white, brown and green. Tie 'em big.
  6. is it just me or do this fish look like great steelhead flies?
  7. good point, most people (I know I'm that way) just think about the cheaper materials and lack of details in the fly.
  8. You should consider the Loop multi or check out the Guide line reels at South bow. There all sweet reels at a good price!
  9. Don't feel bad Rick, I prefer white mocha's. Not the manlyist drink out there but damn does it taste good.
  10. Tooooooooo funny.
  11. Go back under your rock. Rick isn't saying every time you see some one on the river you should strike up a conversation, become best friends and have a friday beer date. Besides as to which, in everything we do in life if you come across someone you don't know or weren't expecting you should smile and say hello, not ignore them. It's the courteous thing to do!
  12. I would also add cree to ur arsinal. I use it quite a bit and in my experience it's a great color for b.w.o. parachute's
  13. Does project healing waters have a drop of in Calgary?
  14. I'll have to try that, It's not burnt out though the damn thing keeps turning off and on all night. I think something must be wrong with the sensor.
  15. funny guy, thats not what I'm implying. I'm wondering if there tied to last or if your getting what your paying for. It just seems really cheap.
  16. So that must be why they wont fix the street light in front of my house, the city isn't ignoring my phone calls they'er consired about emissions.
  17. How is there quality at that price though?
  18. No it makes great streamer wings, it's very durable. I know South Bow has a bunch of pike flies made with polar bear. The under fur is probally the best material to use to create a dubbing ball. It's really course so your feathers won't collapse in the current.
  19. Thats exactly what I was looking for, thanks a lot guy's!
  20. Thanks tips, I aready did that. All that comes up is page after page of diminishing returns and the theories way. Nothing on tha times.
  21. Does anyone know were a guy could get info on the time of year the different runs happen on the Skeena drainage?
  22. Thanks Uberfly, I think I will go with the shop Misterbig was talking about. It's closer to the house. By the way thanks Misterbig.
  23. Does anyone know where I can find a circulation pump for a frigidaire dishwasher in Calgary?
  24. Is there any spots left for the Pike trip?
  25. check out the loop multi's at South Bow, sweet stick.
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