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Everything posted by jonn

  1. Hyde sells them, that's where I got mine.
  2. Can anyone recomend a shop in Calgary, that sprays box liners? Also how long does it take for it to set up?
  3. Post of the year for sure!! Love it!!
  4. I agree whole heartedly with what your saying. After the first one South of Zama and now this one, they should be fined and shut down. Theres no doubt in my mind that they are not following a prescibed maintanece scedule or following the regulations. However they wont be shut down, but I'm sure they will be heavily fined. As far as I'm conserned all the pipe lines around water should be exposed on piles and risers. That way they could have a visual inspection and preform particle tests to verify integrity.
  5. I'm well aware that 1L doesn't compare to 3000bbL, I was just making a point. Pick up your phone you Putz!
  6. Plains' operations can be categorized into two main business groups - Crude Oil and Liquefied Petroleum Gases ("LPG"). Our Crude Oil group handles the gathering, marketing, storage, terminalling and transportation of various grades of crude oil. We handle crude oil in the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, as well as in Montana and North Dakota of the United States. Our LPG group handles the storage, transportation, terminalling and marketing of a variety of liquefied petroleum gases, such as propane, butane, and intermediates products (including natural gasoline, ethanol, naphtha, pentane, and aromatics). So no, I do not consider them to be an oil company, Plains Midstream is a Transportation and storage company. If a trucker is hauling bailsof hay does that make him a farmer? At least you looked at the web page though, kudo's to you! Look @ me spin
  7. Plains midstream is the 3rd party. An oil company will drill and produce the oil or gas and then some of them 3rd party out the transportation, to companies like Plains Midstream.
  8. How is that a deflection, it's reality! If I punch you in the head you can't blame my neighbor, can you?
  9. I don't think that is what he is doing at all. However I agree it's funny how many people jump on the "down with the oil field" ban wagon. While other industries do just as much damage and no one seems to give a sh!t. The oil field is just an easier target I guess. It drives me nuts when people who have no idea about the industry, can start bashing it! In the 12 short years I've been on drilling side, I've watched the industry do leaps and bounds with safety and enviroment. With any major player, it's always the main priorty. If we spill a gallon of oil on the ground, we need to report it, dig it down to clean soil, replace the soil and filter the contaminated soil. mean while my neighbors car dumps a liter on the road every time he parks it and no one cares, weird. And Dutch it wasn't an oil company, the pipe lines were 3rd partyed out. I don't think anyone is trying to justify the spill, but there going to happen with some of the shape these pipe lines are in. I think they need to have stricter rules on how long a pipe line can stay in the ground. I also think that they need better monitering on the flows going through them. Sun dance is right though, with todays materials and practices, the new lines are way more reliable. The majority of these ruptured lines are 40+ yrs old.
  10. Does anyonr have one of these boats, or know someone who does? I have a couple questions about there preformance.
  11. Question for ya, how did I show you no respect when you floated past my kids and I. I'm quite curious as to what you expect from people. Was the boat anchored at the bottom of the run and everyone in the boat Saying hello as you floated past, not enough for you?
  12. Personally, if I was spending $500.00 to enjoy nature, I would be bothered more by the thousands of golf balls, dirty syringes and tampon applicators floating through the runs. Nothing says the great outdoors like catching a used condom!
  13. Your right, 12yrs in the industry is not enough. I'm going to hit the books tonight, a couple of magazine articles and I should be up to pair with you! Thanks for the advice. I'm sorry for hijacking B.T.W. and just to clairify, I'm not pro pipe line. I think it's a huge mistake and if it goes through, there will be intigtaty issues with it in the future. There always is.
  14. Wow, you honestly think Alberta is the only oil strong hold left. Hate to tell you but you are sadly mistaken. There is oil all over the world. Don't get me wrong, the sands do house a lot of oil, but come on. Are you honestly going to try and blame the loss of manufacturing in ON. on oil prices. Get off the ganja, manufacturing has been out source overseas and Mexico due to the cost of labour. In todays economy you can't afford to work on an assembly line for 6 bucks an hour. The companys make more money and get more production by outsourcing, it's happening every where. Next your going to tell me Hardy had to cut production in England because of BIG OIL.
  15. For starters, it's not Canada's oil. It's who ever pays to get it out of the ground! And you should be concerned about how much money "big oil" makes. Because if it starts to cost to much, they'll just pick up there roots and go else where. It's not like Alberta is the only provider of oil in the world. I'm not saying Canada should just bend over, but if we start demanding they buy refined oil from us, they WILL go else where! And before anyone says great, let them go rape, pillage and destroy some where else. You really need to consider how much of an impact it would have on this country. I would also have to agree with Rick r, it really isn't economically feasible for us to have our own refineries here. Maybe for Canada's personal use, but not for export. The cost behind building them would be huge, as would the evrionmental impact. Besides, YOU STILL NEED TO TRANSPORT THE REFINED PRODUCT SOME HOW. It's not like bulk oil gets shipped in 1L containers!
  16. Hey Monger, is the pic of the Elk on Sandra's property?
  17. Ya I've heard it was great to work with in the winter. But I'm trying to get away from 20lb.
  18. Thanks for all the replies guy's, I think I'm going to try it. With a 510, 550 grain heads the 55lb should be fine right?
  19. Thanks guys! Dutchie, I think I'll still hold on to my running lines for a while! Thanks for the info guys. I really like the idea with the rubber. I'll bet you could just stretch a chunk of 10 speed tire tube over the cork! Have any of you guys tried miracle braid or the gl shooter shooting lines?
  20. Hey guys, right now I'm using 20lb Ridge Line. I love the thickness of it and how good it shoots. But I'm really scared of snagging up and having it break off. So I was thinking about going to a Frog hair or Slick shooter style of line? I curious as to want your guy's experinces are with them. Pro's, con's, likes, dislikes?
  21. You must've done a rain dance Rick. It started pouring down here today!
  22. I've been working in South Texas ( Uvalde to Larado ) for the past yr. The effects down he are insane. Two of my hands lost their houses in Magnolia last wk.
  23. O.K. I can deal with that, most of my music is on an external anyhow. What I'm really concerned about is my contacts and apps. I don't want to transfer my phone and it wipe out my numbers! Thanks by the way!!
  24. I bought a new computer and I'm having hell transferring my I pod and I phone to the new computer. If anyone can help me with this I would greatly apperciate it!
  25. Nice!
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