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Everything posted by birchy

  1. That's pretty much all the positive feedback I needed! haha. "Reassurance". I'm REALLY liking the price Clive.. seeing as if you look on Orvis' website they retail for $389 US + tax: http://www.orvis.com/store/product_directo...ubcat%5Fid=7313
  2. I heard a good golfing one like that too.. Two olders gents - Fred and Bill - were standing on the 13th tee when a funeral procession drove by the highway parallel to the hole. Immediately Fred took off his hat and held it to his chest until the procession was past. Bill paused for a minute and then said "wow, I didn't realize you had so much respect Fred?!" To which Fred replied "well, it's the least I could do.. I was married to her for 45 years!"
  3. Hey guys i'm baaaack! Just got home 5 minutes ago. Doctor let me out today. Everything went really well. The doctor says she got the majority of the tumor out. Had to leave a bit of it behind to avoid hurting the pituitary and surrounding area. I feel pretty much normal other than a runny nose. But I have to take it easy for a week or two.
  4. I've been keeping an eye on these Orvis waders on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.ca/ORVIS-TAILWATERS-XT-BOO...1QQcmdZViewItem But all they have typically is the bootfoots, and not the stocking foots. At first I kind of decided in my head that I didn't want bootfoots because on cold days when I decided to wear my neoprenes - I wouldn't be able to switch the boots back and forth. Now I'm thinking, maybe that's okay. I'll be wearing my breathables the majority of the time.. so when I wear my neoprenes I can just use the old hiking boots with the tongues ripped out. Do you guys have any opinions on bootfoots? Are their any shops in town that carry these particular waders so I can go in and try a pair on?
  5. Just thought of a cool idea.. I want everyone to post how many years they've been fly fishing.. and then at the end I'll go through all the posts and do the math and see how many years of fly fishing experience we have combined on this forum! Let's say we'll round to the closest year.. unless you're in your first year, then just say one year. I'm sure it'll be some crazy huge number! So 1 year for me.
  6. I got one tonight and it was everything I thought it would be..
  7. Thanks for all the awesome comments guys!! I appreciate it. flyangler - I'm having the transsphenoidal surgery, so it's not technically brain surgery but they still have to be really careful because the optic nerves and carotid arteries are so close to the pituitary and the tumor. Oh.. and i'm in the Foothills Hospital.. so I won't be able to track down Brian or Steve.
  8. Not enough precipitation yet. We probably need a good few days - a week even of rain before it would make a significant difference.
  9. Oh yeah. I'm not giving up! Have to try one before tomorrow!
  10. Wendy's now has VANILLA Frosty's!! But do you think I could get one?!? Been to 3 Wendy's since last night and still haven't gotten one!
  11. birchy


    Welcome!! I'm not sure that the water in the picture is clear enough..
  12. Dang! I already sent it in. I totally should've added the "experience and knowledge of the forum members on flyfishcalgary.com has truly been invaluable". Oh well.. I can email them again to add that part. You can never have too many fishing buddies rick. As soon as i'm healed up from my surgery we'll have to plan a trip. Yes.. it was supposed to be hole. I noticed that after the fact. But thought the same as you.. hold works as well. haha
  13. Alright dudes and dudettes.. I'm having my surgery tomorrow as the first step to treating this acromegaly.. doctor sounds really positive. So I'll be in the hospital for 3-2 days and then recovering for 2-6 weeks. So you won't be hearing from my for a bit.. I'll see if I can get CDock to post a bad joke in my absence. If i'm not back in a couple weeks... just wait longer.
  14. We were there from around 12:30pm to about 4pm I think..
  15. 39 views and only one reply? Everybody else must be tired like I am today too!
  16. Hello, I've been a casual angler since I was a kid but this is my first year fly fishing and I'm definitely "hooked". I often hear of new fly fisherman going a season or two without catching anything because of trying to teach themselves, and I have to admit that I'm very spoiled because my best friend and fishing partner - Corey - has been fly fishing for 9 years now and is very knowledgable. Corey has been showing me the different techniques and although I've only been fly fishing since April I've had a very productive season so far. My very first trip out was on the Crowsnest River down by Bellevue, Alberta back in April and I managed 4 10-12" rainbows to hand. My personal bests so far for each species are a 22" Brown trout from the Bow here in Calgary, a 22" Rainbow (first ever dry fly fish) from the Columbia River in Castlegar, BC. Still haven't hooked into a big Cutthroat yet, but the season is still young! I'm told these are very respectable for a rookie! haha But so far I have to say I'm proudest of my very first Bull Trout - this 24" beauty from the Sheep River in southern Alberta: He was caught by stripping "Lefty's Deceiver" through a deep pool with a 4 weight TFO TiCr. Man, I sure felt the power of these beautiful fish! Corey and I pulled 4 of these beauty's out of one hold in a span of 15 minutes.. the smallest being 24"! I am a subscriber to your magazine and would love to be considered for the next Readers' Showcase. Tight Lines!
  17. LOL.. I was wondering how long it would be before BobLoblaw chimed in! I was going to say "while swerving back and forth wildly BobLoblaw said".. but figured I'd be nice and generalize.. hahaha.
  18. If he keeps low enough he might be okay..
  19. I'm preferring the evenings more. Plus .. i'm not a morning person!
  20. No no.. you misunderstood. My friends Trey and Andie are both Canadian. They are now living in Haiti but were back here visiting friends in Calgary. While HERE, Andie said Hi to a fellow Calgarian on the street and that's the response she got.
  21. Fishing for sure.. althought I haven't called in "sick" to go fishing yet.
  22. Some aquaintances of mine moved down to Haiti. They were back for a visit last summer and were telling us this story.. The wife - Andie - was out for a walk one evening while here and passed this woman on the street. Andie says "Hi" and the woman stops and says "Excuse me? Do I know you?" Andie says "No, I was just saying hi to be nice." to which the woman replies "Yeh.. well DON'T" with this disgusted look on her face and walks away. Unbelievable how rude people are getting!
  23. Boys.. In most situations the ideal presentation for a fly - whether wet or dry - is a drag free natural drift. However there are times when we'll swing flies or streamers in the current. The other night I was trying to cast to some risers with a dry and was having a hard time seeing the fly - and therefore mending my line properly. At one point I saw the wake from the fly and realized my line was downstream from the fly and pulling it faster than the current. Right when that happened however a fish rised and I was able to hook and land it. Is this what you're referring to when you're talking about "skating" dry flies? Very similar to swinging a streamer with a downstream mend?
  24. Gorgeous. I want to try out the Elk sometime this year as well!
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