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Everything posted by birchy

  1. That's probably a good idea actually. They can't fix it if they don't know about it.
  2. Holy schmokes!! Now let's hope no hunters get him before he reaches his full potential.
  3. Isn't that wonderful?! Hopefully that was their ONE village idiot that all the other C.O.'s make fun of that you talked to!
  4. Do any of you guys purchase your equipment from Cabelas and have it shipped here? I'm just looking on their website, I can purchase a TFO TiCrX rod for $270 CAD including the exchange rate and shipping and taxes and everything. Whereas if I buy the same rod here at one of the local shops I believe they run either $319 or $329. If you buy a TFO rod in the USA can you still register it for the warranty here in Canada? Thoughts?
  5. Sad news. Seems to be happening more often lately.
  6. I seem to have a really difficult time holding fish without them flopping and me either squeezing them too hard to hold on, or dropping them in the water. So I got myself a nice catch and release net. I land them in it, keep them in the water, and use my hemostat to twist the fly out. If it's a picture worthy fish I'll pick it up for a quick picture, otherwise I just lower the net into the deeper water and off they go.
  7. Similar thing happened to us yesterday on the Sheep. There was a guy spin fishing and as soon as he saw us coming up the river he took off.
  8. Great report!! I hope to do something like that this year too! Minus the sliver in the finger part of course!
  9. Right on Brownstone, what a beauty!!
  10. I don't think it costs as much as golf does. I quit playing golf this year to focus on fishing and so far it's been a good choice!
  11. LOL.. couldn't resist. Don't worry.. plenty more where that came from!
  12. Did you hear that Nova Scotia has a new Provincial Zoo?? ... ... ... ... They built a fence around Newfoundland.
  13. I must be the minority then. I think those boats are pretty cool!! I wave everytime and hope one of these times they'll stop and take me for a ride!
  14. 47 in Las Vegas yesterday I heard..
  15. 2 minutes ish.. CDock and I both landed big 24" bullies last night in about 2 minutes.. with a 4 weight.
  16. Yeh our office is closed for the whole day.
  17. Jeepers! I forgot!! Okay, okay.. here we go: *AHEM* How do you kill a circus? Go for the juggler.
  18. You tell Dale I said to "smarten up!"
  19. One more for 400 man.. you can do it!! you can do it allll night long!
  20. I'm pretty sure that's Chewbacca. Poor guy.
  21. Used my buddy CDock's 2 weight TFO Finesse on Kikomun Creek this weekend and loved it! Until then I was wondering how the heck I was going to cast dry flies!
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