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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Awesome rickr!! I love "tough grampa" stories!
  2. Just the pipe? Wow! She must've been quite the pain...
  3. Tough crowd today! Okay.. Okay.. I edited it..
  4. Yep, from what I've read they'll work just fine.
  5. Why did the one handed man cross the road?? Cause the second hand store was across the street.
  6. Anyone know anything about them?
  7. The main beach is great, no weeds at all barely. We go every summer.
  8. My experience in talking to various people is that Rogers currently has the best coverage around. But.. like a few have said.. just stay close to home.
  9. It's "I'M your huckleberry!" .. Dude, if you're going to quote the best western of all time.. at least get it right! "Are you gonna do something, or just stand there and bleed?"
  10. Great pics esleech! I've been busy the last couple weeks and having got out much. I'm itching pretty bad now.
  11. That baby deserves to go up on the wall!!
  12. birchy

    Knot Glue

    Tried that the other day and pinched a part of my tongue!! haha
  13. What's the difference between a bad golfer and a bad skydiver? A bad golfer goes, whack, damn! A bad skydiver goes damn, whack!
  14. Right on chidders!! Another 2 months for me!
  15. I was.. yes. About 10-15 feet from shore and the water was up to my chest! haha. Climbed up on a big boulder and was casting from there.
  16. Excellent pics for your first time rickr!
  17. I really like this pic of C's rainbow on the Crow earlier this year: And my first ever bully..
  18. I could always try the famous line from Days of Thunder (slightly modified of course): "This isn't possesion officer.. this is comsumption!" haha. Nah.. I think we better play it on the safe side.
  19. For this work event we're having this summer, I've been asked "What's the policy on drinking on the river?" They're thinking of supplying some beer as part of the beverages portion of the lunch. We'll be on the upper Bow somewhere out by Banff or Canmore. Not 100% sure about this one. As long as noone's getting drunk are there any issues with this? Thoughts?
  20. You probably created a Favorite when it was still the old cpanel55 somethingorother URL.. You just need to create a new Favorite now that it's flyfishcalgary.com and it should be good again.
  21. What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work? .... .... .... A stick. And since I missed last week.. a second one: Why did Snoop Dogg need an umbrella? .... .... .... Fo Drizzle
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