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Everything posted by birchy

  1. I don't want to generalize here.. but coming from Nova Scotia I have to say that I notice a huge difference in the mentality of people in Calgary when it comes to tires on their vehicles. *begin rant* I've never seen so many people driving around with BALD tires and/or summer tires in winter. Hell.. even All Season tires for that matter. People who say "oh.. there's no difference between all season tires and winter tires" have obviously never driven with winter tires! For those people who have their summers on right now.. please stay home today, you're an accident waiting to happen. I took this with my cell this morning.. this is people trying to come up 33 Avenue west, and merging onto Crowchild Tr. North: What you're seeing there is a bunch of jackholes with crappy tires blocking a bunch of traffic because they can't make it up 'the hill'.. and for those of you that know this spot.. it is just a hill. At first I thought.. "wow, it must be crazy icy there".. then I watched a bunch of 4x4's drive up with no problems and thought "okay.. well, it's icy enough that the 2 wheel drive vehicles can't make it up".. and then I watched a few 2 wheel drive vehicles drive around these guys and up and realized "OH.. so it's those idiots with either bald or summer tires!" Wife told me that a lady called into one of the radio stations this morning and said "I would like to mildly chastise Calgarians with their summer tires on today who are stuck and blocking traffic.. it's not summer yet people!" Frick.. get a brain before you kill somebody! *end of rant* (not sure if I feel any better)
  2. Taken from my cell phone this morning: Only difference between then and now is there's probabably twice as much snow on the ground.
  3. I was talking about that with a lady on the elevator this morning after my 1.5 hour commute (normally 25 minutes).. I don't recall hearing ANYTHING about snow today?!?!
  4. If so.. how the heck do you get the tippet ON it? Of course.. i'm assuming it's supposed to go between the two movable black stoppers..
  5. The only reason I didn't think it would be a bird of prey is because they scoop fish with their *in his best Napolean Dynamite voice* TALONS.. Which would typically leave multiple wounds on a hit and miss... I think?
  6. Does anyone know if vinegar is corrosive to fly fishing gear?? We've been using a white vinegar/water solution for alot of cleaning in our house. Works wonders.. and isn't a chemical.
  7. Go to Wholesale Sports and ask them for the "blue reel goop". They should know what you mean. Great stuff!
  8. Grabbed from Ed's post: Looks like he got grabbed by an otter or weasel or something to me. Not sure if we have those out here.. but something with sharp front teeth. And then struggled and managed to get away sans the top of his head! Ouch!
  9. Someone wrote an awesome article and equipment maintenance and posted it on here approx. a year ago. But I can't for the life of me find it! If someone could post a link that'd be great.
  10. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out Mick!
  11. birchy

    The Fly Boxes

    Geez.. you guys have way too much time on your hands!! Don't come complaining to us if you fail your exams alright?!?
  12. Dammit Dave!! How hard is it to pick 'Birchy' out of a hat?!? Congrats UnscientificAngler!
  13. I actually have the same trouble with mine. SA WF6F Trout taper.
  14. All, Today I was sent a link by a friend in my Messenger contact list to a website called "MSN Block Checker". The idea is that you enter in your email address and it will show you what people have added you to their "Block List". I just about fell for it until I realized.. waitaminute.. I'm giving my username AND password. YEH NO!! Do not enter your information!! This is just an extremely clever phishing scheme. Once they have your ID and password they've gained control of accounts, and who knows what else!! If you've already fallen for it.. I would suggest you change your passwords immediately. Sure enough.. I talked to my 'friends' daughter and she did not send that message.. someone has control of her account.
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