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Everything posted by jayjjones11

  1. the biggest brown i know of being caught in alberta (in the last few years) was on a 000 weight...it's all about how you fight them
  2. I was going through the Simms site the other day and noticed that they came out with a new pant wader....gore-tex, so they'll breathe very well edit - heres a link http://www.simmsfishing.com/site/headwaters_pant.html#
  3. i saw that coupon a couple weeks back, and it doesn't do the Canadians any favours...it even says on it 'for United States only'...
  4. Terrance, i saw a new vise in your price range at Country Pleasures a few days ago..can't remember exactly what model, but i believe its a Renzetti Traveler. It has a pretty wicked jaw for the price
  5. Did anyone else find this a really, quite honest to god, terrible fishing show. The shots are more of them sleeping and trying to be AEG then fishing, and when they are fishing, the camera jumps around enough to induce epilepsy. and a national show that doesn't give out any names of the lakes they fish, till they hit alberta... all in all, i was thoroughly unimpressed. We've still got a long way to go before we get quality i suppose...i hope the humblefisherman can make it big, and show these guys how to make a tv series!
  6. that new simms lineup is un-freaking-believable, is it just me or is it now simms, and everyone who is trying to be like simms?....me want, me want!
  7. All about quality control!
  8. very similar to the dry creek bags from Simms, if they work half as good as the simms, they should do ya just fine
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