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November Photo Of The Month Official Entries Only
jack replied to Flytyer's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
I have an ingrained softness in the head for Islander Reels, obviously. This is a photo in my gallery entitled "Six Lovelies". In spite of the opportunistic collecting, they are all very well used. My stillwater favourite is the green IR4LA, it was a Christmas gift from two very special friends, Barry Stokes, GM of Islander and Brian Chan, a virtually unknown flyfisher who lives in Kamloops. He has TWO of them !! My "other favourite" is the FR3 Spey Reel, a gift (complete with spey rod) from my current wife, on our 30th Anniversary. j -
November Photo Of The Month Official Entries Only
jack replied to Flytyer's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
This photo was taken by Kris Maier of Prince George, BC of my Wind Warrior spey rod and matching reel. Winter on the Nechako River. It was "commissioned' as a website and catalog photo. I thought it showed an unusual level of "artistic license" with the coiled line and subdued lighting effect. j -
Between a rock and a hard place. To me, for a small stream 3wt, a disc drag is unnecessary, but, most large arbors have disc drags(meaning extra weight). For all-out quality Islander IR1 is a great reel, 2/3 wt, 3.3 oz, but small arbor. The green ones are sure nice: but, (again) $340 or so may not be possible to rationalize. Definitely need a "non-bling" look for small streams. j
What Is/are Your Other Hobby(s) ?
jack replied to Avalanche's topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
My activities are all spin-offs of my fly fishing obsession. Got into rod building, then after I retired 2+ years ago, got into designing fly rods, in particular for "niche markets", sort of stuff that none of the "names" produce ? Something to do during "hard water season". So now, I design for a small manufacturer, and they cover my expenses to test the prototypes during the fishing season. Keeps me out of jail. j -
Fly Rod Raffle Only A Few Hours Left!!!
jack replied to reevesr1's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Fish Tales will have one to fondle and look at by Nov. 25 or there abouts. j -
Their value has dropped significantly since people started cloning their own. http://vimeo.com/3207607 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh8cfZwZJvo...feature=related
I tried out the new Korkers "Klingon" sticky rubber soles with studs on the snot rocks of the North Thompson two weeks ago, I think that studded felts work a bit better, but I had no slipping issues with the studded rubber. No problems in the snow, either. j
Precision's fly hooks have never straightened on me. Used on steelhead, coho and a 33lb chum this fall. j
There is a guy who fishes in Bella Coola every fall, who builds them, has a shop in the Okanagan. I've looked at the one on his truck and looks bomb-proof. http://www.loadmyboat.com/ j
Funny, Don. You must have read my mind ! As I was posting, I thought "...except Don's bamboo rods, of course! " j
Any flies that I buy, I get from Precision Fly & Tackle in Puyallup, Wash. http://www.precisionflyandtackle.ecrater.com/ It's a group of medically discharged military vets who produce flies as a group. No the cheapest, but they are quality stuff and very durable. j
I'm not aware of any rods or even components that are made in Canada. Even guys that have innovative ideas for performance have the blanks custom made "somewhere else". j
Just a note for your consideration,(I will PM you with edited recommendations, also): During ice-over, when air temps are below freezing, rainbow trout should never be removed from water. Exposed to freezing air, their gills freeze almost instantly and are irreparably damaged. "Catch & Release Ice-fishing" just does not work. Yes, the fish may swim away, but it is usually dead within 20 minutes. Edited to add a reference: ".....Reducing the time you keep your catch out of the water takes on added importance when the air temperature is near or below freezing. Oxygen extraction occurs through the outermost layer of a fish's gills. That layer is only one cell thick, so it is easily damaged when exposed to freezing air temperatures. Minimize that exposure time. Better yet, keep the fish in the water while removing your hook. A few seconds of cold fingers is better than running the risk of damaging a fish's gills." http://www.wisconsintu.org/CPR/tabid/64/Default.aspx j
'Bout time you got here, John. Gotcha! j
Anyone who has eyes and frequents our streams, on either side of the rockpile, can see the wholesale dewatering of our flows. Apparently "water conservation measures" are only directed at urban lawns, yet the wholesale use of irrigation sprinkler system during the heat of the day, accounting for at least 50% evaporation just goes on. Water storage is frowned upon or even prohibited, while increased pumping from rivers with dropping levels is ignored. People have wake up and kick some political *ss. j
The politics of water knows no "party" boundaries. Yes, I know AB has been Conservative since the beginning of history, but just look at next door. Many different colours of political parties over the past 100 years, the BC Water Act has not changed in over 100 years and look how many BC rivers are in very deep trouble. It is not the political party, it is about political will, and THAT comes from ordinary people. j
Too Late In Year For Fly Fishing?
jack replied to wolfaslov's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
What he said. It is extremely important to immediately practice the physical movements of casting to instill those movements so they are not forgotten. Practice daily, even on grass. An hour's practice is equal to one days fishing in actual stickwaving. Winter is also the time to absorb the "academic" part of fly fishing; where, when and how to place what fly. It is about how to handle and release fish, it is about personal ethics and how to share. In my estimation, "fly fishing" is 90% non-physical(if you classify flytying as non-physical) and 10% actually flinging flies. j -
I just wonder what's worse, tiring the fish out so much that they don't fight the unhooking and release or using a glove to tail a still somewhat energetic fish ? j
Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
jack replied to canadensis's topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
The President Obama enhanced the chances of peaceful resolutions in this world and won the Peace Prize for changing the basis of U.S. foreign policy that, for the past 100+ years, has been "Might is Right". He dismissed the use of the term: ".....in this nation's best interests." He established an attitude of dealing with other nations as equals. This he did in the first 4 days. Has he accomplished anything? Of course not. Has he established the groundwork for progress? Except for the military/industrial complex, everyone certainly hopes so. j -
Very "professional" of him. Tell C/O's you are willing and able to go to court to support charges. j
Not an obsessed "steelie guy", but have often wondered about thin, thoroughly wet,(as in dip in the water immediately prior to tailing a fish) cotton gloves. Any thoughts? j
I have a friend that has organized a small group of disabled U.S. military vets who tie and supply flies to local markets in Washington and Oregon states, to supplement their pensions. Would that be a "good thing" or exploitation of the disabled and by whose "standard" ? Do we actually have to visit the source ourselves to confirm "fair trade" or is there really someone out there, that we can trust to be intelligent and objective in their assessment? By the way, the "markup" of flies also has to include the hidden, absorbed cost of tossing below standard flies into the dumpster. And from Kenya in particular, that is not infrequent. From the point of view of someone who has no intention of personally inspecting a production facility(or contract tyer's living room), I think that products of consistent, high quality are produced by people who are paid a fair(in their economy) wage. Inconsistent and low quality flies ring a warning bell. j
On this summer's Pike on the Fly trip, I used a 9'6" mod-action 7wt, my fishing bud used a fast-action 9'6" 8wt. Large deerhair flies the size of golf balls, fast 8wt was FAR more effective. j
Non-tying comment deleted. :derby racer: j