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Amundson Outdoors will feature a special on the home page of the website, every month. It will feature factory/warehouse overstocks at substantially reduced prices. I will post a link to the new monthly special on here. September's Single-hand, Salmon, Steelhead Special(sorry, couldn't get anymore "S's" in there ! ) September Salmon/Steel Special --HERE Amundson Outdoors
Yes, I fish Sheridan, also. But that is a specific lake that requires some substantially less than customary tactics. Not many lakes are as absolutely gin-clear as that lake, with substantial sunlight penetration to 40+ feet of depth. j
JV: That is the "issue" with using fast sink lines in stillwater. You may require a Type 8 for a flow somewhere(although there are other ways of getting down) in order to counteract the hydraulic effect of the moving water, but there is no such effect in stillwater, obviously. With the exception of the clear intermediate use(above) I very rarely allow my line to go to the bottom, although there is a floating dragon nymph technique that involves a full sink or Type 5 sinktip, short leader and a floating nymph, when fishing weed beds in the spring.(Line is on/in the weed beds, nymph is floating just above) In my experience, fast sinking lines are of use in mid-summer, when fishing deep holes, when the fish are down deep in the cooler water, at or just below the thermocline. After "counting down" the sinking line, I'm not aware of a requirement to "strip faster", as the water tends to be a bit more dense as the depth increases. j
Apparently the opposition parties agreed that it was the Bloc's turn to support the government.
The primary mistake in the "legalize" argument is equating the current "legal" substances with "OK" or not harmful. Everyone knows that's BS. Weed is a gateway drug? The argument can be justified both ways. Lots of folks do weed and never anything more. How many addicts started with weed? Very close to 100%. But that is also part and parcel of personality disorder, requiring ever higher levels of escape. "I have lived in Amsterdam off and on over the years. I hardly know any dutch people that smoke it, most of the cafes there are filled with tourists." Same in areas of Switzerland, where injected drugs are dispensed for free, by government. There is very little actual "drug trade" in both examples, but, they are NOT bordering on the good ol' USA market and (in BOTH areas), violent, drug-related street crime, home invasion and robberies with violence are constantly on the rise ! So, when actually studying the wide scope of "drugs", the myth that in places in Europe where it's legal, it is "all good", is utter subjective propaganda. j
I have educated myself. "Legalization" is a myth perpetrated by those with an agenda based on their own selfish requirements. Instead of beating the same old drum why don't you "educate yourself" ? Study the whole scope of the "legalized drug" situation in Europe, especially the places like Switzerland and the city of Amsterdam where the pro-dopers gleefully point to the "success" of legalization. In depth, objectively(if you can). Why is it fashionable to deride those who are adamantly against ingesting, inhaling or injecting hallucinogens into one's body? j
Click on "Buy A License" in the right margin. http://fishing.gov.bc.ca/ j
Yup. Most of the time. Up to 16' leader/tippets. Sometimes in gin-clear lakes, like Roche, on the 10' shoals, when the trout have gotten waaaay too nervous, I've used clear intermediate, allow it to lay on the bottom with a 12' leader, weighted nymph and just wait until the cruisers come through, then give the nymph a tiny little tug. j
By looking at their website, I would say that there are no dealers. You deal directly with the company itself. You could contact them and find out if they have sold any boats in your local area. j
In Kamloops in October, the trout will be in less than 10', up on the shoals or right at the edge of the drop-offs. "Sight fishing" with floating or clear intermediate lines. Bead head nymphs.
Think they'll have one? I would count on their own self-interest: National Post, today: "The survey examined the number of MPs who were first elected in June 2004 and are less than a year away from having the six years of service required to qualify for a government pension that can kick in at age 55. It found that 74 MPs with several years of experience could find themselves without a pension, if they fail to hold onto their seats, and in the same boat as those elected for the first time in the 2008 election." Further: "But if there is no election before next summer, 36 Conservatives, 16 Bloc Quebecois MPs, 14 Liberals and eight New Democrats can qualify for a pension that would give them at least $25,000 a year based on the minimum MP salary that now stands at $157,731 per year." Still think there will be an election? j
And the "legalize" crowd still doesn't realize where the expression "dope-smoking no-mind" came from. Bottom line: if you buy anything contraband these days, you are supporting organized crime gangs who kill people(including innocent, totally uninvolved people). You support the smuggling of cocaine and guns into Canada, you support slavery, you support home invasions, robberies and protection rackets. j
But, as Gunter points out, nobody can predict anything, 10-20 years down the road. We don't have ALL the information regarding the current cooling or how anyone is interpreting that information. That goes for both "sides". "They" have enough trouble predicting what our climate will be tomorrow, let alone 10 years from now. Pseudo-scientists point to the ongoing drought in parts of North America as "proof", but, there is incontrovertible evidence being discovered in lakes in the interior of BC, that water levels that have dropped 10-12 vertical feet over the past 30 years, have been there before, about 300-400 years ago. People with an agenda tend to ignore history, because it doesn't "fit" their pontifications for the future. Predictions are for fools, the only thing we can be sure of is the past. And even then we have to use a critical eye of what "version" of history we believe. j
The explanation/qualification. Just got off the phone from "da guy....". Up to 2 1/2 years, triploids will grow slower than diploids. After diploids mature, the triploids soon outstrip them in growth rates and size for the reason I've stated in my prior post, however this only happens in very productive water that produces a rich supply of aquatic food for the triploids. In unproductive or lessor productive lakes, triploids tend to become snake-shaped and do not noticeably out grow the diploids in the same water. The masters' thesis study was done with no increase in available food for diploids or triploids. j
I can only relate back to the information shared by some guy at the other end of the boat, who has 32 years experience playing with triploids in the lakes of BC and Thompson/Nicola in particular. Now, does a master's thesis trump on the water studies and experience? Who knows? I know the "guy at the other end of the boat" has never had a closed mind, so I will ask him for any "updates" to his perceptions. Forest lake is cooling off, rather nicely, so I expect him in my driveway within a couple of weeks. j
Having spent many years with "Take care of your stuff, your stuff will take care of you." being permanently implanted in my skull, "warranty" is not a consideration. I really hate having to bend over backwards to kick myself in the butt for my own stupidity or laziness. Nothing is handier for bush-whacking as two of those wide, blue rubber bands that my bride saves from the vegetable bundles from Safeway. Line/leader stays strung, four-piece or two-piece, folded, rubber bands on both ends, no muss, no fuss. j
Possible they are the survivors from the fish farm. A triploid that vapour-locked on me during release several years ago was identified by a biologist as 11 years old(counting the scale rings under a microscope). j
Oh sure! Fish rivers and streams all my life, but fish one lousy stillwater and somebody will call you "a stillwater guy" !! LOL!
Actually, after 2 years of age they do grow faster(and live longer). Because triploids do not go into full spawning mode(using energy to produce eggs and milt) and using additional energy in competitive territorial defenses, etc, they just carry on eating with few interruptions. All that uninterrupted eating goes into larger size and more body weight. In addition, in lakes where there is no flowing water to actually spawn in, AF3N's (all female triploids) do not go through the stress of absorbing unspawned eggs, which can disrupt feeding and being egg-bound can sometimes cause early death. j
Look, try and keep up, OK? Everything is barbless in BC, too. Even on "Fantasy Island". j
Sorry: 11' 3/4wt "Trout Spey". It was designed for small rivers like the Elk, Crow, Livingstone, Skagit(on the coast), Horsefly, Blackwater, here in the Cariboo. We spent 5 days playing with it in the Kootenay in July, heading to the Peace to play some more, early this coming week. Under $300(very slightly), lifetime warranty. I still love Meisers, though! j
Bob Meiser and Mike Kinney have combined to design/build some really serious sticks. They are some of the very best for most people who use them. Meiser Rods start at $650-700 Cdn+. If the dollars aren't burning a hole, I will have the Amundson Wind Warrior 1134 at the Calgary FF Expo in January. j
Colored and size for Coho is dictated by the visibility in the river. Lime green works well in clear water, "coho blue" works well anytime as long as you can add a attractant color during low vis conditions. Long shank #2 with lead wire wrapped. Clear water killer: For steelhead, get out your floating line, 8' leader and #4 October Caddis, tie it riffle hitched and go get 'em. j
I've had lower and mid-priced Outcast boats(FishCat & Discovery) for a number of years, now. 80-100 days annually on the water. Each boat had its advantages and each one had it's disadvantages. But none of them ever had structural issues. FishCats: Lower priced, good, sturdy frame, the Cougar(8') and the Panther(9') have quad 'toons, lower profile, wide stance. Great for stillwater and Class 1+ streams. Streamer XL is 8' standard 'toons, entry-level price(under $500). FC10 Standup is the top, with platform and leanbar under $800. Minus: Stitched seams, steel frame, needs off-season maintenance to combat rust. Discovery: Slightly thicker 'toons and bladders, aluminum frame, welded 'toon seams(more durable), good for Class 2+. Minus:More money, (Discovery 10IR Standup is still under $1000, I think). I have had the D-10IR Standup for 2 years, sold my Spring Creek Pram, just don't need it anymore. Pontoons can be easily "customized" to suit the user, I installed a larger diameter anchor pulley to allow a bit heavier anchor retrieval on big flows like the Columbia River in the W. Kootenay. I recommend against lower priced/lesser quality 'toons. I have a friend who went the lesser priced route and had two catastrophic frame breaks on his 'toon, the last one while he was standing up, on a lake, right at ice-off. He went in, head-first, his foot hung up on the frame, had it not been for a guy in a boat, right there, he would not be around. Needless to say, he has not much good to say about skeeters. His name and contact info upon request. j
Official Entries Potm- Photo Of The Month August 2009
jack replied to Flytyer's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Stillwater Shoals: j