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Everything posted by Golfman09

  1. Did anyone on the board win any of the stuff from fly fusion or the flies from the tiers? I signed up for the mag ......looks like a well done product. Figured I'd win that trip for sure.....
  2. I did see those at the show....they look really durable and well thought out. But, I have 3 young kids who will join me on ocassion so I'm looking for something that will work for all situations.
  3. I'm in the market for a drift boat and have been looking around to see what the options are. I am fairly certain that I'd like to go with either hyde or clackacraft. Can anyone who has fished from one on a river or still water give me an idea of the pros and cons of each brand. I saw the new ones at the show but its tough to get an idea on how user friendly they are until you catch a monster in one...... Any comments you can throw my way would be awesome. Mark
  4. I vote neither.....well ok....if they have to wear something maybe the first one.
  5. Sweet pics....some good ideas on patterns as well. Noticed as well that you've brought the gills out ahead of the bead instead of through it and right over the eyelet. That is a variation I'll have to tie as well.
  6. Do we have to invite that Henry guy????
  7. After looking at a few more patterns and listening to Brian Chan's workshop I"m thinking the gills on my antistatics need to be a little shorter. Any feedback on how others have kept them for length? Mark
  8. I also enjoyed the show! Being from the Hat it was nice to have that many suppliers all in one place. Much easier to compare gear and figure out what to use. We are in a sad state for local fly gear. Online is the only way but you have to know what you are looking for. Also, really benefited from some of the presentations as it helps to fine tune your skill and knowlege. I can't wait to try out some different fly patterns .....spring cannot come soon enough. Good to meet a few of you as well....Pacres mentioned a possible fishing weekend. Sounds like a blast.....I'll bring the spam! Could be trouble though. Anyways, thanks to the crew who put things together. It was well worth the drive. Mark
  9. Those look really good! I was really impressed with the look of the vinyl.....where did you get the material and did you cut it thin and wrap it just like the others? the picture is clear and its still hard to see any definition on how the material was applied. You fooled me.... definitely fool a fish. I'm gearing up to tie a bunch of chronies in the next few weeks and those look like really great ones to replicate. Thanks for the ideas.
  10. Can anyone tell me what type of food service is available at the expo? Would there be.......beer? I haven't been to Spruce Meadows before and was curious as to what to expect. Their website doesn't say much about it.
  11. SPOTF.....I heard on the last seasons final episode that they will be filming in High Def next year. I'm guessing that might improve the camera angles and mics....I hope.
  12. Mmmmmm land fish......I had chinese food last night and I suspect I already have this in my diet. pppuuuuuurrrrrrrrr...ppuuurrrrrrrrrr.
  13. Finally figured out how to make the files the right size to upload them. I've been tying some black and red antistatics. Here they are:
  14. Finally have things set up and have made some progress tying a few patterns. Mostly chironomids for now but have tried a few others as well. Here are a few pics of the fun.
  15. That looks sweet......Impressive for just a days work!
  16. Awesome insight Jack....thanks for the heads up on that "Red Wiggler" That should work really well around here in the early spring from what I've seen. I took a stab at some black and red anti statics. Once you get the hang of tying in the bag it works quite slick. I'll try and post some pics tomorrow.
  17. That is ridiculous......its amazing how someone is always pushing to find crazier ways to do things that didn't seem possible just a short time ago. I'll stick to air canada.....unfortunately.
  18. My computer buddy has some material for me......I knew he'd come through. Should have some done tomorrow! I can't wait.
  19. Don Fresci used that on a Chironomid pattern in an episode that has run a couple of times in the last little while. I was confused as to what that anti static bag material was......He didn't show it in the original form so it left it for interpretation. I"m not a computer guy as well so didn't make the link. I've a buddy who is a computer nut....I'll be calling him shortly. Great job on the pattern....looks great!
  20. I like to fish.
  21. I would echo the first two of those for sure Drew.....as well as a few of the episodes of Hooked by Mark Krupa......he goes to some really neat locations with some great fly fishing opportunities. The guy is just too high strung.....I can only take him for so long.
  22. That beats the bull testicles hanging from the hitch receiver! Impressive!
  23. I also found that You Tube has a lot of helpful videos to get you going. I'm not in an area where I can get to a lot of courses so took to the puter and found a lot of helpful info. Especially when whip finishing to tie off the end of the thread. I bought a boat load of stuff on ebay and it has been ok.....you never quite know what you are getting. The quality of the vice is a little iffy but at this point I'm just beginning so don't really know the difference. I figure it'll give me a chance to get going and then will find my preferences for a higher end vice down the road. I have to echo the comment that it is addictive and a lot of fun....also there is a very specifac mixture of tying vs. booze to keep the end result fishable! Have fun!
  24. Slovaks played it tough.....that Goalie is ridiculous! Nice to see a large effort like that get a win.....even though I would have like to see the US play Canada in the final. That game the other night was a blast to watch.
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