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Everything posted by Golfman09

  1. I may be heading that way for saturday....haven't quite decided yet.
  2. One of the ones is the Holter Lake Campground I believe....but I"m not sure exactly how many there are.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_X5FdpsWpg
  4. I mentioned some of this before on another thread about the boat thing but it has really hit home here as well. We have made decisions based on having the "toys" necessary to do the things we want with our kids while they are young. We do a lot of RVing as well as just travel in general. That will not change this year or any other year as we have based all of our regular spending capacity on worst case scenarios for my income. I am a sales guy for an equipment rental company which is very slow right now because of the lack of construction. This is something we just started a year or so ago and really found it paid off as any changes that have come along in my income will not impact us negatively. I"d like to see things busier, however at the same time with the current pace of work I will be able to take all of my holidays this year as well as the balance that I haven't taken through the last 2 years. That is something that never would have happened without this recession. I hope that this time will help a lot of people refocus on the things that are of utmost importance in their life and make sure there is a plan in place for all possible outcomes. That way it will not be a major crisis if things go a little sideways. We are still in a position to spend and have continued to do so with the assumption that this will not get much worse through the next year before the up swing. That meant a new drift boat that hasn't even touched water yet......Come on spring.....lets go! If everyone was spending right now we would even be talking about it....damn media scaring the crap out of everyone! Gil.....buy the boat! Prices are reasonable....I know Clackacraft has a yard full of them right now....there has to be 70 boats in the Idaho Falls yard alone. I'm thinking they'll be cutting some deals for the next while.
  5. I wondered if I rigged up a big "electric" motor for the back and rowed it around backwards.....just how much ice could one chew up in a day. Seriously considering some drastic measures! I watched my neighbor head out there this morning with the ice fishing gear....have to ask him how the day went later on. And by the way.....just as much beer must be consumed by the rower as the rowee......
  6. I second the professional setup....I've played a few lately at the store and compared to the ones I and my brother have had setup there is no comparison. I have a Takamine that I have had setup and still to this point plays and sounds better than any of the high priced Taylors I've tried. Don't get me wrong...the Taylor's are beautiful, have a great sound and someday one will be in my home.....but the money I put into having someone adjust the neck, as well as a set of nice strings makes a huge difference. When I'm playing 3-4 times a week I also make sure to change the strings out at least every 4-5 weeks. Now if someone could get rid of the key Eb....I'd be a happy kid.
  7. That needs a recliner on top.....kick back and enjoy a little float...
  8. Ouch....I brought mine back on Saturday and cruised through the border....payed about 400 in GST and will have the riv payment to follow for 200. I'm guessing that was a 10k fine?? Now I just need some open water around the Hat.....hurry up and melt......
  9. I would be in favor of a two tiered system with an additional cost going towards a license with a higher keep rate. Its those people who are costing the provinces more for the restocking each year. Why should they not have to pay for this benefit in comparison to me who fishes all year long and doesn't keep a single fish. Its just like shopping....pay for what you take home. Don't get me wrong....I have no problem paying for my license .....and that we probably don't pay enough compared to the benefits we receive from the managed fisheries. But why should someone who is causing a greater demand for restocking pay the same as someone that does not impact the number of fish because of C & R.
  10. As long as it melts around the shore it should keep most off until its time for the fly rods.....sweet....
  11. I have seen several prams on craigslist in Montana....most are 10' and pretty reasonable dollars. I saw a couple for around $500.
  12. I would agree with people prioritizing things during this time and choosing way to recreate even if they have seen a decrease in income. It may be negative for the guides but regardless people will have more time this year in comparison to years gone by because of the lack of work. That may lead to more wading traffic as it is the least expensive way to fish. I know for myself I did make a bigger purchase(drift boat) but that was something that was in the works before all of this really started to affect my income. But, once that single purchase is made I am making decisions on where to fish based on cost as my regular income has dropped noticeably. One of the nice things about fly fishing is that once you have a license and a few basics you can access several places to fish. We don't NEED the $1000 rods or reels....although they can improve the experience. But at several levels you can fly fish for pretty reasonable dollars. Through all of this I plan to fish more than in the last couple of years because the time is there.
  13. Let me know how it goes....I"m going down for a clackacraft next weekend. If there are any details that would be helpful I'd appreciate it.
  14. I haven't seen them personally but had been shopping around for one for a while and that boat looked like a great buy for a smaller boat. I spoke with the owner a while ago and was impressed with what he had to say. The slightly larger Hyde boat was a bunch more dough comparitively.....however not as many bells and whistles for sure. If I would have gone for something that I could get in the back of my truck that would have been it. Tough to say what the quality is like until you see one....at that point he didn't have a boat sitting, but the pics of their larger boat on the website looked quite impressive as well.
  15. I was there last summer for a few hours....stopped and fished on my way through....as far as I'm concerned it was a great little spot....not much else around but guys fishing....really well laid out for access to the river. It was my first day on a river with the fly rod and I managed to snag a 22" Brown on a Hopper.....scared the crap out of me when he slashed at it. He missed the first pass and took it on the next cast. I plan on getting down there again soon......Maybe even within the next month or so(not sure about their seasons down there). If I'll goes as planned I should be driving through there the last weekend in March....I guess we'll see what conditions are like. So many fly shops within 100' of each other......a really bad mix for the pocket book. Just make sure if you have beer at Issak's that you find a Canadian Beer....I had some beer that the lady recommended from down there and it was like water.
  16. Cypress Hills on the Sask side.......should be fun.....haven't fished over there at all so it should be fun to check it out. I love exploring the little creeks to see what can be found.
  17. I"ve found using the chest pack is somewhat convenient although a little uncomfortable without the backpack for longer lengths of time. With the combo I can pack almost too much gear for a days worth of fishing.
  18. I just received this email and thought I'd pass it along.... THIS IS HOW TO FISH IN TEXAS I was going to build the Gazebo on the edge of my dock down by the lake but I thought I might just as well build the deck with floats on it and I can then take it out fishing too...... Has 15,000# capacity. The deck is 18ft x 18ft with 12 plastic foam filled dock floats that are 4ft x 4ft by 18 inches high and the Gazebo is 10 ft. Hexagon with a table and chairs. Inside, under the table is my trolling motor so I can take it out to my favorite fishing hole. The trolling motor is remote controlled wireless so I can be fishing outside and operate the motor. On the top of the table I have a LOWRANCE Fish-Finder with depth sounding sonar's and temp gauge. I have 2 electric winches with 40# anchors. I have also built in a water pump so I can clean the fish right on the spot. Now I can relax and fish while my wife can sit and relax. IN TEXAS, THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO FISH, AND THEN THERE ARE FISHERMEN.
  19. When we were there the fishing wasn't that great....so I'm not sure I can point you in the right direction. I'm guessing that chironomids would be a good choice on some of the lakes but didn't try that when I was there. I used a few buggers with limited success but I think that would be a good bet. There definitely wasn't much happening on dry's. I will say that campsite 11 is highly recommended for a small group. Thats where the fishing picture was taken......absolutely no bugs there when we were there and the scenery was really cool. That is one of my favourite spots....I hope to go back at least every couple of years....enjoy the trip....If you need any other pointers on gear or trip set up let me know.
  20. Try out the photo booth with the kids. My girls could sit there for hours and look at the different pics. Enjoy!
  21. Very nice! I've been trying to find some time to get down there before spring hits. Hopefully we get a little warm weather back in the next week or so. Thanks for the update.
  22. Finally pulled the trigger on a boat....should pick it up from Clack in a few weeks. Couldn't pass up some price cuts on the new 2008's.....she's Medicine Hat Tiger orange....should fit in well around here! Thanks for all the input! If your out this way let me know and we'll go catch some monsters.....they might see us coming in this thing though.....
  23. One more....
  24. A couple more....
  25. The Chute....Lanezi...
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