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Everything posted by DonnieM

  1. Hey Birchy, yah I know Kelly. Great guy Flyfisherwoman, you should definately get the "peace of mind" it combines all that other crap into a special deal kind of thing at a way lower price instead of paying for each one individually.
  2. I work at Renfrew Chrysler and so I pretty much take it there haha. Its actually good though, we have a thing called "The peace of mind" check and I get it done every 7000 clicks and they do a total inspection for all major and minor wear and tear plus an oil change and they flush and top up all your fluids as well as rotate your tires for only 70 bucks. Pretty good deal, and it really is peace of mind.
  3. Only ever got it in the hat on windy days *crosses fingers and knocks on wood*, thank god for that. My girlfriend though is another story. A few weeks ago on our trip out to Vancouver Island when we were offshore fishin for hali's in some pretty decent swell she lost her balance and put a hook right through the middle part between her thumb and first finger. Not nice at all, barb still on. She was a trooper though, had to cut the hook off at the bottom and rip it out through the top, throw some ointment on it, and back to fishin we a went!!
  4. Super sick bro, I hope that old bastard is still making some new offspring for the next few years, he's got some damn good genes!
  5. Violent Femmes Disturbed Avenge 7Fold Sneaker Pimps The Shins
  6. Awesome, good on yah Jefferson. I also want to say thanks for such a warm welcome to the site, I haven't been here long but everyone has been super rad, can't wait to get on the water with some of yah. Growing up in Cochrane/Calgary I think I took for granted that there would be a site out there like this one, but I'm super glad I found it, great to meet likeminded fellows. Cheers!
  7. Can't be a charity event without a little bit of debauchery can it?
  8. I put a bit just to really make it sit up high, especially in buckets and riffle seams, but its probably just personal preference.
  9. DonnieM

    Fall Bulls

    Beautiful fish! Damn sexy bulls.
  10. Overcast with a little drizzle is a flyfishermans wet dream. Bring lots of BWO
  11. Way to represent bro, good on yah!
  12. Thanks for the suggestions everyone!
  13. Nice Brown man! Well done, what a toad.
  14. DonnieM


    Great pics man, thanks for sharing. Fat brookies!
  15. Hey guys. Ok here is the story, my girlfriend, myself and two other friends are looking to do some late season camping since its going to be such a gorgeous weekend. My two favourite camping spots are now closed for the season, so anyone have some suggestions on where to head? Our criteria is: -Needs to be within an hour and a half drive of Calgary, as we are leaving 6pm Friday night and want to be set up before dark. -Located on a good stream/creek/river, as my main priority for the weekend will be fishing of course haha, and the others all like to fish, but are very very new to our wonderful sport and will be using spin tackle. So gulliable trout are a must, but with the chance of a bigger few for the discerning gentleman -Access to firewood would be preferable but we could bring our own if need be. Thats about it. I was thinking Cataract Creek, I havent been up that way for quite awihle so I dont know if its still even open. Or perhaps up the FTR to Burnt Timber or that general area. Thanks a lot for any suggestions!
  16. Yah, I reccomend Country Pleasures or Bow River Troutfitters, both have been good quality for me in the past.
  17. Great post Loyaleddie. You know I was actually thinking that exact same thing yesterday as there was a "huge" accident on southbound deerfoot and it was announced on the radio just as I was about to hit deerfoot at 4 pm on my way to race down to the south bow for some evening fishing. So I flipped a U and took McLeod to 22x and missed it, saving me possibly an hour of fishing time. But as I was driving it entered my mind, that all I really cared about was getting that extra hour of fishing and I have no idea if someone was killed in this accident or if multiple people were killed. It got me thinking how almost everyday we hear reports of these accidents with people dying and what not, and all anyone ever cares is how much time its going to affect them by and the easiest way to get around them, and now I dont know how I feel about that. Weird. Anyways, not really sure what I am saying. Just an eye opener for me yesterday and when I saw your post today, it enlightened me again, thanks.
  18. SJW....I do have a tent...don't tempt me!!! But I will need some electrical hook up, its going to be a long cold winter without a space heater, burrrrrr....!!! I could never imagine them opening up 541 to subdivisions that would just be beyond sinful. Then again, look what they have done to Jumpingpound Creek in Cochrane, I never thought they would develop that area either 15 years ago, so I guess man who knows. Thanks for the link Smitty, looks like this will just have to stay a dream until I can conjure up a million bucks. I really hope they protect that area.
  19. I want to catch a 22" Brown Trout south of Longview gimme gimme gimme
  20. So....this is the first year I have ever really paid any special attention to the Highwood River, and man, I can't stay away. Whenever I have a day open with more than 6 hours its where I have been heading all season. I love the section from Longview to K-Country along Highway 541 there. Does anyone know the property prices for the area? I have browsed a few real estate sites, but so far havent seen anything available in that area. I'm sure it would be quite pricy for 10 acres + and river frontage kind of thing, but its not an area I ever really see depreciating. Anyone got any clue?
  21. I don't care what anyone says, bear spray works, its not costly and its an investment in your life. Watch this guys story and then tell me otherwise, or what you would have done with no bear spray..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA_DXeWTOG8
  22. I filled out the survey. Great job to all involved, I'm more of a creek/river man myself but it never hurts to have options! Well done.
  23. Good post Lonefisher. I have a similiar story, but its not about me, and its not as happy of an ending. When I was living out in Canmore, I dont know if any of you guys on here will recognize the name but there is a lady by the name of Lisa Dube that lived out in Canmore for most of her life and she was one of our top olympic bikers so that is where she lived and trained. A few summers ago Lisa was out biking with two of her good friends up on the benchlands on a public road leading up to Silvertip Golf Course. She was a few paces ahead of her friends and she rounded the bend and there was a very not friendly grizzly bear. The bear started to charge and she told her two friends to bike for there lives down and she would distract the bear and draw it away. What actually happened nobody actually knows but the speculation was that the bear charged so quickly it knocked her off her bike, so she scrambled up a tree, about 50 ft up, and the grizzly also came with her up the tree, and she ended up jumping from 50 ft to get away, but dying because of the fall. Long story short, she was a seasoned Canmorite and outdoorswoman, and in the end made the wrong decisions, or made the right ones but still got caught. Bears arent a joke, and need to be taken seriously. Nothing bugs me more than people that just wont give out the respect that is deserving, its not so funny when you get caught with your pants down, thats for sure. And the worst to see is tourists pulling over to snap photos, I mean there is so much education thrown at you when you enter the national parks about how to be bear aware, but its almost like people think they are on safari or something.
  24. Bear spray is light, very effective, not costly and works 99.99% of the time. Its an investment in your life. As for the cow bell there is absolutely nothing wrong with that tactic either, and good on yah for using one. I lived in Canmore for many years and pretty much everyone I know in the climbing community out there uses a bell of some sorts as well as bear spray, the key is to not surprise the bear, but to let him or her know that you are coming and are in the area. Good luck to all and a quick recovery to our brother in rods with his leg injury.
  25. I was out yesterday on the Highwood, and man did I get soaked / snowed on a whole bunch, but the river was alive. Yesterday was all about the streamers for me, and I saw a few rise so I put on a #14 BWO and that did the trick, looked like a small bwo mayfly hatch.
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