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Everything posted by Jayhad

  1. There isn't much in the world that can compete with our Halifax class of ships, but don't take my word for it look it up. There is nothing in the world that can break the defensive threshold of the Phalanx cannons
  2. Great pics Max, I'll probably do a walk and wade with you next season.
  3. There truly is no place for this ad. I am married, to a women and seeing gays and lesbians get married doesn't discount my marriage. It actually makes me happy to know that Canada is 1 of 3 nations that allows the same rights to all citzens regardless of sexual orientation. Jay
  4. maybe i'm a prick... or because I don't have kids... but I'll go out tonight and turn off all the lights.... it's my candy you little free loaders
  5. for some reason they are down to 3 sturgeon now. ON a side note the abbotsford paper ran a cover story today about sturgeon in the fraser system and biologists estimate the population to be over 50000... yes 50000. i am getting a copy of teh article in next few days which I will post Jay
  6. you mean these reels? http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=6637
  7. Ya go riders..... home and take all your loser fans with you....
  8. How to fly fish, drys, nymphing and now screamers............... oh trout look out next year, my tool box is full
  9. Nice pics flyon, good work
  10. No problem Noud, hope you into mad fish when you get out here
  11. after 2 missed hits on the sculpin I figured it was to big so I went to something a little smaller so as the sun sets on a great season I hope you have dreams full of bulls like i do. FISH ON
  12. So 420flyfisherman, Winston, Dekkard and myself all decided to play hooky, take advantage of the nice weather and look at some new water before the season closes. We headed out to the hils. Fishing was tough for the morning with Winston landing the only fish, a small whitefish. I had a few good hook-ups but nothing to hand. What do you do in this situation.... cook a bad ass meal. We filled our bellys with bacon wrapped chicken breasts, veggys and flat breads all off the fire. It was near impossible to move after the glutinany but we worked things out and decided to move up the river. We came across a very nice hole that held a bunch of fish in it so we decided to intice them into our nets. Winston was the first one with a fish landed, a real nice cutty.... the pics are on his camera. Then Dekkard got one but it spat his wares before it made it to the net. I was the next one in and I had two great hook ups right to net before I actually landed one, again a nice cutty. I tried once more before moving and bang another real nice cutty to hand. We figured we had taxed that hole well enough and moved up river, where Dekkard brought in his first fish of the day a scrappy cutty. 420 was the next one on to a fish and I am said to say I missed the pics of his cutty. All of our fish were caught on nymphs and cooperjohnnys, small ones at that. They were all hand ties we have been working on.... I can't get over what a satisfying feeling that is. We decided we had some good times so we felt like moving to other new water down the river. We hiked out and headed the car further down stream. We saw a tonne of fish but only one taker. I nailed a bull trout on a streamer (3 times before he gobbled it) and that was nice as I haven't hooked anything on a screamer yet. We all gave each other hi-fives after a great day on the water... not working and spent the 2.5 hour drive home recanting our season and planning our adventures for june 16. Hope you all had a great season. enjoy our pics, winston will drop some when he gets them off his camera. me with a nice cutty from the day Winston, hunting cuttys in some nice water Yo Dekkard, look at that bull trout You mean that bull trout Ya I'm goinging to tie up a streamer and see if I can't pop him, i say... Dekkard "good luck he is right there looking at us" Winston and Dekkard doing the bull trout dance.... look at my 6 wt bent right over
  13. I have to leave the computer now, I pooped myself a little.
  14. The river awaits.... but so do bellys Winston is in there getting the chocolate fondu readly Ya it's that cold
  15. Wow it was chilly in calgary but nothing like in the foothills. Icy fingers, icy lines, icy guides and ice cold fish. We hit the water at 830 and high tailed it to a proven few runs of river. I checked the air temp 2C, water temp not 0 not + 1 so cold, and when you get out of bed on a crisp morning you feel stiff, try being a cold blooded trout. We saw a bunch of fish just chillin waiting for the next snack to drift, but it was so cold that they wouldn't move to anything unless it nearly flossed them. We had little success until it started to warm up but we did manage a few hits. Fish for a while, sit by a fire fish a little while have a snack, you know how it goes you don't want to spookem in this clarity. Around 1030 the holes started to get the sun on them and what do you know. The fish start looking more active I landed a small whitefish, 10-12". We then switch up of course and we get winston into his first bull..... 420 roles into the run and slams a really nice bull trout for the this time of year. We decide to give this particular stretch some time to breathe and go just look around in the bush for a while maybe find a bear to fight, whatever. After a far amount of BS and chocolate around the small fire we deecide its time to get back in. Winston hooks a white fish we get some fish pauporotsy (sp) and the let it acheive it's destiny.... hopefully in to the belly of a large bull trying to get larger, Fish-on. I head in and drift a few times through and round up another small bull. By this time 420 has got the food on the fire and it is a treat today. I whiped up a marinade and onions, for the 3 large steaks Winston brought, 420 broiled them in beer and the marinade, we should name that dish meat pudding, that soft. For the veggies I prepped potato, carrot, onion, and heartstoppping amounts of BUTTER for a tin foil butter boil. After eating like men should we decide to roll down river, what awesome water. I fall more in love with this province the more if fish. i ignorantly never though there was this type of diversity 4 years ago. Awesome canyon holes with cracks that must reach to hell, or 5ms. We only landed one more fish down stream but found some awesome holes for next season and finshed the day with a banana chocolate fondu over a small fire in an ultra protected little in cropping.... just thrilling. I hope you like my pics, I was experimenting for the first time with my new polarized filter. I sure like the "cool" look. Just as the sun pierces the trees. Maybe Sol with help break the ice that handcuffs my rod. winston in the background. Winston, first bull...... thanks for getting in my shot 420, you dick Look, see that. That's not a budding goatee on his face, it's it's the emotion fishing. 420 and his second bull trout.... fishing is a team event. If you can't have fun why fish? Right before lunch....mmm.... I hope tuesdays, shore lunch of bacon wrapped chicken is half as good.
  16. Ya, I'm not a fan of the Tibors at all I don't like the closed back of the reel. they look like they were designed by grandfathers for my grandfather NOTE TO MODS, you can close this thread before it continues down hill. I have gleaned a lot of info for my purchase. Jay
  17. From GLoomis' and Galvans websites: Current 9-10 Combo 59003 4.2" 9WF + 250 YDS. 30#, 10WF + 200 YDS. 30# Galvan Torque in T-10 Size T-10 WF-10-F 250 yd* So i think they are fairly close in size, I like the "flashyness" of the Current, I have had 20 year love affair with Gloomis products and they were my first sponsor when I was a guide, so my loyalties run pretty deep. Thanks for the input
  18. I've flown a lot with rods but always westjet... I use 2 piece rods. Just in thanksgiving I flew and it wasn't a problem I had 3 tubes that were taped together, just checked them with no issues.
  19. Maxwell, I sure hope your post hasn't cost me the deal of the century on a Loop Evotech BCUBE I want it, message me when you get back
  20. well I think I am coming down close to a decision, I super dig the Galvan Torque.... in green of course. http://www.galvanflyreels.com/torque.html I guess I head down to Westwinds and see. I am also liking the Nautilus CCFs, I really wanted the GL Current but all the research I am finding is they a more show then go. It would suck being in the bush for a month with no drag, Keep the info coming guys, it is truly benefitial.
  21. That's funny, I used to have Islander centre pins I used on the coast.... great reels but for me not flashy enough... that's why they are out of my consideration BCUBE when you get back we'll talk about your Evotech for $200... it will probably work for another one of my ideas.
  22. Thanks guys, Maxwell thanks for the heads up on the Evotechs, they do seem to be a deal..
  23. awesome thanks for the info I thought my thread went unread, I have some top water plugs, did you use steel leaders? jay
  24. Hey guys and gals, I am looking at a new reel to put on a spey rod. I would really like the Loop Opti Speedrunner, but it is getting out there for cost vs value. I have narrowed things down to maybe another sage, I am really happy with the one I have but I also like new shinny toys. So, I have narrowed it down to the GLoomis Current in the 9/10 size http://products.gloomis.com/gl/products/re...D=1224714675048 Or the Hardy Zane in the # 2 http://www.hardyfishing.com/index.php?if=view&pid=423 is there anything else I should be looking at? I have owned islanders in the past and I really don't like the look of the reels although they perform great.... but if I can't look good fishing what point is there..haha Thanks Jay
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