i couldn't get a the line we tried due to the tight time constraints I have right now. so I lined the reel with 350yrds of 50lb power pro, 35lb Slick shooter, a 460gr Rio Spey AFS with the 37ft head and a Airflo Extra Super Fast Sinking Poly Leader.
So far so good but I really wouldn't be able to tell the difference it seems much easier to cast then the heavier line we tried on Jeremy's stick and on par with the line we tried on mine. If anything I'll have to get a new line, OH WELL.
When I get back home we'll have to head out Greg, I'll need to work on getting my tan back to Calgary pale.
Tight lines mates and have a great Christmas I won't be on line for a few weeks, but with fingers crossed I'll have some great pics of how not to handle fish.