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Everything posted by Crogg

  1. Real or fake...
  2. Schweet. Nicely done!
  3. sick skilz!
  4. Crogg

    Springs Here!

    could be a Sage, but nice fish!
  5. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...mp;#entry116179
  6. me too!
  7. Cuttie
  8. did you tape the brown? nice...
  9. Bass
  10. Serious skillzzz jordo, nice ties...
  11. Don't throw out your worn felts. I drilled some roofing screws in mine, and I have been using them for winter fishing. They work pretty well...
  12. Gate at FC closes at 8pm
  13. The guys name is SCOTT!
  14. Meyer's on 11st sw, (beside the Galaxy) makes a nice smoked meat sandwich on City Rye bread. No fries though. You can order Shwartz's online too! My buddy has ordered online, and it was delicious! Call me when it arrives... http://www.schwartzsdeli.com/index_eng.html
  15. I don't know the area, but maybe get a Backroads map book of the area.
  16. Crogg

    New Rod

    You should look at a Sage Fli. I think Fishtales has one.
  17. You answered your own questions. Broken tip and set-up is too light. I have been using something similar to Monger's setup. Cheap and it works. Good luck
  18. elimintate all slack in your system before you start to cast! Oh ya, set the hook!
  19. Crogg

    Double Dry

    Not a pro, but I've had success on the bow with a big dry (stimmie) with a sparkling caddis pupa trailed bout a foot or less. I put lots of gink on the caddis and the tippet, to make it float. The stimmie acts as an eddible indicator. I've had lots of hook ups on both flies. You should try it!
  20. A Good Life Wasted: Or Twenty Years As A Fishing Guide and True Love and The Wooly Bugger both by Dave Ames. Both are funny and good reads. Barr Flies by John Barr. Nice flies and how to fish them. pm if you wanna read them.
  21. Perfect for the 420 hatch!
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