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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Clive. Waded quietly below them, around the back end of the pool, and on the north shore. Left handed cast with no wind one day, 8x tippet, I think I went to a 12ft leader. and my favorite 3wt rod layed it down quietly enough. If indeed those are the same fish, in early sept one was 20 inches, and the other a few inches shorter, about 17-18". Gorgeous fish that big one, colors are dazzling
  2. Rocknbugs. I need to give your wife my wife's phone number nice fish man... helluva gift
  3. that one s.o.b. is about 20" and the other 17-18" LOL Those buggers are a tough crowd!! If it's the same 2 daggone fish I spent 2 hours on a month ago in the same spot.......... Pssst : 8x tippet... #20 adams, and #24 midge emerger..... they both took the emerger
  4. I can't wait T-minus 1 day and counting to launch westward!! Thanks for the tips guys!!!!
  5. LOL..... ya. I hear ya. Heading to BC for a week ... hoping to also connect on my first spey fish. And if all goes according to plan... it'll be of a chrome variety!! Congrats on that whitey . it's frikkin huge
  6. The Crow has to be one of the most beautifull rivers in this privince. Thanks for capturing the moment and sharing it
  7. Ok so I went out with Greg and he gave me his spey rod for the day. I think I developed a pretty good idea of the basics of the 45 degree and down cast, and was laying all the running line out, quietly and cleanly, by the end of the day. I did miss 14 takes today, and I'm curious to know if I was doing something wrong... Most takes were a very quick tap, tap - gone. Not even a chance to set up on the fish, never once did any of them take my strike loop (I think that's what the 1 foot of slack line in my hands to cushion the takes is called). All takes on a tight line during the swing, or as it slowed down below my feet. So, any suggestions? Did I do good just to get the hits, or am I blowing my hits somehow? Any advice is appreciated. Still haven't landed my first on the spey, and the next time I fish spey will be for chrome!!
  8. LOL I did that once and burned up the credit card for another Islander that day I just couldn't go without it. I've got 2 reels for my 3wt now!!
  9. When he nailed it, did your face look like your avatar photo do u think?? LOL
  10. Yeah. The book of Hawgstoppah, chapter one, verse one. If you know where the bigguns are.... you dont have to use a streamer (unless you want to, and there's nothing wrong with that either). I prefer to catch big fish on dries. It can be done. My largest fish in the Bow actually came on nymphs. 33 inches. Go get 'em... don't believe everything this fella says negative about "other" methods of fly fishing. He calls you all narrow minded... I think it's narrow minded to believe none of us can catch 2 or 3 24 inch plus trout in a day... while also adding another 15-20 fish in the 14-20 inch range in to boot!!
  11. Greg , Greg, Greg..... *sigh* Hopefully we can get you outta phase 3 on our steelhead trip, aye?
  12. I used to say there was 5 phases of fly fishing. You can see where a lot of people on this board are just by most of the posts and comments they make. Phase 1 - just picking up the sport... bought a rod, learning to cast etc. Phase 2 - landed the first fish, starting to get the odd one here and there. Phase 3 - complete obsession with numbers and size of fish. Phase 4 - land a truly HUGE fish you don't think you'll ever top... start realizing there's gotta be more to fishing Phase 5 - back to the roots. You enjoy every trip out, fish or no fish. You go more for scenery, friends, and conversation. The actual quality of fishing means very little. Small fish, big fish, who cares... you like them all
  13. ahh my friend, that's where you have the beauty of using an indicator.... you *CAN* properly fish nymphs if you treat the indcator as a dry, and keep the drag off of it, your going to catch fish on the bow. Provided a) you have the right flies and depth figured out, and your in a location that is holding fish
  14. We all stand humbled on the Crow, just depends on the day... When the going gets tough, the tough get out some magnifying glasses and #24's and 7x
  15. Man I can't wait! Icy, slippery roads! Shorter days! Tire chains! I am sooooooooo looking forward to winter!!!! not
  16. Actually, there was supposed to be an "if you haven't done so already"... in there. My apologies. Stuff on text comes out bad. And yes, after the first few badly hooked fish, all I had was one hook, at the rear, of any lure I used. Even when I guided, if someone came that didn't want to flyfish, I made them use only one hook at the back end of the lure. From basically a bystander's point on this thread, what the frick are you guys argueing about? The best way to catch big trout? Who catches more big trout? Does anyone want a hero cookie? Go fishing. Go catch your big trout. I know I will......................... on whatever fly I want!!!!!! It's not about what they eat, or why. It's about getting something they want, presented properly, where a large trout lives or may be.
  17. Ok.... great. Please keep us informed. Any way I can help, lemme know please
  18. I would have to say that I had one of my most wonderfull seasons ever. And it had nothing to do with the fish. First, I met so many quality fisherman and even more importantly, quality people.... this year... Thanks to all of you who met me somewhere, or came to grab me from my rig for an evening on the Bow. And second, I really had a chance to explore some new water, and love it. And third, my duaghters have become somewhat interested in it, and have each landed their first fish on a fly. Waters fished: Around home: Numerous southern AB rivers, streams, and ponds (which shall remain un-named) Police Lake Bow Crowsnest Lower Oldman And in my travels: Hat Creek, CA White River, AR Sulpher Creek Reservoir, WY Flathead Lake, MT Echo Lake, MT Favorite days: Helping my girls get into their first fish at Echo Lake, MT 4 nights in a row that I had over 10 fish to hand on the dry fly on the Bow. Watching Toolman get spooled by the "Locomotive" under a starry night. Discovering a sweet little place near home *grin* Best fish. Dry Fly: 26.5" brown on the Bow Nymph: 28+" Rainbow in Police Lake Streamer: 31" brown - undisclosed locale *grin* Non fly fishing: 37" 17lb Lake Trout - Flathead Lake , MT on a downrigger Soon to be fished: Babine Skeena Bulkley Morice ETC Soon to be landed: CHROMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!
  19. I see them often about 20km north of Waldron bridge on hwy 22..
  20. So where can we show that we are still very interested? Letter writing campaign? to whom? I would LOVE to see this go down. I got a few extra rooms in my place for rent starting 2009 for y'all
  21. Funny thread. I... uhh... have caught more of my biggest fish, on dries, than any other method. And I don't catch just little "time wasting piddlers" or whatever this dude calls 'em. Streamers is a great way as well. Dark days, early morning, or late evening are your best times. Olive/ Black / brown are your best colors. Your absolute best shot at huge fish on the bow is just after runoff, when theres a lot of water in it and about 1-2 feet of vis. Throw those big 'ol streamers in and fish them a foot or less off deep slow shores. And hang on....... And I'll have to say this. Up to about 6 or 7 years ago (maybe even 10) I would toss "cranks" into the bow. For those that say the sjw hooks fish badly, go watch someone cranking them. about 80% of those fish go back with scars/cutts/gouged eyes, etc. That's why I quit doing it. 'd suggest you do the same Steelhead.... or at least cut 'em back to one single hook somewhere.
  22. Damn dood. thats a pig. Nice fish! How was the fight?
  23. Here's a few of my favorites. the last one is one of my personal favorite pictures, period. I just like the composition and colors on that one so much. Use it for my winter desktop a lot...
  24. Do I see a bit of drool running down your chin there, Greg? Soon my friend, soon!
  25. Sorry for the thread hijack. About your smallest fish record. I may have possibly been tied with you, or even have that beat If korban still has the pictures of a tiny whitefish I got one day.... that'd be it. It was all of like 1.5 inches..... HUGE i tell ya
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