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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. My buddy Scott years ago with a "Juggler" on the crow....
  2. Guys. Thanks for all these postings. I also had my real Grandfather (Leslie Leedham Peace) give his life in WW2 so that we could enjoy our freedon. The "Pittance of time" video hits home really hard for me. Most years I am on the side of the road with my 4 ways flashing, in my moment of silence while everyone else rushes on.... This year I got to go to the service with my dad... which is special to me.. Pay your respects, please... and thanks to all those who in the past AND currently serve this great country.
  3. lol......... I thought it was ghonna be a dirty joke for a while...
  4. I'd put Lone's at more like 19-21 inches. And Rocknbug's somewhere near 21-22 little hard to tell, pic is so small. Good challenges guys. Be interesting to see who's close on these....
  5. No backbone in gov't.... they give in to the majority... and sadly, the majority right now want to smack and whack and bonk, and bait.
  6. I've tried everything and keep going back to corkies. They float well, respond to strikes well, and don't get cuaght up in the wind or anything when casting (they go where ya put 'em). I just vary my sizes depending on river, etc. For the Bow about 1 inch... for Crow and mountain streams 1/2 to 1/4 inch diameter. Works great for me, I get my share of fish It's more about drag free drifts than anything else, indicator or not. Do whats comfortable to you, but get the flies in front of the fish and drag free - and you'll be successfull anywhere.
  7. Don I deliver houses (log homes) . Most of our loads go south and it's been really, really quiet on the housing front lately. And on a sidenote, when delivering into the US we get paid in US dollars, which USED to be a huge plus. Now were taking it on the chin. Add fuel prices to that as well, and you can see where this is headed. No load rate increases but a 25-35% increase in running costs... ain't gonna last too long out here!
  8. /begin jedi mind trick THESE AREN'T the spots your looking for!! /end jedi mind trick
  9. LOL... don't worry I'm kiddin around. People could make fun of me too. I got an extra 40lb's packing aorund on me. Greg kept telling the while life in BC that there's more meat on THAT guy *pointing at me*
  10. Nana... lol.... *blows dust of an old album* Here ya go >.< ouch
  11. Heh... I know.... just... that sounded funny.........
  12. LOL.... someone's had too much Mike Richard's in the morning eh? Save McNiel! Save McNeil... Ohhh baby!!! Another save McNeil... another save McNiel!!!!! shot .....SAVE.. McNeil!!!...........
  13. Ok wow you guys were close I thought the girth might have thrown you off (I guess your all-stars at ... um... girth studies as it co-relates to length..) The fish was 26" and a ungodly 21 inches girth. Whats that compute at for weight? I'd have to guess this is as close to 10lbs as I have ever come in Bullshead. I did get one @ 27 inches that fall, but no where near the sheer mass this fish displayed. This puppy JUMPED 4 times too
  14. Lonefisher that first vid is awesome! I don't think it's staged! That's what makes it funny.... dude just snaps... (Maybe he went 0 for his first 12 hookups on steelhead or something)
  15. That's me going fishing..... And then me dragging my sorry arse to the truck for a week of work............
  16. Have a guess at this 2005 Bullshead res. hawg
  17. Don, that was 2007. But 90% of the fish were 6-8 inches. or so.... .. small... Only about 20 fish were even over 10 inches. I did get some tanks, yes... but keeping small fish off the hook was almost annoying... Basically if I remember right I got about 10 in the 12-14 inch class, and then about 5 at 18-19 inches, and then 5 pigs. 3 at 24", one at 26", and a 28" The bigguns were pretty thick and healthy looking.
  18. Bull is 28.5 - 29. Maybe smaller depending on how far forward you hand could get there
  19. OoooOOOOoooooh right to the secret river..... Lost my train of thought there for a sec................ (my avatar is shrek)
  20. Well I've been a consistent 3rd or 4th all the way here... Hope I get a shot at some of these flies I am tying a dozen of the same pattern, but... it's one you'll want to have in your box no doubt.....
  21. That's terrible. Very sad.... I'm lucky I wasn't killed this summer with all the dang storms I dragged a few members of this board through. I seem to have a tendancy to attract electrical storms Very nice pics (except the naked dudes, I think I woulda left that one out dude... lol )
  22. Awesome! I love pics like this of some goofiness. There always welcome sights
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