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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. LOL weedy. good point... lmao... I wonder if the fella I was guiding the day before who hooked it and lost it after an epic battle frequents this site? It was then that we called that huge bull the "deisel" and the day later (april 1st, 2004) that it was caught in the same place. Anyone who calls BS on that picture, whatever....... why are you stuck on the idea that everyone (all 9 of us) that have makred a bow river fish over 30 have got browns? 2 of my 3 are bulls. I happen to know another guy who wouldn't lie if you told him you were going to shoot him in the face, has gotten a rainbow WELL over 30 from the bow. He no longer visits this site much, too damn bad... he was a wealth of information... Keep the big fish pics coming guys... and for those who doubt, ignore 'em! The same people always try and sh** on everyone else's parade...
  2. and I also know for a fact that toolman hooked an even bigger fish one night about 500 yards from where my big beast came from in 1999.
  3. well the bull trout in the first pic in my pictures was 33 inches taped and can be verified by Joe (Jokey) probably formerly of this board but left due to all the BS from haters who can't handle the truth. and if no one believes my tale, I'm fine with that. I'm secure enough in myself to not give a sh*t what anyone else has to think about what I do or say anymore. I saw it, and that's good enough for me.
  4. Boy I hope some of these same items come up year after year for auction becuase when I get my career going and have some extra cash to spend I'll be all over this. Especially that golden trout hike
  5. What it all comes down to is the Flames continual lack of addressing the biggest area of concern on the team. A legitimate first line center. Without that Iggy will always be what he is right now, damn good but also streaky. He's got no one to get him the puck... so as he goes the flames go... when he doesn't go the flames don't go (and even fail to make the playoffs). Get Iggy a center... and this team as it is, will contend for first in the division. All we needed was about 10-15 more goals, all year...
  6. Just make a huge cardboard sign that says "will work for fly fishing gear" and go stand on the side of the deerfoot somewhere I bet someone would pick him up lol.
  7. you think I care? you have 2 posts on here. good for you!!! no fish over 30 picture eh jayjj? your always a *hit disturber on threads like this ain't ya? why don't you go play with your toys and leave the men alone. My fish are taped to fork not pinched... and my knuckles are 4.5 inches across in case your doubters.
  8. I know ya said no bull trout but it's the biggest trout I have on camera from the bow. 33 inches (taped) and FAT! The only other one near this size was somewhere between 32+34 (brown) caught the night my first duaghter was born at about 1AM. I couldn't sleep so I hit the river and got 2 awesome prizes in one day. No picture of that one as I was about 20ft from shore when I got it to hand, and lost a grip on her as I was about 5 feet from shore... got her measured against my rod on the way but as we all know that can be slightly innacurate. I think it was near 34 but I say 32-34 becuase it got taped against rod. Also got a 30 inch bully in 2003. Biggest rainbow was 29 inches (taped) I think that was in 2004 as well.
  9. *sigh* I dared to believe at the end there. I also have been talking with friends... GM sutter HAS to go. He got glorified in 2004 for one move, getting kipper. what about the dumb trades he's made after? too many to mention but if we even had HALF the team he's traded away we'd be in pretty good shape... as for COACH sutter... give him time he will right this ship with the right pieces in place.. as for me, I'll go suck my thumb and lay in the fetal position for a while and then it's on to baseball... GO SOX. here's hoping for next year.
  10. birddog. take some small black leeches with a red bead head on them, add something like a scud or pheasant tail or chronnie, fish those two flies under an indicator about 6ft deep about 20ft from shore in the boat launch bay and you'll do OK... if you can stand the crowds there... we walked all around the lake and except for a few stretches of action, that's where most fish were being cuaght on the 3rd.
  11. I dunno. 'd rather see some damn emotion from the flames bench than the usual take it up the rear from the refs outfit we have now. Maybe this would do some good. The flames get screwed so often no one even notices anymore becuase NO ONE SNAPS except me...
  12. sometime around 2002 to 2004 I foul hooked one while fishing the bow near the highwood river confluence. It was about 20 to 25 lbs or so, massive fish compared to the normal bow river fish... but not a big sturgeon by any means. I also hooked into what "looked" like another one near carseland (a few miles below the weir) a couple years ago. If it was anything other than a sturgeon I dont wanna know what I lost becuase it was ridiculously huge. 4 feet or so long perhaps.... never did get a perfect look at it.
  13. sent rick some details on my donation this year. It will be a "southern river" trip in the SW corner of alberta, with a BBQ steak dinner and a night campout in my backyard with fire pit / BS session too. Figured if someone came all the way down here they might want to spend the night as we will likely be out very late on the fishing day. Watch for it soon.
  14. wow... R.I.P. flames. Too bad you never showed up for the first 55 minutes of today's game. :$*%&:
  15. why the frick did sutter start toskala today? maybe he wants to give kipper a break? get real! kipper will get a big break on the damn golf course... what a stupid decision by sutter. Toskala is a backup goalie... not a starter. Kipper did not need a rest. :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&:
  16. lol yeah... GO OILERS GO!!! I know you can win one!! no time's better than the present!!
  17. I live by this one. In going fishing, at least to me, is found the refreshment of one's soul. How many of us have gone fishing an entire day to realize that not once have we thought about work, school, problems or stresses... and all we have thought about was "how do I fool this fish" or " I wonder what's around the next bend". I know Conor put at the beginnning of this thread not to.... but I really do go out "Just to get out" in that exact escape sort of way that Thoreau implies. I could give a rats behind wether or not fish are caught. What I do care about are meeting new people and enjoying being on the water TRYING to trick a fish. I guess all the fun for me is in the "thrill of the hunt" and that magical moment of hooking up. Days are not toally lost without it, as days were nothing happens are almost "fuel" to get you back out again and solve the puzzle. Well that's a lot of random rambling on. Good thread Conor. It's a hard thing to define.
  18. Damn right Rickr, "the tug is the drug" no matter how I hook'em
  19. very very nice. love your creativity with the camera.
  20. On a small sidenote... I spent all of 2008 driving alberta based oil rigs on my flatbed truck to texas, oklahoma, arizona, kansas, new mexico, wyoming, and whatever other US states started offering a better deal than alberta. The highways were a LINE OF TRUCKS loaded with oil rigs / equipment headed stateside. Anyone who thinks that alberta didn't shoot itself in the foot, needed to have spent a few weeks at the US border at coutts and counted all the rigs leaving. all that lost revenue / royalties? and you wonder why were running a defecit and HUGE budget cutbacks? What would you rather have? Deteriorating roads and streets, inadequate health care, social programs being cut... or the oil companies? Oh wait.... I guess that questioned got answered already.
  21. I owned with the chainsaw. I don't think it's HUNTING per se, that is the largest threat to grizzlies today. Stop quads from ripping up the backcountry, put an end to random camping, keep people from overtaking the entire wilderness every summer, and then maybe you have a shot at protecting grizzlies. Until then, your going to have bear vs human issues where the bear eventually gets shot, due to a reaction to human's that is probably justified (get the hell out of MY territory)
  22. That's a frikkin awesome looking brown GGP... love that gnarly azz jaw he's got
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