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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Poor dogs just sitting there taking it without a fight. Man come on DAWG!!! MAN UP AND FIGHT IT at least!! Maybe it's as hot there as it is here and he has no will to live anymore................
  2. rofl.. clive did you doctor this up or is that for real... if that's real, best add ever...
  3. There's some lesser known water on the crow.... that has cell coverage.. Lower Oldman has spotty coverage... but if you popped up to the valley edge every now and then you'll pick up coverage out of Pincher... The way the Bow has been fishing... dude... enjoy it this year.. maybe learn some new tricks for some old trout I know I am having fun on the Bow this year so far!
  4. Still working on it. They hooked about 15... but with barbless... and clumsy little hands... no chance... Call me a jerk, but next trip the flies the kids use are gonna be barbed. Sue me. I think kids under 10 should be exempt. How the hell are they supposed to gain a love for fishing and the sport, if all that happens every time out is frustration?
  5. Be warned, catching little fairly easy to catch fish is one thing, taking her to the Bow is another... just make sure she knows going in that she probably will not get anything for the first few tries at it, and she might have the stubborness to keep on going until she one day owns the Bow... I know my wife had a 2 fish day on the crow (in an hour) and said she had a lot of fun... but we just havent had time to get her fishing again, although she does enjoy coming to the little streams with me and the kids, just to be outdoors...
  6. well said.. well said. The only thing i'd add to this, is that you can high stick like daytime contact nymphing, and at the end of the drift, bring your rod up slowly and toward the bank. A lot of times they'll smack it right there. (provided your standing on the bank)... honestly for night fish, unless your on a very shallow mid river bar, stay on the bank. Most of the fish are 5 feet or less from it. Clives caddis looks deadly btw............. Im gonna have to crack some of those off the vice..
  7. I think that by basic math we can determine that C+R works. Would you all agree with me that about 1000 catchable trout per mile of the livingstone would be reasonable (if not a very high) estimate of the population?? ok.... Now on that mile on any given day are approx 15 anglers, each catching 10 fish (approx) each... that's 150 fish / day. Let's suppose now that over a season (120 days).... that we have now landed 18,000 trout... 18,000 trout at a 5% mort rate = 900 fish dead in one season from this run leaving 100?? nawwww 18,000 trout at a 4% mort rate = 720 fish dead... leaving 280... maybe... but I think it's a lot lower. 18,000 trout at a 3% mort rate = 540 fish dead.. leaving 460... this is a lot more possible, actually.. but again... I think I am dramatically overestimating catchable fish... and underestimating creel reports for each day. So here's how I really see it, having been on this river for the last 7 years about 3 times / week. I would guess that there actually are about between 500-750 catchable trout / mile. So let's say 625. I know that myself and many others on it would land at least 30 each / day... sometimes many, many more but let's say 30. So lets take that same amount of anglers (It's common to see 15 people on a mile of this river, or have 15 groups fish through this mile section, each day). Let's say that the avg catch is 20 fish (the experienced are getting 30 and the rookies avg 10, so lets average that right out at 20). so 15 anglers, 20 fish / day = 300 fish per day. Or approx 36000 fish / year. So on my assumption that there's about 625 fish / mile (catchable sized) 36000 fish at 5% = 1800 fish.... so all our fish in our mile are dead for sure. 36000 fish at 4% = 1440 fish.... still all our fish this mile are dead 36000 fish at 3% = 1080 fish... 36000 fish at 2% = 720 fish... still too much. 36000 fish at 1% = 360 fish , leaving 265. Very possible... but I doubt it. That's killing every fish in this section in 2 years. There's a lot of fish kicking around that would suggest otherwise (beat up lipless 18 inchers, etc) Now I won't argue with mortality rates on a warm lake, I bet out of 100 bullshead fish caught , 5 die... I wont argue that. What I do have to argue, though, is people thinking that cold clear oxygenated mountain streams like the livingstone have high mortality rates. They simply do not, or they would contain no fish... even with the C&R regulations..
  8. I'd leave when it was too dark to see my dry anymore, and I had exhausted my streamer box too! If the mort rate was even 3% on our C+R cutt streams, places like the Livingstone, Racehorse, and Oldman would have NO fish... I am sure it's under 1%...
  9. Harry... awesome report, great pics... I really REALLY gotta do that soon.... how was finding the trailhead? I've heard horror stories of people that couldn't find it..
  10. That last pic is truly awesome... I also have the itch to fish bass...
  11. Gotta start 'em off somewhere. Carrying all dad's gear is a good way
  12. 37 pounds .... that's my red bag full of gear, reels, flies, camera, pop, etc, and my vest with forceps, more gear, tippets, net attched etc...
  13. Had some time with the kids last weekend.... hopefully will have many, many more outings just like this one before they grow up and don't listen to dad anymore...
  14. Nice report. I almost wonder if it's the same creek I stumbled across yesterday in my wanderings
  15. Personally landed: rainbow, brown, brookie, bull, cutthroat... Have not seen a laker myself in the Bow but do beleive they exist. Heck, have seen them in the Oldman below the damn, so why not the bow? So that's 6.... Now as far as other species are concerned... I have landed: walleye, goldeye, mountain whitefish, lake whitefish, burbot (ling cod), suckers (probably about 4 or 5 species of them), sturgeon, goldfish, koi, northern pike, perch.... probably some others I just cant remember right now!
  16. It's from the assclowns who cant see it fit to obey the regs and pinch their barbs.
  17. In lethbridge, at the very south end of town on Mayor Magrath drive, is wholesale sports. Lotsa flies, equip, etc... and you can get yer license there one evening before you head out and waste time on your fishing day in shops..
  18. Congrats... you've just cut your fishing time by 75%... well done
  19. I'm just too embarrased to post a pic of my daggone minivan ... *sigh*
  20. You just convinced me that my next camera will be an underwater model....
  21. 1 hour west on highway 3 you will find the Crowsnest River. Good access all along highway 3. To the north (take highway 22 north from highway 3 at Lundbreck) you will find the Oldman River. You can follow the road west from where you cross the Oldman (road is on south side of oldman)... that will take you out to the Gap area(Oldman river), and racehorse creek. That's a good starting point for some good fishing.... I'm sure others will have more to add PS you will have a car while in Lethbridge?
  22. Ok here goes a SHORT collection of some of my favorites. I could add another 400 pics LOL...
  23. NEVER I'd have to add for anyone reading this ... always hold fish over water for a photo really no matter HOW high you hold them... if they land on grass / rocks / etc from a foot or from 3 feet, there still getting hurt either way.. sure you might lose a handle on the odd gooder that gets away... but there's always another trip..
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