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Everything posted by proflytyer

  1. more pics...
  2. more pics...
  3. went down to the crow for the long weekend and had tons of fun. i cought tons of fish so i'll only post my fav pics. we did a day trip up to carbondale and fun with the cutties. on the last i explored the river a bit more and was rewarded greatly with a 20 inch bow.
  4. i dont have a pic but i can tell ya itw as about 2 inches including the the two tail fibres
  5. and some more pics....
  6. i just back from my yearly two week trip to pp lake near kenora onterio. this year i decided that i would fly fish the lake, so i bought a streamer rod and reel and packed up for the lond road trip. for the two weeks i was there, there were only 5 sunny days and maybe only 4 days of flyfishable weather. it was windy as hell for 3/4 of the time, but i did enjoy my time out in the canoe that i had fly fishing for pike and big bass. i caught my first bass, pike, and perch on a fly rod. after this first time fishing for these species, i am now hooked for life. hope you enjoy all these pics, as all displayed were taken on a fly rod.
  7. you got my vote, hope you win! Kyle
  8. awsome pics of those bullys, i hope i can get out with you soon!
  9. thank you so much for sharing the great underwater fish photos.
  10. i do like the new look but i think if there is nothing wrong with the old look then why should it change?
  11. i use liquid lace for worms, damsels, mayflies and some nymphs. i love it because it makes many flies look that much more realistic. it comes in good colors and is a allround awsome material.
  12. beauty fish man!
  13. taco i am sure that the cliff fly boxes are sold at country pleasures. call them and check
  14. proflytyer

    May Pics

    great pics!
  15. thanks i thought it was a cutty but thanks now i know i cought a rainbow. dang my dad was right. guess i owe him a couple bucks!
  16. i also caught this whitefish on the float trip
  17. on saturday i went on my very first bow river float trip. i had the funnest time just being on the water. i was able to pull out a nice rainbow and whitefish. on sunday i went the k country and caught a beautiful 17 or 18 inch cutty.
  18. the shop will never be the same without mike but they are open and i am sure that the new owners will do a great job and follow in his footsteps. i do wish that they would move back to the NW but there loccation is fine with me. I think we should all partay!
  19. eminem, boston, audioslave, acdc, ozzy, queens of the stone age, smashing pumpkins, the cult and metallica
  20. loomis lake is quite a lake. backpacked up there a couple of times with my dad. i think for a day of fishing i would hike max of 7 km to the spot, for a weekend i would maybe go as far as 15 km.
  21. i use about 3/4 Impressionistic and the rest realistic
  22. thanks!
  23. whats the recipe for that wet fly?
  24. my fisher buddy!
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