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Everything posted by DonAndersen

  1. Taco, Geezerdom is a state of mind. Not age. Age+ irascible = geezer. See, there is a difference. And SD - ya' a Geezers get-together would be fun. I fish with a bunch of them now. We travel and fish all over the place. Generally we are the guys that row our pontoon. Motors are for young'uns. Don
  2. Monger, He's got the "makin's". Saw him on a lake last summer. Fishing. But he's not nearly crusty enough. Don
  3. troutlover, Sure like to know what killed it. Burbot are about the toughest fish that lives in Alberta. Recall my first encounter <>50 years ago on the Sheep. Was fishing salmon eggs and hooked this thing. Finally dragged it up on dry land and was frankly a little spooked. Never seen something that ugly. Whacked on it for a while in an attempt to kill the damn thing and get my hook back. Finally drove a stick through it's head and left it there after cutting off my hook. Came back hours later and the thing was still alive. Finally dispatched it. Another time I was fishing in the winter and brought home a sack full of burbot that had laid in the pickup box for 2>6 hours. They were frozen solid. Left them downstairs for gutting/fileting while I had supper. Some time later my wife yells out "there's something in the basement". The burbot had thawed and now were looking for a escape hatch. Slithering all over the floor. Tough beast - wonder what killed this one? Don
  4. Mudflap, The work done here and there on streams/rivers/ponds would've happened w/o the time, effort, money, expertise of a whole lot of people. I'm one of many. regards, Don
  5. Come on Clive, The only guys that get that kinda money are ACA grant types who use it for their Masters or PHD's. I don't need money. TU has enough for this $200 project. Whoops - $200 is for the parts - gotta add labor, mileage, meals, over-night accommodation, first aid attendants, equipment and vehicle retails, insurance, environmental consultants, grant writers, sign painters, PR people, various hanger-oners and groupies, large buses, VIP tents, portable stages & security. Forget global warming - do it the Govt way. And Taco - there was to natives in this creek. Dug out a buffalo head some years ago. Horns and all. Don
  6. How a fishing report should read! Folks, Drove west - stopped - caught some cuts - some bigger than others. Weather sunny. Used a 6' 2 wt. Meet a gal with a fly rod and purple toe nails but that's another story. Don
  7. CrisD, Unfortunately, the gradient and therefore the flow rate along this small spring seems not to be where browns like to spawn. Brookies like the slower areas than browns. What will happen though is the swim up fry that appear from the redds may have a better chance of not being eaten by larger Browns or Herons. I'd hoped the instream structures we placed into this stretch during the extensive work in 1997 would lasted along enough for the natural willows/populars to recover naturally, die and fall into the spring. Such wasn't the case. Hence the need for repair/replacement work & re-applications to 3 levels of Govt. Smitty, Thanks for passing the loaded revolver. Nope - pike don't use this area. The proposal did however reflect willow cutting to aid moose grub. Hope that suffices for the "native" groupies. catch ya' Don
  8. Or really how to piss of both Taco and Stelfox. I have been spending a couple of hours each day preparing an application to Dept of En. and Fisheries and Oceans for some in stream structures on the N. Raven River. Of course, the structure will benefit non-native trout - BROOKIES. Got 8+hours into the approval process now with more to come and that doesn't include the actual work that might take 4>5 hours. Now it isn't the brookies that got my attention but the "hoops". The application include: permissions from 4 either joint or adjoining landowners, Dept. of Environment, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Sustainable Resource Development. Now if I was just a farmer wandering with my tractor forth and back in the creek or the atypical weekend warrior on his quad spinning donuts, I just bet that they jump through the same hoops. Oh, how I wish they playing field was flat. regards, Don
  9. Folks, Saw this and thought that there just might be some folks here interested. http://forum.flybc.ca/index.php?showtopic=35915 regards, Don
  10. cgyguy, My wife really likes using the Cobb as well. I like what she makes. And that is the reason I've been married nearly 45 years. Don
  11. If they are not 17" they are very close. A dead giveaway is your hand width. It's about 4" with your fingers tight to each other - your fingers are not - so 4 1/2" - so that makes the trout head about 2". So if that is combined and stepped down the fish - the one is 17"+ So there - see what happens when old guys don't forget how measurements were once really about people. 1"= thumb width finger tip to elbow = 18" and are you really ready for this you are standing on one foot. Now wasn't that non-metric stuff easy. catch ya' Don
  12. DonAndersen


    Sean84, ] Acetate Floss [typical fly tying floss] will dissolve in Acetone. This will allow you to make realistic imitations of maggots by the use of white floss. The process is to dunk the completed fly into acetone till the floss just starts to melt. Remove and shake dry. Acetone is also used as a solvent for some kinds of cement although toluene works better. Toluene is commonly called lacquer thinner and is a member of the BETX series of aromatic hydrocarbons that have linked to cancer. Toluene is the lesser risk than benezene which composes <>2% of the gasoline @ your local service station. The message here - something is out to get ya'. regards, Don
  13. jayhad, You might find someone who still has lead fuse wire. It was commonly used for the fuses in voltage regulators years ago. The high tech solid state voltage regulators didn't use it. If they failed, it was off to the land fill. I did get some from another supplier that wasn't Buss. I'd suspect that it might have been Chinese in origin. And the offer still stands. Looking for vests. Can't find anything worth a crap in the stores today. Don
  14. jayhad, Got several spools extra of various sizes from 0.015">0.035". Wanta trade something and no I'm not interested in plastic rods. I'm looking for a real fishing vest - not the "packie" things sold today. Or you could buy it here: http://canada.newark.com/cooper-bussmann/b...-dia/dp/02B2314 or http://www.arcadvisor.com/zdta-BFW-1-Bussmann-fuse-wire.html Don
  15. fishinglivin, If you buy any type of Life Jacket or suspenders types make sure that they are Dept of Transport Approved. There is generally a DOT label silk screened on the inside of the PFD with an approval number. PFD's w/o a DOT number are not legal for use in Canada. Some of the big box stores sell products approved by the neighbor to the south's approval agency. They are not legal for use. To make you feel better. DOT approvals are recognized south of the border. US Coast Guard approvals are NOT recognized in Canada. Some states and provinces require that you wear them when afloat. In Alberta, we let Darwin look after things. catch ya' Don
  16. Getting ready for a trip to NWT. sometime this summer to the Frontier Lodge on Great Slave Lake. see: http://www.frontierfishinglodge.com/canadi...eat-slave-lake/ So:
  17. HomeWatersFlyFishing, Don't believe that Lefty Kreh crap - using a line less than or great than the line weight on the rod will cause the rod to explode. I know - I heard this @ the local fly shop. What does this Lefty character know - he's only been fishing 50+ years. Don PS: looked @ your Mooneye movie - you ate a mooneye? Who held a gun on ya'.
  18. Rickr, is bang on right. Most parents wouldn't allow you to go today. When I was 14, my brother and I spent a week on the Highwood by ourselves. Used to hike here and there + I always carried a .22. If things keep going about the same direction, in about 30 years, young 'uns will still be tied to the bed posts till they are 40 or more. Have a look @ free range kids http://freerangekids.wordpress.com/about-2/ Lot more scary stuff in the city than in the bush and these folks seemed to get over it. Ever think we are slaves to 'merican TV violence shows. Don
  19. Guys, Give me a shout on my email account to get on mailing list. donandersen###@bamboorods.ca remove ### to make email work. Don
  20. Guys, Give me a shout on my email account to get on mailing list. donandersen###@bamboorods.ca remove ### to make email work. Don
  21. Sil... Will add you to the mail out. Looking for 20 or so. About 12 now. Don
  22. Guys/Gals, The really unfortunate thing about the demise of Streamwatch is who is NOW going to do enforcement on the Eastern Slopes. One has to only look @ the reason for the birth of Streamwatch to see that the Alberta Govt. is still completely incapable of policing our fisheries. Let the poaching begin. But Streamwatch did for 12 years provide about the only source of enforcement. Further, it repaired some areas of Quad damage [ which lasted days til the idiots tore the stream up again] The people who put Streamwatch together, raised the funds and over-saw the program should be thanked by all fishermen because w/o their efforts, illegal activities would have been much greater. regards, Don
  23. RunnyD, Typically you need permission of the band office and in some places a license. Don
  24. Folks, Beating the bushes for folks interested in a weekend of bamboo. First thoughts are to have a gathering Sept 8 & 9 @ the Lazy M Guest Ranch on Stauffer Creek. Give me a shout if interested. regards, Don
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