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Everything posted by DonAndersen

  1. Win the big one and you can treat all of us to a 747 ride south. Don
  2. After hiding in the basement all day planing cane a friend sends me this: http://vimeo.com/33337585# Don
  3. Pipes, Unlike you, I have a real name and have the balls to believe that oil companies and Govts can do better and have no qualms about posting my name to such thoughts. And frankly, the hype that oil companies provide must be offset by other info. As I have neither the skills or resources to take on yet another project (still working on the oil company sucking up fresh water issue) I will wait for you or others to take on the information gathering and publishing about pipeline leaks. Till you or others spring into life, I guess we have to rely on the people who produce the news to "tell the story". I do realize that TUC gets a pile of it's funding from oil companies. Good thing or bad - you be the judge. As for me I asked and asked for a position paper from TUC regarding the use of fresh water for water floods. After 6 or 7 years, I suspect that I'll never see it. As far as TUC providing me either expertise or money for projects. That hasn't happened in <> 20 years. As far as a coffee chat. Gotta know who you are - got a good take on the what part. Don
  4. Pipes, Yupe, I'm an activist. I do and you sit. Before you start slinging mud, you best take some time and figure out just who I am and what I have done. Till, then you are just a part of the problem. And with that, I'm heading to the basement to start another cane rod for donation to the Edmonton TU Group for their Grayling Project. I think I've have enough of scientists for a while. Useful bunch all! Don
  5. Pipes, While I like many would love to share with you and others a "legimate"study, the Alberta govt doesn't record or track all spills. This is not dis-similar to what I ran into when attempting to discover how much water oil companies used. The data wasn't available. Nobody reported, nobody tracked and frankly few cared. As long as the " business as usual" track was followed and the money flows, screw it - and as often repeated in the oil business - giv'er. If you wish a study that would have valid data, you best look elsewhere than Alberta as you would have discovered if you had read all the report. Of course, to a scientist, what do reporters know! As far as doing it better. You do realize that very few pipelines are monitored except by smell and appearance when the stuff flows outta the ground. Landowners are the first responders in the bulk of pipeline leaks. There are few instances of "smart pigs" being run to check pipeline integrity. Low pressure ESD's only work if the leak is gross. Some leaks may go on for years w/o detection till the leak shows above ground. Frankly, there is no easy solution. As far as scientists effecting much - look to the climate change debate to get a sense of how useful most people see scientific data and whether or not scientific proof will effect out-comes. Don
  6. Oil spills in Alberta A Global news report. http://globalnews.ca/news/571494/introduction-37-years-of-oil-spills-in-alberta/ I worked in the industry and wondered how many pipeline leaks are reported. Looks like some of them. Not a pretty or comforting news story. Don
  7. Folks, There is no question that floods of 1995, 2005 and 2013 have effected houses and businesses + the real effects that happened in the rivers and streams. They were gutted out. Now I'm wondering what is worse, being gutted out and turned into a gravel plain with a stream running down the middle or cutting the water flow and reducing the profound effects of the flooding. Just remember, we've had 3 of these floods since 1995. Previous to that, if I recall.correctly, you have to go back k 50 years to see a similar flood. Perhaps not only the populace will appreciate the dry dams but maybe the trout will as well. So, after spending the 800 million, maybe they will never be required in your lifetime. Like fire depts. you spend $ and hope like hell you never need it. And as I pointed out to a friend of mine today - $800 million is petty cash. Between the Stoney Trail, the proposed 36 extension + the west leg of the LRT, Calgary has sucked <> 4 billion outta the rest of us. Still not convinced which options are best, Don
  8. defee.... Sam Livingston fish hatchery has equipment. Hunter Training folks have at least 5 sets of FF gear. See: http://www.aheia.com/contact-aheia Don
  9. MrBo.. Are you old enough for a bamboo rod? I'd suggest a 7'6" 3 wt c/w a Bellinger or Peerless reel. Don
  10. After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, British scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that *their* ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago. Not to be outdone by the Brits, in the weeks that followed, an American archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story published in the New York Times: "American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that *their* ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the British". One week later, Canadian Dept. Of Mines and Resources in Newfoundland reported the following: "After digging as deep as 30 feet in NE Canada , Jack Lucknow, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing. Jack has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Canada had already gone wireless."
  11. Rely 19, There are two species of mayflies that your mystery bug may have been If your mayfly was about # 26 or smaller and a very light colour bordering white, it was likely a Caenis. Where Caenis do exist, their populations will be vey high. I have never had a lot of luck fishing this hatch do to what I suspect is a natural very 6 square inches. Another late season mayfly are Baetius commonly called BWO's by most anglers. The Baetius typically found are Callibaetius but very late in the year a very much smaller Baetius appears that is quite similar to their stream cousins. I typically use #20's tied parachute style for this hatch. I suspect that your imitation was just too large getting you refusals. Matching this tiny of a fly to a 5 or 6x tippet should help. Good luck - late season mayflies can be a plague. Regards, Don
  12. Clive, Hunkering and chewing is usually reserved for the 2nd trip. And I missed an obvious one. Leering @ wife or daughters generally is a bad idea. Don
  13. Scel, Here are some pointers 1) remove your sun glasses when approaching landowners 2) ask where you can park to be out of the way 3) give them an estimate of your time there 4) thank them for access upon entry and upon leaving 5) wait a several days and go back again. 6) watch what you wear - camo clothing and packing an assault rifle will go no where - similarly a backwards cap, jacked up trucks make a piss poor first impression 7) ask them if there are issues with their animals. A cranky bull makes for an exciting day. 8) do not light a fire for any reason - smokers are an issue for some southern landowners And lastly, if you see something that the landowner should know about - stop fishing and tell them. Do recall an incident when I walked back to my truck. The landowner was trying to install a rad into a cat. He had it suspended from a picker. He would adjust the picker and crawl off to check line up. I watched this while walking towards him. Took off my gear, grabbed a bolt and we had it positioned in minutes. Took me maybe 10 minutes - got me access forever. Don
  14. Fly fishy, Friday & Saturday were OK - Sunday was downright crappy for me with 3 trout to hand all this years stock + one very tiny minnow. The trout came to black micro leeches. Others did better - no idea what they were using. Things are slowing down for winter. It's strange but none of us have seen any boatmen. Regards, Don
  15. Crow.. Now you know that the only people from Edmonton using plastic rods "troll"! And the above is a troll. Don
  16. Now this is a fish story - a very small fish story. Was on Beaver and the coffee needed to be drained. Headed for the bank and cast once along the bank. Grabbed my hook and this is what was on it. Using live bait on Beaver - a hanging offence. But it occurred to me that there may be an upside. What if the minnow was attempting to get it on with my bug? Does that make the minnow a tad hopeful or me an excellent tier. Don
  17. Folks, See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-24231925 for info. Don
  18. Uber.. Generally just IDing the sucker causes them to flee however some are stubborn and will require incantations. They are available @ my place. A bottle of Laphroaig 18 year old does the deal. Don
  19. This type of occurence is generally related to a plotergeist. We've got one here. Effects the coffee pot. Sometimes the coffee ends up in the cup - others - all over the table. And no - it's not the Delirium Tremens - Doc says one beer/day - that's it and no more. Don
  20. Winter arrived in Rocky in mid-October last year. All high altitude areas will snow covered unless you are very lucky. High altitude includes nearly all the cutthroat streams + the browns and BROOKIES are spawning. Not much fishing available. Don
  21. Folks, Spotted this @ a local pond. Beat it off with my net. Don
  22. Erlanger, Saw the same thing once in the fall on a lake NW of me. Like you, wondered what they were doing. Thought it might be a BS session discussing angler abilities. Don
  23. Folks, Copied below is part of an email I got regarding the Hidden Creek sediment issue. "As suggested SLS has been going into Hidden Creek weekly to monitor the stability of the road they built/reclaimed. As we have been discussing there were some sedimentation issues in the creek. Here are pictures that I was sent from SLS showing what they tracked to the source of sediment. Please note the slump was on the north side of the river while all logging was on the south side and some distance from this natural slump" Natural Slumps occur here and there. One on the Cardinal River several years ago formed a small lake, one on the Bow below Caresland 20 miles is huge. It's in the Reservation Other slumps have made the news from time to time. Frank Slide comes to mind. That doens't mean however that we as fishermen should not be concerned. But this time we may have aimed @ a target that doesn't exist [yet]. regards, Don
  24. Monger, Didn't you miss a couple of steps? The Golden Arches>toilet bowl>lump removal station and then to Water flow: Bow->Macgregor->Travers->Little Bow->Badger See all crap eventually turns to crap. Some is just greener than others. Don
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