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Everything posted by acurrie

  1. Why does she have 3....maybe 4 sets of breasts
  2. Are you guys serious? the ONLY thing that matters are WINS, and we have a *hit load more points than Edmonton (+9), plus kipper has always been stellar in the Playoffs, although last year wasn't great (but he did get hung out to dry a few times). The Flames play much better in front of Kipper then they do with McElhinney, which also makes a difference.
  3. Hawgstoppah, In terms of plans, I Kinda just winged it, but I used the measurement from this website: http://globalflyfisher.com/tiebetter/tying_bench/ and I also took some of the materials list as well. Mine Measures 45cm deep, and 55 cm wide and is about 10 cm tall. Here is the list of materials (as best i can remember): 1- 24x48 sheet 3/8 inch ply 1-24x24 sheet 3/8 inch ply 2 small dowels (for spools) 1 1 inch dowel for tool racks 1- 1 inch circular piece of plywood (pre-made at home Depot) 4- 1x4 shelving wood (they come in lengths of about 4-5 feet) 1 set of drawer tracks -14 inches wood glue 1 1/2 inch screws Drawer handle Magnetic strips (not shown in pic, got at Micheal's) Foam Patch (Micheal's) Cork pads of under the bench (so now scratches) I'm probably missing something, but hopefully not to much. If anybody else puts something together make sure to post pics! take care, Drew
  4. If the conservative treatment isn't working, and typically it doesn't unless you give your arm a good rest, and even then it may come back after a few sessions, then the casting style is going to help the best. I really like the low arm cast on the side, it's tough to get good snap on the release, but it does the trick. (although i'm no expert on casting)
  5. All sounds good, except i thought grapes were toxic to dogs. This is from Wikipedia: "The consumption of grapes and raisins presents a potential health threat to dogs. Their toxicity to dogs can cause the animal to develop acute renal failure (the sudden development of kidney failure) with anuria (a lack of urine production)"
  6. Just wondering if anyone has recommendations for a good automotive mechanic, preferably in the sarcee, bow trail, crowchild (south) area. Not in desperate need, but always good to know you can count on someone. thanks, Drew
  7. Its true, but the quality will be crap, and you could maybe fit like 20-30 min of video on a disk. If your computer and T.V. have an S-video outlet that's the best bet (I think). people who have more computer knowledge chime in at anytime if i'm wrong.
  8. The Sportsnet announcer last night summed it up best, the good teams find a way to win and the bad/ middle of the road teams find a way to lose.
  9. They were using 8wt on the New fly fisher for Niagara River Steelhead
  10. LoL, Actually I AM! it was up in the loft though, not the living room....haha
  11. I actually was looking for a magnetic strip, but couldn't find one at HD or Totem, but i'm sure a craft store would have one. I totally agree with the place to dry flies and the waste area... I'll fine tune it as soon as I get a chance. thanks for the input.
  12. Had the day off today, so I went to Home Depot and picked up some materials to attempt construction on a fly tying bench. Stole a few idea's I had seen on the internet and what i thought might work. After about 4-5 hours, 1 extra trip to Totem and a few swear words... this is the pseudo finished product (still needs to be sanded better and I have to fill in a few spots where the screws are): First the Blueprints...lol The Aftermath!!!! I'll have to giver a go tomorrow night...Flames are playin!
  13. I would have to say women are just as guilty as men with the "smuggling", and the same old explanation gets used, "I spent the extra $$$$ so it will last waaay longer and the quality is so much better". Too bad hand bags, purses, and high heels don't come with a lifetime warranty! Dammit.
  14. I just sold a car. I always take the other persons Keys and If they have a wallet i get them to give it to me, minus there Drivers license.
  15. Aren't you supposed to push the hook through so the bard comes out the other side and clip off the end with pliers? Thats what they did in "Perfect Storm" Anyway!
  16. If you type in the fly you want to tye on youtube usually a video will pop up, but the quality can be shady.
  17. I agree, it's the timing of the saves more than the total goals he lets in.
  18. I'm sure there are more shows out there, but I'm a fan of: #1Sport Fishing on the Fly #2The New Fly fisher #3Sport fishing BC
  19. I've done a whole bunch of research on the best "Dry" dog food money can buy, and far and away it is the brand "Orijen". It's a High-protein, low-carbohydrate , grain-free product. Since we have had our lab on it, she is like a new dog, consistent bowel movements (very small also.. nice bonus!!), amazing coat, and a whole lot more energy (too much!). The best price in town is at trail blazers. Sorry, A bit off Topic. Hope you Pup is doing better soon, and it doesn't cost you an arm and leg. Drew.
  20. Sounds like outcast runs a tight ship. I don't hike into all that many lakes, maybe 5 a year, so carrying an extra 2-3 lbs isn't that big of a deal. One of the big issue's I've heard about is moving in the wind and sitting to low, but know one seems to have a problem with the outcasts. Anyone have any feedback on the "Classic Accessories Togiak Float Tube" they are roughly the same price, and both are "pontoon style" and not a round tube. Thanks for the feedback so far.
  21. Anyone have any favorite float tube brands? I was thinking of picking up a Basic Fish Cat 4 for some local still water angling, but looking around there are Sooooo many options (not to mention huge price differences). Thanks, Drew
  22. Thought this was pretty good, but thankfully it isn't me!
  23. I would have to say "TOPS" on my list but probably least attainable at this point would be Tiger Fish on the Zambia River: Then I'd have to try and Catch a Massive Taimen in Mongolia! (like i said.... dreams)
  24. I heard from some reliable sources that he's big into Cocaine as well
  25. Didn't they have some problem with the aeration of the water, or something like that... I heard many of the fish were killed because of some incompetent maintenance worker... at least I think...Or wait, maybe that was chief hector lake.. someone on here will be able to clarify..
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