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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. Ya...double hitter in that message with willies too
  2. OK..that last "fish" freaked me out. It looks like it has boobs too Ick...I've got the willies now.
  3. You get what you pay for in most cases, but I agree the monster is way overpriced. We got one with our 46 inch Aquos LCD last March - but got a 'deal' on it considering our whole purchase. You should negotiate that with your purchase and there should be no questions asked. HDMI is the ONLY way to go....wouldn't do anything else now. Hope you shopped at Visions on McLeod - I can't speak highly enough of that place - and that's alot coming from me.
  4. I care.....there's an Indian buffet across from the Altius Centre on 4th and 4th that's $9.99. I think this is how threads get hijacked.
  5. Might wanna put on some goalie equipment before you ask him this question.
  6. MTB You had me at pull my finger.
  7. We were in Tucson several years ago and, like every year when we go someplace different for Mike's convention, we find the fly shop and go for a visit and a hat. We went to the one in Tucson and there were pics of the San Juan plastered everywhere. I don't recall there being any fishing around the area and thought it odd that they'd have such an extensive fly shop in the middle of no proximate fishing. It's kinda weird to see bridges that had signs with creek names over them and nothing but dry river bed and tumbleweeds. I'd certainly give the San Juan some consideration - looks like it's what is done down there!
  8. That's too bad.....a trip to that place was always entertaining what with the hooker watching.
  9. I'll tell ya what....I wasn't paying too much attention to this a couple of weeks ago, but after listening to our CFO, analysts and our sales force who tell us that our clients are sitting on their hands waiting to see what happens next week, I'm getting a little uncomfortable. The phrase "you will be able to shoot a cannon through downtown" does not make me feel very good about this whole thing right now. Who is feeling optimistic the Premiere is going to do the right thing here?
  10. wow.....I thought this would have gone offtrack about 4 posts ago. I'm proud of you guys - way to practice your maturity.
  11. You have all now experienced what Mike and I live every night for 30 minutes after dinner time. Except he (youngest, 13) only knows O Canada and not well at that. Oh ya...and doesn't wear any silver dangly things either. Keerist that was painful....someone has got to be worried that's out on the public domain.
  12. Godzeerra....very funny Maxwell!!! He's uber cute Jokey. Hope his lips move in synch with his words when he's older. And I always liked Mothra too - something about the underdog.
  13. Funny you should say this....Mike and I were on a plane to Vancouver last year and in the rows in front of us there were a bunch of "oldtimer" hockey players going to VCR for a tourney. Tiger was about 3 rows in front of me and, being a former Leafs fanatic, I said kinda not very quietly across the aisle to Mike "hey...check it out...it's Tiger Woods". He gets some strange pleasure in telling that story. I'm sure he throws in a "dumb blonde" comment there somewhere too
  14. If you're ever offering guided trips for said rockfish, count me in. It's on my list of things to do before I die
  15. Say it ain't so Ever heard of chinooks Dave? I hear that motorcyle riders come out like crazed animals when there is one.
  16. Hi Max....umm....er.....Jokey. Sure have missed you - wondered where you were quite a bit actually. Post a pic of your son - we have a baby pics post here. Last time we saw him he was but a little wee baby!
  17. God...you guys are a bunch of girls - even more girly than me. I think I could ralph with all the mush going on here. KIDDING! I love love-ins....they warm my heart. You guys are so sweet to each other in a manly sort of way. Not like the "old" board that was full of testosterone and ultimate internet fighting. This place is WAY better. Plus you get to win stuff too. And post pics of babies. And stock up on the bad joke repertoire. Oh...and Clive....I may well make this year's solstice fish-in if I'm recovered by then. I'll still be off work and I'll be looking for any excuse to get out of the house. SO REMIND ME
  18. out of practice and you're still funny. Good one Birchy
  19. Congrats Russ - he's quite a handsome little fella! I was looking at the other pics of him on yours and Melissa's FB page....he looks like the little butterball I said he would Hope mom and dad aren't too sleep deprived!
  20. oh...hahaha...ya I get that it might not be a good time for the "non necessities" of life
  21. Buy it as in you don't have an EBAY Account?
  22. Hmmmm....I think me and Birchy need to go fissin'!
  23. Mine USED TO be an Orvis 3 piece 6 weight. But it's been busted since last fall and I've discovered all that is beautiful about a 5 weight. I fished mostly with Mike's Sage this year and have to say the weight of it and the way it casts a 6 weight line has me hooked. I'm not in such a hurry to get that 6 weight fixed again, but will just in case I ever have the urge to learn how to fish streamers. IMHO, a 5 weight is just what you need for the Bow.
  24. I hope somewhere in your process there's some maple syrup involved. OMG....my mouth is watering too.....
  25. Well if any of you are after a deal, here it is. I called my Mazda dealership and told them the goods. He said if the vehicle I was looking at was indeed 10 grand less, he'd give me 7 grand off a new lease if I went back there. Now...why am I so skeptical here? And how come they never give you a deal like that any other time? Now I know why I can't stand shopping for a new vehicle. Even at 7 grand off though, and especially if the dollar hits a buck fifteen as forecasted, I will still go to the States. 3 grand + is still worth the hassles. BTW....great info guys - thanks for posting all of that.
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