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Everything posted by troutlover

  1. very cool Rick
  2. problem with police is there is no cell phone reception.
  3. Tie some big leaches and clousers and get ready to fish the banks hard.
  4. brown 26" rainbow 23" caught on a 4" black and olive leech chasing a small 2" clouser. striping back up the current 8 inch strips with a 1 second pause.
  5. well maybe i'll change plans so we can meet doug..... pm me and let me know what weekend you can...... i need some of them killer chrioni patterns you tide up last time ...thems were the secret recipie!
  6. I'm headed there next saturday also have room for three if anyone wants to ride. Hey doug see ya there next saturday?!
  7. you know what i think is ironic is that from this debate it will dramaticly increase the pressure on this spot because of this disscusion thoes who have thought of giving a try now will this debate has had 788 views and is discussed every year i know it's not a secret place but it gives motivation to go give it a try.
  8. If people think guys are catching fish every cast at the confluence then they'er on crack! Yes there is the occasional 30 plus day for the experienced but a 15 day is more common and half the unexperienced guys who go are lucky if they catch two - three. When i talked to the author of the srd report done on this issue he said the catch rates were suprisingly low except for a few who knew what they were doing. soooo.....that means all bow river ninjas should be banned from th highwood. These numbers are a drop in the bucket considering ther is probably 100,000 fish going to make the trip this year.
  9. Nice pics i saw a bunch grouped up around Police on the weekend as well. I'm not that great at spotting male or female but none had head gear out of probably 40 that i saw.
  10. "I hope you fall through the ice" RICK with comments like that i think your going to be the first ever to hijack his own thread. I'm heading to police tommorow to see if spring has touched it yet i'll post pictures . But i was on the bow the other day and i think spring is just starting to give it a little life.
  11. It's my understanding that bullshead doesn't go dry aymore cuz they stoped taking too much water from it for agriculture to maintain the fishery. Which blows my mind cuz getting farmers to give up their water ain't an easy thing to do [moderator edited]
  12. Ya every once and a while i like to go fishingon here when the weather outside sucks. Looks like i got some nice ones. Can't belive i even got a graph and tako you were just the bonus white fish i can't even count you.
  13. global warming doesn't exist!?..........welllll neither do the toronto maple leafs
  14. I think you mean an overall WARMING earth
  15. you can get to most islands on the bow very easily especialy now with the water very low.
  16. just don't make a camp fire in the reserve
  17. ummm ya i was looking under es1 not pp1 soooo next question how do i delete a post so i don't look like a total jackass.
  18. thats where i camp when i'm pulling an all nighter and i've never got the boot. Pick yer favorite island and in the morning you got first dibs.
  19. got the new regs magazine today and I might be blind but i can't find the new regs on police. Doesn't that mean people will assume it falls under general regs?
  20. as i was lifting a whitie out of the water one time i saw the SJW pop out and the next fly down hit his mouth as he was dropping back into the water so i counted him as 2 points.
  21. is it kinda like navigating your way along 300 yrds of sketchy 10' cliff by the river on 6 inch ledges with loose dirt and sliding rocks in wading boots and making it down to the river in one peice only to get the bank with three feet to go and diving into the river head first?.........just wondering .....Rick you make me lmao. Glad your having fun.
  22. "on the fly 7" welcome the greatest place in Canada if you get sick of catching huge trout on the fly the pike fishing on the fly up here is a blast and there is good bass fishing in British Columbia.......
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