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Everything posted by Tako

  1. ACA commercial in the background....lmao.....Cutty beer = baaad.
  2. We cut some kitty tracks but the pic is of some wolf tracks. Was pretty cool. A pack of about 5-6 had been through there a couple days ago, and we cut the track of a big sonofagun lobo wolf. Lots of critters out there.
  3. Max if you get a woman I'm canceling. I need you to be ON THA BALL!! Kickin set of pics man, looks like a wackload of bows, not as many browns?
  4. OK so it's a brown. But we can pretend it's a bull
  5. I could lend my Optio to the cause Just lemme know
  6. That list shows plenty of reasons to spend MORE money there. I can see the Y2Y initiative, the ACA plover initiative, FMF GBear research, UofA wolf study and I barely skimmed it. I do see some Sierra club in there, but hell, if your money is going to support the ACA, FMF AND Y2Y, spend away!
  7. Spiffed up with some footage. Click here if the movie does not play.
  8. Well we tried to go fishing again today DAMMIT I'm getting tired of winter. We found some open water, less than we expected. You guys should be freekin happy you don't have to put up with this!! ^%#%*(^$##!!! GO AWAY WINTER!! No fish porn here. I tagged a couple whiteys, but there weren't many fish around. Give it a couple weeks yet Here's what we were up against after a 2km hike through the backwoods I was standing mid-channel when I took this. Frozen solid almost all the way across.
  9. Don't waste your time. We tried the Willow today and she was wall to wall ice, essentially. We did fish some decent water, but the fish are still in the deep deep deep holes.
  10. Touched one up for ya. Nice fish
  11. That was 2004. I would tell you to stop living in the past but I'm STILL pissed @ the DJ that didn't play stompin tom one more time in the 7th game in 94. That guy better hope I never find out who he is. On a positive note, go oilers go
  12. Tako


    Ugh. Do I have to?
  13. Tako


    I'm playing around with a few stupid simple spinner patterns and I'd like to know if I'm on the right track. I've been doing the same pattern with some basic colour changes. I'll post a pic in a while. Just curious to see what everyone else is doing. Here's the basic recipe #16 dry hook Grizz hackle tail Thin thread body Yellow/red butt Antron wings
  14. Global warming does not exist. It is a convenient means of explaining all the random variation in scientific data that scientists cannot explain.
  15. No way dood that's gotta be a band. You see em sometimes. The yanks think it's one of the top waterfowling prizes to shoot a banded swan. I've seen em with orange and yellow bands. Some real healthy lookin fish there, way to go
  16. Someone said that the power surge @ 9pm should be FANTASTIC Maybe. I don't know yet
  17. I think it was a personal attack. Ban the sumbitch
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