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Everything posted by Gil

  1. Gil

    Good Old Prince

    Tried the extra small, however the small seem to work pretty good for me.
  2. Aside from tying Roal Coachman today (see ask the pros) I've been filling the box with my bread and butter flies. One of which is the Prince nymph. I've find I use rubber legs on a lot of my flies. Believe it makes a difference.
  3. Since I'm stuck inside today I decided to do a little tying. Just finished a half dozen Royal Coachman (para). The thing is I've never fished the fly before. I tied it mainly because it looked attractive and I was bored. I know its suppose to be a good cutty pattern, but does anyone have any experience with it on the Bow???
  4. I was walking around that area at 1:00 today trying out my new camera. I saw only one guy fishing. must have been him. I took a pic of him in fact. He was actively fishing when I saw him.
  5. It was a good year on the whole, especially dry fly. Had some fantastic caddis days. On the other hand I've seen better hopper seasons. Came up with a couple of new patterns I'm happy with. Got my kids to do a number of floats/camping trips which were a lot of fun. Bought several new rods, a couple of new reels and a ton of tying stuff. Yup definitely a good year....
  6. I have an area I fish regularly in the winter for a number of years now. A couple of winters ago I headed down to my spot early in the morning. I walked onto the ice and stepped confidently off the shelf into what had a few days earlier been 12 inches of water, but was now about 3 feet of water; doing a full summersalt. What I had negleted to take into account was that we had a few days of minus 20- 30' weather since I had last fished and the sheft had extended out several feet further now. The swim and 1/2 km walk back to the truck did however wake me up.
  7. Did notice Wholesale was carriying a commercial box for droppers the other day. Too bulky to carry around in my opinion. Maybe ok in a boat.
  8. I agree. On the other hand I seem to use & tie alot more parachute patterns because they are so effective....Note: I've always considered Klinkhammer a parachute
  9. I was having difficulty with RIO on light tipet in the summer. Switched to Umqua and am happy so far. I 'm not using fluro as often these days too expensive and too heavy for dry.....
  10. Interesting.... I picked up a cut bow on the Bow last week....
  11. My best day of fishing this year (I fish alot) was cold wet and crappy. My worse day was also cold wet and crappy. Unless the river is obviously blown out, I don't let the weather tell me when to fish....
  12. I prefer light Tippett for hopper dropper. Definitely believe it helps my hit ratio especially in very clear water.
  13. It was around Fish Creek two years ago. Definety could have moved to Police. If I remember correctly he wasn't a bad size. With two more years on him it would be a large fish...
  14. I caught a weird snub nose fish a couple of winters ago and posted it here. I'll see if I can find the pic
  15. I pretty much float this section every weekend. I normally get on the water at 800 and get off around 4:30 and I do a fair number of stops. If you are in a hurry you can do it in 6 hours or so if you stay in your boat. Note a drift boat will be slower by an hour or so...I agree ignore the sign stay right. No issue at all with the weir. An idiot must have put the signs up. I'll be on this section again Friday. If you see me (fish cat cougar) say hi
  16. 1X tippet is very heavy for the Bow, although you don't need to go lighter with streamer fishing. Try to put a lot of pressure on the fish from the onset. Keep in at 90' to the current if you can as it will tire him quickly. Never point your rod tip at the fish, Your rod is a shock aborber that doesn't work if you are pointing it at the fish. Move to slower water as fast as you can. Always be prepared to let him run. If you lock it up you are going to lose the fish regardless of your tippet. A good reel with a smooth drag really helps....Another time to remember is that the line itself has drag in the water. Once you get a lot of line out in current, the greater the load on your reel...
  17. Only if you dress in a peasant skirt, put some flowers in your hair and sing something from the Mammas & the Papas. I love the group by the way....
  18. I wonder if there will be an attempt to pick up the lights balloons and other things they will be putting into the river?
  19. There is no doubt, barbless trebles certainly do alot more harm than a single barbless. I say get rid of them. No good reason to have them.
  20. You are right. Actually I think it was a post spawn female. The fight wasn't too impresive. The reason I didn't measure her was I wanted to get her back quickly because she looked pretty rough.
  21. Early morning is aways my favorite time for all forms of fishing....Earlier the better...
  22. Unfortunately, never measured him. He was a brute....I've caught measured 25" fish, but I think this is the biggest I ever caught...
  23. 80% of my fishing is sole simply because not too many of my friends are as crazy about fishing as I am and I find I catch more by myself. As for camping... While I wish I could talk my kids into coming along more often, I have a hard time getting them out more then a couple of times a year for camping/fishing and my wife pretty much hates the outdoors. Most of my friends are golfer not campers. Rather than sit around frustrated I went and bought myself back packing gear this summer and am planning a few sole trips. I used to back pack when I was in my 20's and loved it. I've always felt at home in the woods but I don't think I'm going to wander too far from beaten trails.
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