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Everything posted by Gil

  1. The Fishin hole definitely carries tying materials. Prices are generally good. I buy a fair bit of my stuff there.
  2. A long section in front of the hook eye just folds overs in the water and looks unnatural. I would also go simple and dispense with the loop. Consider doing a wire wrap. Have fun.
  3. Gil


    Spent tonight tying stimulators, which started me worrying about how much hackle I use. I go though a ton of flies it seems since I end up supplying many of my friends that I take down the river. Might have to become less generous switching to foam and SJWs only for friends.
  4. I've done this both in my pontoon when I get too focused on hitting the banks and in my drift boat. We all make mistakes. Like you I always apologize and try to get out of the way of the person. Mistakes I understand. It's the guys that look you in the eye and puts a cast a foot in front of you that gets me.
  5. I'm fishing a spot on the shore and three guys in a drift boat come so close that we are about to tangle lines. The guy in the front is literally casting where I'm standing. So to cast back at the guy which seemed to surprise him. I was with my daughter so I kept my language in check.
  6. Never had an issue with any of my Islanders that I've put through the ringer over the years. Think I stay with what I know I can trust...
  7. Nice pics. You are a lucky guy. My wife and three daughters won't consider picking up a rod although they do like to float.
  8. Although somewhat unrelated before the run off I 've been seen a lot of jets in the city. I'm assuming this is still prohibited.
  9. Because of Mec I figure I need to work a couple of more years before retirement....
  10. I caught my first fish about that age. I had such a good time it was an event that shaped my life in many ways. My love of the outdoors fishing etc. Great to see kids enjoy the sport...
  11. If while floating you come up on a corner pool with a nice seem but requires long casts, rather than get out and working it or trying to catch the seem as you float by stay in your boat and work the seem from the inside. In some cases use your anchor.
  12. Always be thinking of the number of small things you might do to increase the probability of success: your visibility and sound, shadow of your line as you cast ect. By focusing on the details as well as the obvious, such as presentation, your odds will improve....
  13. Just bought a 5 weight. Haven't fished it yet.
  14. I can't stop think about doing my first float of the season. I get an extra week of holidays this year; 5 weeks, plus 2 week of flex days. Plan to break my record from last year of 32 floats/season on the Bow. Also want to hit some new water in BC...It's going to be great. Let the melting begin....
  15. I normally use a 4 or 5 weight for dry, 6weight for nymphing and hopper and a 7 weight for streamer...If I'm floating I always have 3 rods available.
  16. What will happen is prices will rize. Then farmers will move into raising more birds to cash in on the high prices & demand. The fashion trend will be over 6-8 months from now, then the price will plunge when there is an over supply. Plan to stock up 8 - 12 months from now.
  17. Generally you want to go small in the winter. Fish are lethargic and don't hit nymphs hard as they normally do. Thererfore, hook ups are harder on larger flies. #16 SJW is a good place to start, however you may find it hard to find commercially. #18 prince, hares ear or phesant tail are other possibilities. Note: If it is too cold there is going to be too much sluch on the surface to fish.
  18. I've spent a ton of money on materials etc that would take decades to recover in the savings per fly. However I really enjoy it, so it's worth it. For me, the fun is coming up with my own patterns. A lot more rewarding that using commercial flies.
  19. I have to get one. Fly around and water the grass at the same time. Awesome!
  20. I don't often share my own patterns but I thought I'd put this one out. The wire wrap over chinelle every 3rd turn gives it a segmentation I like. Having a short chinelle section in the front prevents it from folding over in an unnatural way. Tie the head chinelle to the side to make threading your tippet easier. Burn not only the tips, but use the flame to give the body a curl you like as well. Very fast fly to tie and a killer in the winter months. #16
  21. Bow River - SJW, prince nymph, hares ear, stone fly, for dries Adams, elk hair caddis, grasshoppers. Steamer fishing is no fun so don't bother.....
  22. One problem people may have is that they don't have a trailer and can't have it pre-assembled...Not an uncommon issue.
  23. I love my fishcat cougar due to it 4 chambers low profile (good in wind) and overall quality. Used it hundreds of times on the Bow and lakes. Unfortunately, they have stopped making the model. My next pontoon will be the Fishcat Panther for similar reasons. If you are going to use it a reasonable amount I wouldn't go cheap.
  24. Thanks I'll report how I make out with it later in the year.
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