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Everything posted by Gil

  1. I used to complain about the cost of flies a few years back, so I started tying my own. One thing I realized quite quickly is that the professional tiers out there earn thier money. If I charged $3/fly at the rate I tie, my family would starve to death. In the end I spent a fortune on supplies that I'm sure is far more than I would have otherwize spent for many years of fishing. However, I continue to have a lot of fun tying so for me it was the right decision.
  2. I like chinelle on a scud hook #14 and 12. Burgendy is my favorite but a tan brown is effective as well. Be sure to flame the ends. I find this works well year round. The larger heavier SJW's work fine in the warmer weather, when the fish are more active, however I don't have much luck with these in the colder weather. Note: for the #8, #10 SJW I just wrap a mustad SJW hook with red heavy gauge Cajun line.
  3. I'm speaking of the positions taken with regard to the discussion at hand. Not aware of any mention of a competion in this thread.
  4. I've given up on this fight. Ever time the subject is brought up (repeatedly) people are just compelled to share more info just to the other side off regardless of how they impact the quality of fishing....
  5. You can get a high quality map at the "The Fishin Hole", or at least you used to be able to.....
  6. Happy belated Max, If you're interested in a float PM me. I'll do most of the rowing....
  7. Good to know. I thought I knew the regs pretty well, but the single fly in a National Park was news to me. I was aware about the no lead rule...
  8. I've never been laid off, having been twenty years with the same company, however in March I was pretty sure I was going to be in the unemployment line as Nova was on the verge of bankruptcy. Pretty scary when you have a family to support. Luckly I ducked the bullet when we were bought out by IPEC. Having gone through several months of worry I really feel for those that weren't so luck...
  9. Last year I was harassed by pesky beavers just after McKinnons a number of times. They kept slapping thier tails and scaring the fish....
  10. Chain lakes can be good for kids as the fishing can be pretty active and you can get an ice cream. The key is ensure is have fun with lots of distractions. Small kids have little patience. However I should be careful giving advice. Now my girls have become teenagers they have little interest in fishing....
  11. Got it. You need to release the mechanism with a screw driver from the back....
  12. I was replacing the anchor line on my drift boat (hyde) and the foot anchor break completely jamed. I was wondering if anyone might have any experience with this problem and know what to do.
  13. I really enjoyed the first book I read, "Blue Ribbon Bow", and quickly started reading his others. However, I was disappointed in the amount of common material I found in the other books.
  14. Great idea. I'll get one when I take my wife out. I may use it even if there isn't a strike...
  15. My lines always seems to go to hell during the winter. Now I replace them in the spring and fish my beat up lines during the winter. Unfortunately I rarely clean my lines so I buy lines pretty frequently. Three in the past 12 months...
  16. I don't begrudge these poachers a few fish. The two legged ones are the real pain in the ass.
  17. Spending every weekend with my wife eh?? Hmmm... I might need to think this over again...
  18. I have a pretty long que of newbies lined up already starting with my wife who has never had a rod in her hand. I have a feeling she is going to be one tough client.
  19. Thanks for all the responces. I really appretiate hearing the different perspectives. For me guiding will remain a dream for awhile yet. Although the stress of my current job really gets to me a times, I want a degree of fininacial independance before I quit my current job. I will however give it a shot at some point before I get too old.
  20. Gil

    Scenic Shots

    We definitely need more women interested in fishing....
  21. Good one. It's be sure to take along some bait...How about we start a new thread the other is getting tired.
  22. For a number of years now I've day dreamed of guiding once I retire from my current job. I love to hear from the guides out there as to how they view thier job. Please note I won't retire for another 10 years so you don't have to worry about competition.
  23. My introduction to fly fishing was first with nymphing and for a couple of years I did nothing but. Even though I now love dry, the majority of my fish are still caught while nymphing. I've played with indicator free but felt I missed too many stricks. However, I do know a couple of good fisherman that it seems to work for. A couple of suggestions for your consideration: - If you want to nymph the banks during a float, forget the standard indicator and use a hopper or other terestial as your indicator (e.g. hopper-dropper) Can by highly productive even if it isn't hopper season. - Focus on getting your weight right. Make sure you are on the bottom without dredging it. - I like putting my bottom nymph close to your weights ( 4 inches). Others may suggest a much longer section such as 12 - 16 inches, but I just don't believe it's an effecive way to put you on the bottom. - Pay attention to line control. - Strike at everything that so much as twitches. - Your leader length should be ~ twice the depth you are fishing. - Use two flies. This suggestion may get a few negative comments thrown at me, however it's effective... Good luck.
  24. I used to always fish the standard large red line wrapped SJW without giving it much thought. Worked fine in the warmer weather but didn't have much luck in the fall/winter. However this winter I tried going light with a #14 & #16 chenille and she worked like a bitch. I have a feeling a chenille SJW on a hopper dropper will be the ticket in the summer. Max is right you need to consider the weight/size needed.
  25. I agree. For the price they are a good bet.
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