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Everything posted by Gil

  1. I think your bang on the money. Theirs nothin worse than some A-hole screwin with the queens english too piss me off. People need two smarten up in fli write...
  2. Fly fishing is an expensive sport, at least I seem to spend a small fortune anyway. So my guess is the ratio of fly to spinning rods will decrease. Also there will be generally fewer people floating the boat due to the cost of the shuttle, gas etc. The guides are going to be struggling to find clients in the coming year as well. However, as long as I have my job I'll be floating. Maybe I can top the 23 days of floating I did last year....
  3. You are probably right. Luck has nothing to do with it. I catch a lot fish due to my superior fishing skill, as well as my superior tying ability....
  4. Looks great. What size hook did you use?
  5. While I agree the effort you put into realistic flies isn't likely going to put a lot more fish in your net, I take a certain pride in trying to make some of my own designs with realistism in mind. Besides if I do happen to have a good day with my own realistic patterns, I can more easily convince myself it was do to my superior tying ability and not random luck...
  6. I've got four different packs, all Fish Ponds (best brand out there). In the winter when I only nymph, I'm a minimalist and go with my smallest chest pack. In the summer when I lwant to move between dry, nymph and streamer I take a full vest. If I'm hiking in the mountains again I'm going light....
  7. I was in there today and bought a pair of corker boots. Also picked up the last pack of daichii #14 nymph hooks. They have virtually no temco hooks. Frustrating. Perfer Fish tales but its a long way to drive....
  8. I like my 5 wgt best however when floating I always have at least two rod. My 5 wgt for dry. My 6 wht for nymph. On occasion I bing my 8 wght for streamers. I thinking of getting a 4 wgt as well.
  9. When I was 6 a friend and I decided to have a little campfire in the back field. It was in Regina in a dry August so there was lots of dry grass to get it going. We kept is small and stompted it out after a couple a minutes then headed home. A hour or so later while having supper we heard the sirens. Seems the field mysteriously burst into flame burning several acres and threatened many homes including mine. I never told my parents until I was 27.
  10. If I hadn't had free deep sea fishing, I was going to hire a guide and go bone fishing, however I only could squeeze one day of fishing out of the wife....
  11. I generally fish with two flies. I like to ice fish. I still use a spinning rod on occasion ( I have 7) when I fish with the kids.
  12. Well I was in the Bahamas earlier in the week and got to do some deep sea fishing. I was hoping for a marlin, but only got a small jack. Had a lot of fun though, especially since my wife's company was picking up the tab. The recession seems to be hitting the area pretty hard. The hotel and restraunts were empty.
  13. My friend's son just got a job at the new Bass Pro Shop. He said they plan to open in April. Hope they open with a really good sale.....
  14. Not too many people are going to put their favourite areas on the web. Walking the river and look for structure. Watch other fisherman and make a few friends....
  15. I like my brass beadheads and tie 75% of my nymphs with them (except stones) simply because in my experience they work well. I used to use tungsten but find they sink too fast so now use a standard bead head. With so much wieght they don't have a natural motion.
  16. Since it was too cold to be on the Bow a friend and I went ice fishing. The last time he had gone out was when he was a teenager. I lent him my gear put him on one of my favourite areas and baited his line for him. Even released his fish for him and gave him my last beer. The graditude he shows is bagging 6 while I only get one. Life isn't fair.....
  17. 12 flies in run off in an hour. At that point I went home....Note I now only fish one fly and run 1X tippet during run off .....
  18. I took Thetrout aka my daughter and her friend out to the flames game yesterday to celerbrate her 15th birthday. We had fun even though we lost. Note: Thetrout is on the right....
  19. Could be...Is there a decent area for the family to picnic etc? Where about's is it?
  20. I was talking to a guy who mention a creek that was good for taking the kids out as well as doing some fishing. He mentioned there is a picnic areas and falls. I thought it was trappers but can't find it on a map. Any ideas ??
  21. I've cut myself a couple of times so now am paranoid about getting too close to the blades. I have a Lazer auger which is an awsome auger but since it makes a razor look dull, it seems you can get cut if your finger even gets close. Be very careful if you fish with your kids not to let them near it.
  22. It's not all that hard to teach yourself. Pick up an introductory book. Watch youtube.
  23. Nice job...I'm afraid to say I still drag my stuff to the kitchen table...Maybe when the kids and now grandchild grows up I'll get my own bench & sport room.
  24. There was a show about an old stream keeper of a chalk river in England I really liked. The New Fly Fisher is good but as with all the fly shows nothing new has come out in a long time. The reruns are getting boring....
  25. I'm not a big fan of pike. I'm a pretty much catch and release guy.
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