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LastBoyScout last won the day on September 18 2021

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  1. I need some snake guides replaced on a 11wt. Are there any rod builders who could do this work for me.
  2. A bit of a rant. Is the Province’s website right out of 1992 or is just me. I constantly have a heck of a time.
  3. 2019 was my first summer of retired life and I had envisioned a lot of quality days on the water. My 2019 days on the water were the lowest since I started keeping a diary in the 80's. I for the first time ever made the hour and a half trip to the mountains to fish and found the high country over loaded and every access with multiple vehicles already parked there. I went home with out wetting a fly. I even did it twice. I suppose the new normal isn't for me, the state of things has severely reduced my days on the water.
  4. 5, I look for their shadows first. It can help.
  5. Thanks for replying. I was using the old site but its been a while with 4 feet of snow and -20. Liked the old one better.
  6. Checked the Alberta River Basins site this morning, not sure why. Even though I've found the information available questionable over the years it was so much better than the nothing that was available before. Looks like it has been upgraded to the point of uselessness. Thanks Rachel.
  7. I was lead to believe feathers from the wild/road kill generally have feather eating mites that could get into your entire feather supply. Back when there was very little available we would treat wild feathers with Borax to kill the mites. It might be BS but with so many feathers now available at very reasonable prices I never risk using wild feathers.
  8. I quit the studs years ago but when I did use them I had a pair of toe rubbers like my Dad used to wear to protect his shoes back in the sixties. Kept the drift boat safe and saved a fly line or two from mortal wounds. Not sure here you would get them anymore.
  9. Was through the Castle Park on business Friday and saw lots of big iron, D9 Caterpillars, log skidders, several pits for mixing fire retardant for choppers right along the edge of the West Castle river. Looks like the lady who protested logging in the Castle Valley and is now the Environment Minister has decided to fight the fire now threatening the area. Who says you have to harvest the timber or let it burn. The thing burning is tax payers money to save as much of the forest as possible so it can burn in some future year.
  10. Not sure but maybe a different thought. I could support a shorter season for the entire easter slopes. Before half of you *hit your selves I'll add with the potential for an extension of a month if water flow/conditions permit. The Province has proved incapable of enforcing an early closer because of inability to reach people. Radio ads and a bit on the evening news with may be a message board on the side of the highway somewhere. How you going to enforce that, the honest people will be informed and stay away. A further benefit to me but not every one would be no out of province people around during any extension leaving Alberta waters for Albertans. My 2 cents.
  11. I'm definitely a dawner.
  12. I've had a bit of a taste before and would hate to get sprayed on purpose. This is a good reminder that these things are compressed gas and dangerous.
  13. Outpost is closed, and likely windy
  14. Any time its legal and I feel like it, haven't felt like it for about 35 years.
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