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Everything posted by mnm

  1. mnm

    2 Weight Lines

    Get yourself a Double Taper Line It will help with your accuracy and presentation..
  2. The operator of the red zodiac is a pain in the ass, but the guy who operates the large 20 plus foot alumiweld and drives a Hummer is the worst culpert . I've watched him back into the middle of the river ,at MacKinnon Flats, to load his ship and then gets stuck and then decides to start ripping apart the river bed with his unstuckable tank on wheels. This guy needs to lose his operators license. Some guide or flyshop on this forum has a picture of this clown destroying the river bed. That picture needs to make a few rounds , we can get rid of some of the disrespect out there. The Bow river is home to some excellent guides/and other boat owners, jets included that have a lot of respect for the river, and anglers that enjoy its waters, but then there are a few that dont know what respect is. Banning Guides, Jet boats, Drift boats ,Jet Skis, WILL NEVER HAPPEN its classified as a highway. But reporting the disrespectful users a few times, will hopefully wake them up.
  3. Great weekend of ties, I would add some Serendipitys, Palomino midge/caddis pupa. keep up the good work,
  4. Full sink, and the faster the better. less mending, than a sink tip, also easy to mend in mid air. Fish with a short leader 6" to 18 ". . Take a look at Kelly Gallops videos , their all about sinking flylines and accuracy . Better yet read the book Nymph Fishing for Larger Trout by Charlie Brooks. And stop hitting yourselves in the back of the head with your heavy streamers and nymph rigs. Goodluck
  5. Nicely said Rick, well done
  6. The wire you are crying about is from Ultra Wire company . They have 2 styles of wire one is Standard colors and the other is called Hot colors that cost the stores more. im sure the shops can live without your dollar,
  7. scented or not scented. what do you think. I believe not legal in our waters.
  8. Good lookin tie . Killer Bow pattern . I'll take a dozen.
  9. Mike Maxwell 's Tiger eye were in a class all by themselves, just like man himself . God Bless, my friend and mentor.
  10. If you are tying flies for Northerns I would tie flies with synthetics for durability eg: Iceabou, Ice fur, polar chenille, craft fur . .Plastics that don't absorb as much water as animal hairs. which makes casting a little easier. But if you dont care about durability and want your flies to have more movement in the water then stick with Rabbit, fox, coyote,sheep, Bucktail, Polar bear. Just my thoughts.
  11. I think it should be left alone . it s great . I dont like line ups. Sorry Mike no shovels allowed.
  12. Alberta stomp fish
  13. mnm

    Trick Or Treat

    I thought your little rant was perfect mike you should of left it up
  14. Have you seen any in North America Yet?
  15. pink and white intruders, some blue and black trailer trash for the friends that are going to the Skeena area and some big skater dries. Wish i was going . Glad my flies have been working for all the boys that went , some still there, and more going next week . Nice feeling to be part of their success. Talked to a few guys last night lots of steelies being caught on Dries. mikey Nice ties Headscan just what i needed more ideas
  16. mnm

    Reel Repair

    Try Ritchie's rod and reel 403 945 2805 out of Airdrie Ritchiesmobile@shaw.ca
  17. We will be seeing some more of the Loop Trout Bum 9' 5wt. 3 pce. rods . They should arrive later in the week. Also we have some good quality Rhea in stock at a decent price . Sorry no raspberry blue. give us a call early if you want a rod they will not last. Southbow Fly & Tackle 403 873 0744
  18. sorry all Trout Bum rods are sold out . Tho the distributor is still hoping to find any of the Bum series rods. we will let you know. Southbow
  19. Want a boat for a lifetime. Buy a Lavro . Nothing comes close for durability. Clackas row nice and perform excellent. Fish rite makes a great boat. Hope i didnt leave any body out. I can hardly wait for all boat owners to read this, just might start another war . I can hardly wait this should be good.
  20. Hey Wolfie have you tried the new Act4 Guideline rods yet, pretty sweet. Or the fast and smooth LPXe rods from Guideline . Even Sweeter.
  21. mnm


    Should be a good choice, lots of rocky points in the Northeast / east end of the lake . Tho i have had luck on the west side of the lake for the bigger fish . Also cast into the face of the dam on the south end which always hold a lot of the baitfish with the winds blowing from the north/ northwest. If you are just catching small northerns you should probably move. Large fish seem to hang, with the large fish and small with small. Hope that helps.
  22. mnm


    I'm not sure what lakes you will be fishin, but the key to your success will be to find the coldest water . Full Sinking lines are a must at this time of year. Try using Whistlers, Black & Pink bunny strips. Early morning pike should be hanging around rocky points and dropoffs. Then heat of the day back into the deeper water. Good luck
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