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Everything posted by Taco

  1. does one misplace one's Wardell waders????? S!O!B! gonna get a little fresh wadin' wet soon, lots of good mojo on them suckers too
  2. But I do seem to recall an extremely agitated relief driller after discovering his highly anticipated exhaust manifold dinner had been replaced by a neatly wrapped foil package of tasty moose turds.........happened 4 days in a row......
  3. Pretty shitty stories Rick........................
  4. Oh, you mean the kick in the nuts school of subtlety
  5. No I caught that and my comment really wasn't directed @ you. To my mind there is absolutely no difference between the introduced fish in the Bow River and the fish in Bullshead or Police Lake.
  6. Hang around, we need more rednecks to keep the balance fair and equitable. Personally I have somewhat of a problem with the awed reverence of introduced invasive trout and char.
  7. Thanks Wes, outstanding set of photographs once again, no wonder you keep goin' back.
  8. Cripe I know about a third of them people, Happy Burfday alla yous
  9. Dupli-Color, works great if you take your time and follow the instructions
  10. yeah dog spray is probably better, bear spray makes 'em run blindly into trees @ full speed causing extraneous injury or even death if they miss the trees and end up in the river.
  11. Ah hell man you shoulda seen it the day him and I went fishin', he didn't fall in much but he was either swearin' at a missed hookset on a decent fish or fishin' some poor 3" cutty outta a tree
  12. How tall are them guys? The Right Reverend Mr Bob Loblaw looks to be leanin' on a 13' rod instead of that 6'er he's always braggin' on nice pics BTW I'm jealous
  13. Never had issues with the Sage warranty department the few time I've had to use them.
  14. and they'll never begin to solve the problems until they take obscene profit out of it. Don't believe that? Look to the history of booze in NA
  15. Funny how my best fish this yr are coming right in the middle of random camping quading areas, the catching off all over the south this yr even in the areas with zero tracks and I agree, it's strictly an enforcement issue
  16. You're supposed to have an indie post on a 3X long hook??? Whadda effs widdat? I'd be goin' to my eye doctor or takin' up knittin'...
  17. Cool, turn a herd of hippopotamususususus (WTF is the plural of hippopotamus???) loose on the Bow
  18. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=10091
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