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Everything posted by Taco

  1. ShetHoss, that ain't nothin'...what about the jackass that put all my retirement money into a cattle hoof care company that nobody ever heard of and into realestate in a town that everybody drives through on the way to somewhere else........ talk about havin' to work till you're 85 :rolleyes:
  2. Looks like they dropped the marina part of the proposal...musta seen the 2 1/2 metre waves when the wind kicked in
  3. Why??? There's nothing to gain closing down an entire fishery, we're still only talking about the last 100 fish in 60-70 tributaries so small it's virtually impossible to fish. Remember, downstream of the point where 1 CT shows up with 1% RB genetics has become hopelessly polluted in terms of preserving pure WSCT. There is absolutely no point of shutting down the entire Highwood because the very upper reaches of Cataract may have 30-40 pure WSCT left... to me at least, the listing of WSCT is more about protecting the source of the few wild natives we have left.
  4. Edit to my post above; It seems I have stepped full on into the quagmire of Canadian politics.... apparently the Fed does have the power to shut the WSCT fishery where ever they deem necessary to protect the fish but the Province is responsible for administration,.................................. whatever the hell that means.
  5. Yup Mr Neil Waugh and his sky is fallin' scenario.... I would hardly think that the GOA would shut down CTT fishing in the entire Milk, Waterton, Carbondale, Castle, Crow, Oldman, Highwood and Bow systems to protect the estimated 7000 purestock fish that live in 60-70 tiny headwater streams, roughly 100 fish per trib and it would be the Government of Alberta that would have to shut down the fishery because the Fed doesn't have the power. About the only person it would affect is me because I'm seem to be the only guy regularly fishes headwaters.........maybe Paul. Edit; It seems I have stepped full on into the quagmire of Canadian politics.... apparently the Fed does have the power to shut the WSCT fishery where ever they deem necessary to protect the fish but the Province is responsible for administration,.................................. whatever the hell that means.
  6. Yah... I'd be careful about that.....if someone fell off while the vehicle was in motion..............could leave a bad skidmark -_-
  7. Well at least livestock don't write tellalls ;)
  8. Is he the guy who had a bunch of flies seized by Customs?? They thought they were real "endangered" insects with hooks somehow inserted.
  9. generally within a 20k radius of Calgary....I heard them bow river guys when they're done fishin' they like to go home and redecorate just like on TLC...must be all that estrogen that gets flushed everyday... specially prevalent on guys who like to fish downstream of the poo hole
  10. Wrong Tako Al, I'm the big dumb dutch cowboy hooftrimmer one named Taco who spends alot of time @ Hutterite Colonies and it was a bit of a surprise to me too... join TU and become a director of the Old Man Chapter all in the same evening. Oh well, it'll be fun givin' something back instead of just makin' loud noises with that mustache covered hole under my nose. Hope da hell your stayin' warm down there in Arazooma :D
  11. enough bleach and warm water to cover the handle...soak for a while then scrub with an old nail brush or tooth brush...works good ...those "special" areas you hafta figure out by yourself
  12. Blackstone, Cardinal and Ram system don't have native cutts, they were planted there and some of the stock that was used apparently contains yellowstone genetics . Westslopes are only native to the Bow, Oldman and maybe the Milk river systems.
  13. No sweat, you're a Tock-co... I'm a Tack-co, nothing to confuse, it's a just and noble name B)
  14. 2 engines, 4 trannies and/or transfer cases, about 6 clutches, enumerable driveshafts and ujoints and 1 '72 K5 Jimmie...... Marriages I sacrified to the Huntin' Gods
  15. Don, http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=2795
  16. So what do Glen's fly's sound like? Something like this? http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/mechanical_sou...ipper_bag_2.wav
  17. Frontier justice in the right circumstances can be a good thing, we should import Granny to deal with the sumbitch who tried to abduct that little girl yesterday
  18. Too bad the cops can't bounce the wienies off a brick wall a coupla times on the way to court, probably wouldn't learn them nothin' but it would hold a certain satisfaction. Hope it all works out
  19. Hell Harry I love fishing with vintage fiberglass rods, it's my preferred way to fish small streams, it's what I learned to fish with.... but as far as I can recall no-one in the farming community I grew up in fished with bamboo..too expensive. *hit when my Old Man came to Alberta in '48 he worked for 45 bucks a mth plus board.... there was no damn way he was gonna spend close to a half a mths wage on a 'boo fishin' rod Hell the Canadian Government would only allow an immigrant to bring $100 into the country.
  20. What for? They gonna choke in the first round anyways..... all pro teams outta Kalgree choke in the first round...it's a historically proven fact :P
  21. Christ people! I thought we lived in Canada...how about some Canadian whisky...Canadian Club Limited Reserve 20 year or Forty Creek Barrel Select..... good stuff, never could find a scotch that didn't taste like a blend of iodine and turpentine...now rum.....nummmmmm rummmm
  22. A man is dining in a fancy restaurant and there is a gorgeous redhead sitting at the next table. He has been checking her out since he sat down, but lacks the nerve to talk with her. Suddenly she sneezes, and her glass eye comes flying out of its socket towards him. He reflexively reaches out, grabs it out of the air, and hands it back. "Oh my, I am so sorry, " the woman says, as she pops her eye back in place. "Let me buy your dinner to make it up to you," she says. They enjoy a wonderful dinner together, and afterwards they go to the theater followed by drinks. They talk, they laugh, she shares her deepest dreams and he shares his. She listens. After paying for everything, she asks him if he would like to come to her place for a nightcap and stay for breakfast. He agrees. They had a wonderful, wild time having hot, passionate sex, talking, having hot, passionate sex, talking some more, and having hot, passionate sex. The next morning, she cooks a gourmet breakfast with all the trimmings. The guy is amazed! Everything had been sooo incredible! "You know, " he said, "you are the perfect woman. Are you this nice to every guy you meet?" "No, " she replies. ..... "You just happened to catch my eye."
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