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Everything posted by Taco

  1. It do baffle'm a tad, I even get that "wtf? you ain't no hispanic" look from the hispanics.
  2. What? the thieves or the threadjack? bbt started it
  3. Cool, can I come?..... Actually I'd like to go right now, the bream are on the beds and the fishin' in the tanks is on.
  4. *hit...you colour that rim bright pink and it would even look like Dave, it's even got his valve stem hangin' out
  5. ya do allright for a gangbangin' summbuck..............................now i'm friggin jealous......good on ya maxman........now i gotta check out some GD cowtype bulls
  6. And there you have it from the horse's mouth :) It goes to show you I'm Euro in name only. Thanks
  7. None of the rest of us is too sure about Clive either so's you're not alone in your assessment.
  8. Nothing new, more than a few jurisdictions in Europe look down on C&R as needlessly cruel to the fish. You hook and land a fish you must immediately and humanely kill that fish so as not to prolong it's suffering. I wouldn't bet against that not reaching North America in some form or another eventually. IMO it's a natural conclusion of public opinion as people distance themselves from their food sources. I know there's a few people out there who like to fish with their hook points cut off. I don't think it's about getting fish slime on their fingers.
  9. Must be all them damn westerners moving out there :P
  10. Time to start handing out a firm kick in the nuts as a crime deterrent
  11. How cheap's cheap? That 7'6"rod above cost me $175, a very fishable 7'-7'6" Fenwick runs around $100, a good Shakespeare Wonder Rod $50-60. Got a Wonder Rod that Colin's reworking that I got @ a garage sale for 15 bucks. Depends a great deal on condition and length, the 6' to 7' rods being the most desirable. Don's gonna kick my ass but don't take as much care and lighter than grass, not as fragile as graphite but heavier.
  12. You fish a bunch more than I do Don but I haven't had a half hitch and a improved clinch slide on me yet.
  13. Ah water.... the comin' fight for water is gonna make this O&G crap look like penny-ante bullshit... been sayin and thinkin' that since 1984 when I first watched dust blowing off my water source, water rights will be a great big hammer someday soon.
  14. Lynn the comedian :D good to see ya back, it's been awhile, missed ya. Tell ya what... I'll buy ya both drinks all summer if'n ya just pay half my diesel fuel bill.....keep ya both 3 sheets to the wind all summer and save me money :P bh; bought it from a picker acquaintance who found it @ an auction sale, probably was destined for Nanton before I intercepted it. I know I put some extra cash in his pocket but most glass flyrods are still half the price as same brand bamboo rods.
  15. Little Johnny was 6 years old and just learning to read. He and his mother were reading a book on animals when he pointed at one page and cried, "Look, Mommy! It's a frickin' elephant!" His mother took a deep breath and said, "What did you say?" "It's a frickin' elephant, Mama! Look! It says so right here!" And so it did: "African Elephant."
  16. Not a dang thing Teck, matter o' fact if I were a big water fisherman I'd likely own one, hell I think a decent sized jet would be just tickety boo for any river bigger than the Crow :D I just think it'd be hilarious seein' old Double Dee lookin' like a NASCAR tire carrier and wavin' a long stick :lol:
  17. Shoot Paul, I like brookies too............... when they're swimmin' in water they evolved in... thinkin' about makin' a run for coasters this summer but anyplace else they're pretty much just water rats...destructive but tasty bastards John? seatrout, they're browns aren't they?
  18. Any decent smallie lakes in the east Koot? Could be fun someday when I catch some time. Edit; nevermind, reread the thread
  19. Yeah cool, 270,000 per pool that 10 atlantics a yr swim through....think of the endless opportunities for a return on your money ;) ......................... I wonder how the brookie fishing is ???
  20. Just pokin' fun @ SJW Hoss jus pokin' fun @ SJW.... and if you could, don't get your taco/takos confused, Taco is an OFer from SA
  21. You gonna buy you a bass boat and sow all them patches on yur fishin clothes?
  22. warranty smorarranty it ain't a TFO old short glass is a hoot,
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