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Guest Sundancefisher
  Flyfishfairwx said:
At one time the Nat parks were focused on Fishing and harvesting of fish, then for what ever reason they stopped stocking, 70/80s maybe in response to greenpeice/PETA types that were emerging at that time..


well here we are now , "fishing brings in Little Revenue" well if there are no fish then No revenue!


the native species are not conducive to big catch rates that tourists want, so they turned their attention to other things and now we are at Zip lines for a thrill in a Nat park..


Weird right.. they are supposed to be a place of beauty and natural wonder!


I do not find anything beautiful in a zip line..


I do find beauty in an intact ecosystem, even with the introduced species that we all love!


When I was a kid our family entertainment was camping in Jasper. We hiked into lakes to fish, fished in the busier areas...I caught some of my first ever fish in Jasper and Banff long before I could fish on my own. My kids will never have that opportunity as their is no really good fishing opportunities left.


It is a real shame. As for putting in other recreational lures to bring people to the Parks...the largest visitor group in the Parks were locals. Back when a yearly pass was $25. Then they quickly jacked those rates up I thought to discourage locals and clear up the crowds for higher paying Japanese and European tourists. Now that that market dried up they are struggling. The Parks economy and businesses are struggling. Zips lines would solve anything and neither will they hurt anything. What they need is to get Calgarians and Edmontonians back to camping.

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  Sundancefisher said:
When I was a kid our family entertainment was camping in Jasper. We hiked into lakes to fish, fished in the busier areas...I caught some of my first ever fish in Jasper and Banff long before I could fish on my own. My kids will never have that opportunity as their is no really good fishing opportunities left.


It is a real shame. As for putting in other recreational lures to bring people to the Parks...the largest visitor group in the Parks were locals. Back when a yearly pass was $25. Then they quickly jacked those rates up I thought to discourage locals and clear up the crowds for higher paying Japanese and European tourists. Now that that market dried up they are struggling. The Parks economy and businesses are struggling. Zips lines would solve anything and neither will they hurt anything. What they need is to get Calgarians and Edmontonians back to camping.



RGR That!


If I can add to your last line - camping in the Nat parks and not in Random Camping areas..


SundanceFisher.. I just had to add that!!!


Just makes sense to me!!


Absolutely not!! Look what more Calgarians and Edmontonians have done to all the (random) camping areas outside the parks! Even with the (lack of) enforcement within the parks, more people camping only creates more problems IMHO... Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to backpack (and fish), but I am willing to give up (some of) my freedom(s) in order to preserve what I have abused (yes I have negatively impacted the ecosystem with my small footprint - we all have [some more then others]).




  Sundancefisher said:
What they need is to get Calgarians and Edmontonians back to camping.

Guys don't hold anything back, Tell us what you really think!!!!

IMHO these types of contraversies are great because these are real issues that face us all. Regardless of the views expressed on both sides it is just a fact that in this select market group with primarily the same general objectives to maintain, increase or at least stop the reduction of fish and fish habitat nothing will happen unless these opinions get heard elsewhere. Write your MLA or MP and express your concerns.

Guest Sundancefisher
  Flyfishfairwx said:
RGR That!


If I can add to your last line - camping in the Nat parks and not in Random Camping areas..


SundanceFisher.. I just had to add that!!!


Just makes sense to me!!


By camping I meant structured camp sites like Wapiti, Johnstons Canyon etc...not random camping. I am not a fan of that just from the garbage I have found. A few rotten apples ruin the wilderness very, very quickly. If everyone was neat, clean, relatively quiet or at least very respectful of one another then I would say hey...have at it.

  ÜberFly said:
Absolutely not!! Look what more Calgarians and Edmontonians have done to all the (random) camping areas outside the parks! Even with the (lack of) enforcement within the parks, more people camping only creates more problems IMHO... Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to backpack (and fish), but I am willing to give up (some of) my freedom(s) in order to preserve what I have abused (yes I have negatively impacted the ecosystem with my small footprint - we all have [some more then others]).






I just knew when I answered this that I would not make you happy!!!!




ahahahah Gay poky thing here!!!! <--poke--<

  Sundancefisher said:
By camping I meant structured camp sites like Wapiti, Johnstons Canyon etc...not random camping. I am not a fan of that just from the garbage I have found. A few rotten apples ruin the wilderness very, very quickly. If everyone was neat, clean, relatively quiet or at least very respectful of one another then I would say hey...have at it.


Man you do not have to tell me that!!! that is all that I am talking about... I hate the destruction that irresponsible fools do when random camping..


Expand the structured camping sites, stock pig freakazoid rainbows and feed the drooling masses a Disney like nature experience.. then send them home to make more oil and nat gas.. hahahaha


OK OK that last bit was mean!!!! Sorry PGK for screwing up your data gathering I mean Poll


Just what is a poll if it ain't Data gathering?



Touché :)



  Flyfishfairwx said:


I just knew when I answered this that I would not make you happy!!!!




ahahahah Gay poky thing here!!!! <--poke--<


  ÜberFly said:
"Intact ecosystem"!! Really!! in and around Banff & Jasper! Take out the "towns & villages", road ways and rail lines within said "ecosystem" and I would still hesitate to call them "intact"!




2nd that!!!


  angeryjonn said:
2nd that!!!


That confirms my point of stop trying to returning it to something it was and is not!


Leave it be and stop any added damage..


Well maybe not confirms but I am not alone in thinking

  Flyfishfairwx said:
Man you do not have to tell me that!!! that is all that I am talking about... I hate the destruction that irresponsible fools do when random camping..


Expand the structured camping sites, stock pig freakazoid rainbows and feed the drooling masses a Disney like nature experience.. then send them home to make more oil and nat gas.. hahahaha


OK OK that last bit was mean!!!! Sorry PGK for screwing up your data gathering I mean Poll


Just what is a poll if it ain't Data gathering?


BTW I refuse to be PC - "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."


  PGK said:
PINE BEETLE is invasive, but brook trout aren't!? Pine beetle is native to all over western canada!? What crack are you guys ON!? I'm not 'gathering data' I've posting a freaking POLL. My mind is officially blown at the ignorance, assumptions and throat-jumping that this forum has become. Disgusting.


What I find disgusting Kris/PGK/Tako is the fact that you have been banned from this forum before for this exact reason - intentionally stirring up the brown stuff. Then you come back on here with a different handle and have the arrogance to say that you're SURPRISED by the responses you get.


People don't forget dude. Different handle - same old BS.

  birchy said:
What I find disgusting Kris/PGK/Tako is the fact that you have been banned from this forum before for this exact reason - intentionally stirring up the brown stuff. Then you come back on here with a different handle and have the arrogance to say that you're SURPRISED by the responses you get.


People don't forget dude. Different handle - same old BS.

You forgot BCboy as a handle as well Birchy.........The Prince George Kid strikes again


So? WTF is the problem? So he's as subtle as a train wreck @ 3 am. Its obvious he cares deeply about the fishery. Personally, I find it much more refreshing than the Bow River/Crowsnest pap that usually posted. Truth is they are fubared fisheries that can never be put back.


Would I quit fishing the Parks to help a species that been here for thousands of yrs get reestablished? Yup, in a heartbeat! I hung it up permanently if it meant my great grandchildren could enjoy fishing for cutts/bulls/whitefish/grayling/athabascans in the same streams as I/we did 20/30/40/50 yrs ago any where in Alberta




why are you trying to argue with your results? last i checked a poll was used to see what people think about a topic and i think the answer is "yes, lets keep fishing the park". This is like a Muslim walking into a Pentecostal church and trying to convert them......and if it is the same person then why dont you just check his IP address or what ever the heck the nerds do.

Guest Sundancefisher
  420FLYFISHIN said:
why are you trying to argue with your results? last i checked a poll was used to see what people think about a topic and i think the answer is "yes, lets keep fishing the park". This is like a Muslim walking into a Pentecostal church and trying to convert them......and if it is the same person then why dont you just check his IP address or what ever the heck the nerds do.


90% of respondents said keep fishing... Definitely a better outcome than Tylenol got in Orillia...

  Taco said:
So? WTF is the problem? So he's as subtle as a train wreck @ 3 am. Its obvious he cares deeply about the fishery. Personally, I find it much more refreshing than the Bow River/Crowsnest pap that usually posted. Truth is they are fubared fisheries that can never be put back.


Would I quit fishing the Parks to help a species that been here for thousands of yrs get reestablished? Yup, in a heartbeat! I hung it up permanently if it meant my great grandchildren could enjoy fishing for cutts/bulls/whitefish/grayling/athabascans in the same streams as I/we did 20/30/40/50 yrs ago any where in Alberta

Did Taco just agree with the artist formerly known as Tako? Someone, quick, check the temperature in Hell! We are going skiing!!


BTW, I thought the question was legit and the personal attacks of the responses were disappointing.


And for the record, I voted keep fishing.

  Taco said:
Would I quit fishing the Parks to help a species that been here for thousands of yrs get reestablished? Yup, in a heartbeat! I hung it up permanently if it meant my great grandchildren could enjoy fishing for cutts/bulls/whitefish/grayling/athabascans in the same streams as I/we did 20/30/40/50 yrs ago any where in Alberta




Nice sentiment, and I have sympathy for what you are saying. Unfortunately, its very, very dangerous in my opinion. Dangerous in terms of opportunity and accessibility. I'm only talking about the feds.


Here's what I mean; suppose we all feel that way and give it up. Lets say we are also moderately to pretty damn successful. Then what? You think your great grandchildren will be able to fish the parks because of yours/our 'sacrifice'? I highly doubt it! Once the fishing is taken away, I can't see it coming back. The culture of Parks Canada is such they would be happy to see it go under whatever pretence, and your great grandchildren would stuck fishing the province. Now I grant you, that's still a lot of water, but to lose the heritage/tradition of fishing in the Nat'l parks is too much - without a benefit to future generations, in my opinion.



  Taco said:
So? WTF is the problem? So he's as subtle as a train wreck @ 3 am. Its obvious he cares deeply about the fishery. Personally, I find it much more refreshing than the Bow River/Crowsnest pap that usually posted. Truth is they are fubared fisheries that can never be put back.


Would I quit fishing the Parks to help a species that been here for thousands of yrs get reestablished? Yup, in a heartbeat! I hung it up permanently if it meant my great grandchildren could enjoy fishing for cutts/bulls/whitefish/grayling/athabascans in the same streams as I/we did 20/30/40/50 yrs ago any where in Alberta




Regards Mike


i grew up in the park. i sure am glad that i was able to fish in it as a child. i never would have grown up with the appreciation that i have, never mind learning something that i've grown up loving to do.


So now that you have my attention...


Brook Trout are NOT an invasive species.. I could compare that on a human level but lets not go there.

Read what is going on in some of the other national parks and you will learn that our mountain parks

hold a precious strain of Coaster brookies that should be protected instead of erradicated as a supply source for those out east where this strain of brookies has been all but wiped out..



Parks because of the economy have BIG financial problems , so bean counters have been checking the history of activites including angling to see why revenues are down in some areas.

As has been stated on this thread fishing compared to what it was is very poor, less fisherman less money.And yes as a result other activities are being looked.

Fishing is not going to improve in the. The regulations are pretty much as restrictive as they can get

except for the consumption of some trout and that may end down the road as well.


PGK.. catch and release is a matter of choice , eating fish is amatetr of choice. As long as regulations are being followed anyone who preeches there own beliefs that conflict with others is bound to get

a push back.

Guest Sundancefisher
  PGK said:
Brook trout are an invasive species. They procreate and proliferate like bad weeds. They are non-native and cause en masse environmental degradation where not kept in check. They are more agressive and more fecund than our native species. Inbreeding with bulls, outcompetition of Athabows, en masse takeoverof juvenile rearing habitat.

The coaster strain is a stocked strain from nipigon. Why should we have a refuge for them in the rockies? (Put down the rope Dave). Nobody really knows exactly what was stocked in 305 mountain parks lakes between the turn of the century and the early 80s. Rainbows, brookies, cutts, lakers, browns, bulls, splake, they tried it all. The excuse of maintaining a refugia for a non native strain of brook trout (which is doing quite well in its native habitat I understand) is a poor, poor rationale for inaction considering the status (or lack of knowledge thereof) of many native populations.


En masse acceptance of 'the regulations' is no longer good enough. Question the status quo if things aren't right.


Firstly brookies do not cause massive environmental degradation. Ask your teacher.


Brookies cause problems by out competing native species such as bulls and cutts for space and food. They can cross with bulls and affect genetics. They do not cause harm to the creek, lake, or habitat any more than cutts and bulls do. Environmental degradation is not the correct term here. Cows cause environmental degradation in Clear Creek by walking in the creek and causing siltation and nutrient loading...would be a good use in a sentence.


In a perfect world...having native species to fish for in Banff would be great. If brookies are established and there are no natives remaining then manage that creek for brookies. If there are natives put a high limit on introduced brookies and catch and release on cutts and bulls. Stock local native strains back into creeks and lakes that don't have a significant rare invertebrate or amphibian in them and/or that once had fish. Try and bring the population back in the Bow corridor. Stock triploid rainbows in put and take lakes using a 1 over 20 inch strategy to promote fishing rather than killing.


If you are suggesting that we need to rotenone all lakes and rivers in the Parks to remove Brookies that is insane. Do you want zero fishing. Do you want catch and release. Do you want to stock natives... and where are you getting them from? Please stop arguing and give me a proposal to think about. You are rambling and arguing to no end. What I like is what is call "constructive critisizm". Present a problem and a well thought out solution to fix that problem. Thinking like this will help you greatly in finding and holding a job.

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