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Hawg, you got it.


Remove the details inside the trout, so it's just the outline or blocked in. If you want the logo color, leave the fish black and put rainbow spotting in one F and brown trout spotting in the other F.


I'll take a hoodie and some stickers.


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so are they still looking for a free logo or are they going to pay an actual artist....max is you want a graffiti style you should just hang out under the bridge, sooner or later some kid will come along with his/her milk box of paints and heads and im prity sure most of them are poor because their art is not in a window yet..... just my 2c lol

  Hawgstoppah said:
gave your idea a try... image from the interweb.. :)




Much better than the pumpkin hat. I like this idea yet it should relay the sites web address or at least something that would direct a person to the site if the term within the logo was googled. How would anyone,besides people who visit this site, know what FFC means?



I think you should keep the spotting, but I like the idea of it being black and white or just two-toned in general because then it is easily adaptable. You could put it in rainbow colouring or brown colouring so people have the choice or do things like different colour logos on different colour shirts. Simplicity makes it very flexible. Definitely keep the spotting and detail though.

  Hawgstoppah said:
and hey, whats wrong with a logo you could carve in a pumpkin? That would rock, actually. :lol:


When I first saw it I decided immediately that it was going on a pumpkin this year...I'll let you know how it works out.


If you use your imagination (and squint a little) I think you can see what was trying for here...again...lifted from the interwebs and expertly altered by yours truly






  420FLYFISHIN said:
so are they still looking for a free logo or are they going to pay an actual artist....max is you want a graffiti style you should just hang out under the bridge, sooner or later some kid will come along with his/her milk box of paints and heads and im prity sure most of them are poor because their art is not in a window yet..... just my 2c lol



dont insutl my friends! most of em are making good flow actually... legit too if u were wondering!

  Pythagoras said:
When I first saw it I decided immediately that it was going on a pumpkin this year...I'll let you know how it works out.


:lol: pictures... I want pictures!!!! :lol:


I'm working on a complete redraw of the FF "(insert curved trout) C" logo. with www.flyfishcalgary.com underneath. should be good. Might be a while on this. U guys want the logo black and white, or... with some color? maybe 2 or 3 toned? Brown for the trout, some other color for the other lettering? Maybe I'll slap up a black n white and some w/ color... prolly post em sometime tommorow morning.



hehe, no insults. I have spray friends too and it does turn a profit just not much. If we are thinking of the same bridge then your friends got skills!!!


As far as embroidering goes the only limit is $$ and size of the hoop. Promotional Products Plus can do up to 270 degrees of a hat and we have some DOPE half hoodie pieces too. If you want to go really big we can do full back designs like what you see on biker jackets.


but i really dig the above design

  ÜberFly said:
Hey Lornce (SilverDoctor) you are a professional designer, you should be able to throw something together in your sleep - pro bono of course ;) ?!




I will if I have time. The logo should actually be done in a vector program Like Illustrator in the end so that it can be scaled properly for different Items. this is one I did for the Fiberglass forum. Different direction and feel needed for here for this forum of course.




  Weedy1 said:
Much better than the pumpkin hat. I like this idea yet it should relay the sites web address or at least something that would direct a person to the site if the term within the logo was googled. How would anyone,besides people who visit this site, know what FFC means?


i like this one alot, i think it would be cool to get decals made up and sell them at fly shops, etc. everybody that is a memeber of ffc should put one on thier vehicle. just my two cents


The name can be put in to wrap it along with website etc.


I really like the FFC with the C being the fish also...... Just have to get all the info in there and set it up so not so block letter like but great idea.



we have a winner!!!! or should that be a barbed treble hook?


The ****ed thing is that I got the idea from a sign that I saw at a mountain Lake I was fishin today. It was a gutting station so you could gut your fish and deposit of the remains so nothing is left for the bears and wildlife, its ****ed I tell you.


Here is the original photo of the sign I took.




I think what someone should do is just have the Fly Fish Calgary in whatever unique text and have the right half of the "y" be a fly rod with the fly line looping over to the left, looping over the word "Fly" in Fly Fish Calgary.


I'd do it myself but I 1. Don't have Photoshop, 2. Don't have the skilz involved and 3. Can't draw for *hit.


here's a version of the FF (fishy C) logo, with the text added for the website. I quite like it..!




and here's a rough sketch of FNG 's idea? did I get the concept right FNG? picture is crap, but that's becuase Im not sure of the concept and I rushed putting it together. :)




  Hawgstoppah said:
here's a version of the FF (fishy C) logo, with the text added for the website. I quite like it..!




Where did the fish come from? It looks to be an image cut and pasted from the net.

Has to be original, copyright and all.



If you'd have read back far enough in this post you'd see where I originally posted this idea... and said "we would need an artist to make a proper image, becuase this one's just copied from the net"



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