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Everything posted by timjorourke

  1. I have Outcast fins and they are ok. I quite honestly only ever use my oars when I have to row downstream against the wind. Other than that I only use the fins and the oars are hooked in the oar holders. I find that once you get used to fins only you will love the freedom of having both hands free to fish. Please note that this is only on the Bow river. In nastier water I only use the oars.
  2. What I mean by that is a hookset that is straight up and down (vertical plane) that is way too hard. The tarpon reference was for emphasis on the too hard part.
  3. A tip I received on a recent trip to Montana that I have found very effective is to use a downstream hookset rather than a straight up and down hookset. If you think of the action that the flies take when you flick set straight up and down you may in fact be pulling the flies away from the fish whereas when you do a downstream flick set you are more likely pulling the flies towards the fish's mouth. Seems to have increased my nymphing effectiveness...makes me think of how many fish I have pulled flies away from with a straight up and down tarpon hookset. Also of note is that this downstream flick set only applies when walking and wading...hookset up and down when drifting...Does anyone else do this?
  4. Agreed...fantastic work!! and congratulations on the future fly fisher person!!
  5. 11 Lighters... 12 Minnow containers... infinite bottle caps and foam... Interesting why there are so many bottle caps and not as many bottles...do the caps come off and sink while the bottles carry on or vice versa? Perhaps we should have collected all of the shoes in one spot and tried to match them...just like my socks on laundry day. Thanks to all, it was great fun to be on the river giving a little back for all the great fishing days I have had!!
  6. That is too awesome for the right words...is your mouth wide open a word? Had to have a look around but you can buy their new video Raising The Ghost off their website...http://www.flyboysfishing.com/
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