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Everything posted by headscan

  1. Sockeye are pretty lockjawed when it comes to taking a fly, so you probably don't have to worry.
  2. Fish Tales carries Korkers so you might want to see if they have replacement laces. If it's a warranty thing I think they might be able to help you out with that too.
  3. Very nice ties.
  4. I've had the exact same experience and at the time chalked it up to me reading too much into it. Good to know I'm not alone. I don't fish at the dog park or even take my dog there any more because it just isn't worth the headaches.
  5. headscan

    Spey :)

    I usually use either a Rio 15' type 3 or type 6 sink tip on the Bow depending on current and water depth. Other weight and length combinations would work as well. What kind of line are you using?
  6. headscan

    Spey :)

    My personal preference is to swing streamers. It'll give you lots of practice for those steelhead and salmon as well. Remember that spey casting isn't as much about the amount of line you're throwing as the efficiency of the cast and keeping your fly in the water longer.
  7. Sounds like it should be pretty interesting.
  8. I'll have one with me in Alaska as well, so no worries.
  9. http://www.health.alberta.ca/health-info/lyme-disease.html "In Alberta, the highest risk of being bitten by a tick occurs during the summer months from May to August. Areas at higher risk include the foothills, mountains, and aspen parkland areas where ticks are more common."
  10. Why don't you just contact Loomis and explain your situation to find out exactly what they'll do? http://www.gloomis.com/publish/content/glo...contact_us.html
  11. I think 10lb maxima is all you'll ever need for streamers on the bow. Unless it gets cut or your knot is bad you won't find many fish around here that'll break you off.
  12. Where did you find them? Walmart?
  13. Really? Don't tell anyone at our American offices since that's never been the case at my company.
  14. Anyone have a Rio Skagit Flight 550 they wouldn't mind letting me try out on a rod?
  15. Ziploc bags would work and I think Max once posted that he uses a cd wallet.
  16. X2. Great vid.
  17. It's deja vu all over again.
  18. From this blog post it sounds like more focus on technique for various scenarios, which should be interesting. That was the one thing I wished the first one had more of.
  19. Click here if the movie does not play.
  20. Fish Tales.
  21. I don't think there's any real consensus on a best way. Search speypages for "slick shooter" and there are more different suggestions than I care to count. For trout fishing I just use a surgeon's loop. Perfection loop should work ok as well, just cut it off and redo it every so often. If you're after steelhead or salmon you might want to check the speypages threads and pick the method that sounds best to you.
  22. That has never been my experience with guides here or in B.C.
  23. Heh, spoken like someone who has never actually used a Mac. I've never done any video editing on mine, but I use it daily for work (I'm connected to the corporate VPN right now doing annual reviews for my staff) and the odd video game, even though that's what consoles are for.
  24. I had that thought too. Probably miss way more subtle takes since they probably wouldn't even move the indicator.
  25. Haven't ever seen this rigging for a thingamabobber. Anyone tried it?
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