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Dangus last won the day on September 3 2021

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Rainbow Trout

Rainbow Trout (7/10)



  1. Do you think Spinning around and losing the depth at where your fly is fishing (esp bobber fishing) is going to cost you more fish than how many you get hung up on a second anchor rope?
  2. Is this an argument against wd causing the foreheady fish? Missing gill plates can be due other things as well. High Selenium levels is one that comes to mind. Another might be rapalas. Also, isn’t it thought it’s a possibility WD has been here for 20 years? As far as I know, mortality rate of those infected, can be up to 90 percent. Thus, some fish could show some non-lethal skeletal abnormalities. Bron
  3. Lots of you have probably caught or at least seen pictures of the weird foreheads some of the fish on the bow have. whirling disease? http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2009/jul/20/montana-trout-rebounding/?amp-content=amp&usqp=mq331AQCKAE%3 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkTuKJhrgF/?igshid=izg5z3ftmbwz
  4. Dangus

    28" Trout

    Great Lakes steel?
  5. I think it means you need to put that Allen reel away and have this one lined up. Haha only thing I find is that they’re pretty light which doesn’t balance things well. I put lead core under the backing and it improved things quite a bit on the rods I use them with. Just do it backwards first. Line->backing->leadcore until balanced adequately and spool filled to ideal height and then just reverse. Probably obvious for most, but this dumbass did it the hard way a few times.
  6. Partly right. It is a brook trout on the west slopes... ha
  7. Sounds/looks more like he’s making a protest regarding the hoops you need to jump through to guide in BC. Maybe he’d fare better Here in 1834 Alberta where every numpty with a flashy glass boat is a guide.
  8. I’ve put three 200lb guys and two dogs with cooler and gear in my 10 foot spratley. Tight but still fishable. I’m sure the 12 is huge.
  9. Was going to say that. Guess they could just make these spots brood stock dumps and slowly build it up. Browns can live well over 10 years. Just need time and to avoid rock shampoo.
  10. Best just to call Mel. He’s in the know. I guess it was open Saturday. Was going to launch the boat until we saw 10 trailers in the lot and 4 boats being launched.
  11. With bass being a classified as a gamefish in BC, that act falls under the “it is unlawful to...waste the fish you catch” category. Just sayin take a look over your shoulder before doing that again.
  12. As Dan alludes, no way to enforce what your “target” species is unless you’ve retained something. Furthermore, in order for rule to be enforced, perpetrator needs to be caught red handed—making it even less likely to be busted.
  13. Access as in non-retention. I probably could have chosen better wording. As for not getting caught, that’s what I’m saying. You’re never going to get caught illegally stocking something. So the only way to disincentivize the act is to make it pointless. “As soon as my illegally stocked perch are established and fishable, they will make it non-retention/close the lake/kill the lake, so what’s the point of bothering to do so?” IMO non-retention does nothing because if these guys are willing to illegally stock perch, they are also pretty likely to “poach” perch. They are making rules for themselves. closing a lake makes it much more observable someone is breaking the rules.
  14. Of course it makes sense to limit access To someone’s illegal stocking fishery. That’s the ONLY way to shift cost/benefit of them taking the risk to transplant perch in the first place. They’re never going to get caught in the act. Angling is never going to knock down perch populations, especially with a limit. Who’s the guy here always on perch patrol on sundance lake? How’s that worked for them? As far as I last read, there’s still a *hit ton of them. Fisheries needs to take a hardline approach on this. That’s the only way to get through to people. As soon as foreign species identified, body is closed until it can be rectified. Due to cost constraints, pick a handful of “protected” lakes and put the resources there.
  15. any Chance of gill netting the perch? Generally smaller than most stockers aren’t they?
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