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Weedy1 last won the day on August 3 2019

Weedy1 had the most liked content!

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Brown Trout

Brown Trout (8/10)



  1. Didn't Super Dave Sanjuanworm catch a 37" Bull right in downtown Calgary on his lunch break somewhere around 2007? I wonder if he still has the picture he posted on FFC?
  2. Why getting a marijuana producer licence is a long shot http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/health-canada-marijuana-licence-applications-1.4090035 Application Process: Becoming a Licensed Producerhttp://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/marihuana/info/application_steps-etapes_lp-pa-eng.php
  3. October? They've barely cleaned their shovels.
  4. I took a look at the Aurora site at the Edmonton International Airport yesterday. The size of the footprint they have started is truly massive. That is going to be one big greenhouse.
  5. I caught the clap trolling one time.
  6. I, and several guides, helped teach my Dad to fly fish when he was 75 years old. Spent 5 guided days on the Elk floating, fighting and laughing. I remember the first fish he hooked on the fly rod along with the puzzled look on his face. Great video.
  7. Which of the following options comes closest to your own views on the one question barbless survey? ▢ One question barbless surveys should be banned. ▢ No change, please. Leave it up to me to decide for myself. ▢ Ban one question barbless surveys only in provinces with special management objectives. ▢ None of the above, I just want to party with Trump in a Russian hotel.
  8. Don't forget to invite the ***hole neighbour to watch.
  9. I would have to think an empty tent, in the middle of nowhere, without anyone present, or any indication someone is occupying it, would have to be considered abandoned and up for grabs.
  10. Are jet boats allowed on the Wig and Michel?
  11. You should let her know Lowes has 15% off barbecues and smokers this week.
  12. So where will you point to in order to ease your Brookie frustrations? Maybe you'll can rig yourself up a portable frying pan so you can eat them all along the way a still stay within your limit?
  13. You're just jealous you never came up with something so stupid! Maybe you could re-engineer it so that the charge sits inside the seat. It would be so much more satisfying if it were designed that way.
  14. Trailhead, get one of these for your next set of wheels. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/673350631/bike-mine-the-ultimate-alarm-to-protect-your-preci
  15. Good morning Tracy. Can I get you a cup of coffee?
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