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Everything posted by hopdrop

  1. The newer style (05 and up) Tacomas are HARD on fuel. I traded a 98 half ton Ram for the 4L Tacoma, basically the exact same milage. The Taco is a powerful little truck though.
  2. I bought a truck back a year ago. Virtually painless. Use this website http://www.riv.ca. I bought a used Hyde here in town last summer. I'm pretty sure i have all the documentation from the original owners import process. If you want to take a look at it let me know, from what I looked at, it was real similar to the motor vehicle documents. I think the biggest thing was the trailer, not the boat.
  3. If those don't work, I quit.
  4. She was blonde and dirty......
  5. I do ALOT of hwy driving. There are places where time can be made up via speeding, but dube is right, it has to be a fairly significant distance to make it worth it. The west country is not one of these places. There are only so many places where a person can speed just due to the roads/topography. The RCMP/Sheriffs/County Mounties know where these places are and just do laps. East of hwy 2 is different story. With the exception of the Drumheller area, just pick a secondary and let 'er rip. Within reason of course, depending of road conditions, vehicle, ect. my max speed where I feel comfortable is about 140.
  6. If you're not set on a sport specific jacket, MEC makes some good stuff.
  7. Small, all black Bitch Creeks work well. Real simple tie.
  8. I would think things like, tires, brakes, ball joints ect., windshield, all the lights and any recalls are going to get checked for sure. If I remember correct, if the vehicle is less than 10 years old, you wouldn't need an inspection.
  9. There's a good tip in here to get a nice collar.
  10. I fished the Green a few years ago. Very cool country, good people too. Not exactly sure what time of year I was there, but I'm thinking Mayish. Virtually everyone on the river was knocking the *hit out them with cicadas. I was in the area for work and managed to put two fairly solid walk and wade days in. I caught them on everything, nymphs, dries and streamers. Had the most consistancy with streamers, olive or brown. No monsters, but good, solid fish. It was busy though, I didn't know that many drift boats existed.
  11. You haven't stayed in Golden, untill you've stayed at the Rondo.
  12. I've been in the Bass Pro in Denver, their fly fishing section was full service for sure, comparable to Wholesale's section. I live in Airdrie and know I'll be spending money in there, as I'm sure alot of people living north of 16th will be.
  13. It's probably tennis elbow. Go to a physiotherapist.
  14. Musky Hunter. Just kidding, although it must be somebody's fav. it's basically on a loop on WFN. Sport fishing on the Fly gets my vote. The Trout Diaries are good as well.
  15. Went teeth first into a fireplace hearth - basically all my teeth gone, had to have lower lip reattached (being a kid/having no fear) Drove my femur through the top of my tibia - twenty some pieces (skiing/booze) Multiple broken fingers, hands, toes, feet (hockey) Lynn, had a buddy get hit with the gal bladder thing this past summer. It wasn't pretty.
  16. Fish as much as possible. Period.
  17. Had to take my truck to Crappy Tire when I brought it up from down south for an out of province. Took them like 20 min, the guy at the service counter did it. Not sure if it's the same type of out of province inspection, but it was painless. I suggest finding the busiest Canadian Tire in Calgary, they probably won't look that hard.
  18. Any electronics shop that sells multimeters should have them. Those are awesome hackle pliers
  19. Wendel Clark is hockey the right way.
  20. Love shredding the gnar. It would have to a super special price for LL to see any of my money. Thanks, though.
  21. Maybe frontier justice isn’t such a bad thing…… Doubtful this guy is ever going to be productive member of society.
  22. Your crazy if you're going to drag ANYTHING off your pontoon in the Bow.
  23. Fished the Crow a few weekends ago, did OK. Switched to 7x, started hooking up. Not much landing, but still fun. Biggest fly, size 18. Most were on a 22 or 24 plankton pattern
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