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Everything posted by j5ep00

  1. are those flys i see on her hat? congrats
  2. Ham and i are heading out in a bit, i have -40 coveralls that fit under my waders so im fine for winter and yah its nicer out now so im happy good luck to anyone heading out
  3. was at work and it was a solid 15 and nice, in a ten minuet time frame it went from beautiful to snowing! couldnt belive it although i should i have lived here all my life. so much for my fishing plans this evening with all this wind at least i got the afternoon off and i get to relax:)
  4. i was looking at this stuff a few weeks back, glad i didnt buy it.
  5. congrats steve!
  6. there have been 63 views and only 13 votes! lameee everyone vote
  7. Every fly shop in the city has them im pretty sure. try russle sports. or just buy online. its not that much of a pain
  8. will a pm be sent to the winner or an email? i think a pm would be best. i missed winning the stillwater trip on alberta flyfish because i hadnt checked my email!
  9. it looks to be about the 17" range maybe a bit bigger nice fish
  10. lynn you got it! www.urbandictionary.com/ this might help you old fogies out with all the slang
  11. in general be able to cast my who line, im getting pretty close but i just cant seem to get it all to shoot. bow to catch a 25+ hog brown in the coming months cutty streams to have a 50+ fish day including some LARGE bulls stillwater i would have to say that i would like to hike into a few more lakes maybe camp overnight
  12. anyone checked it out yet? i was planing on heading down this afternoon to pick up a new rod. everything 20-50%off
  13. i will take a hat and a hoddie in medium also a few stickers for the rides
  14. i think insted of putting www.flyfishcalgary.com we should just put flyfish calgary just my opinion. and i am deffinattly up for a hoddie and a hat
  15. got them today, they seem pretty decent maybe a little chincy on the hackle on the drys. but i will let you knwo how they fish tonight. i also recived 2 20% off coupons whit my order. if your intrested in one your welcome to it. you could also take a look at the flies. the ties all seem pretty decent quality and for 1$ i will go back:)
  16. i was kinda wondering the same i ordered 40 or so on sunday i will let you know how they are in a day or 2 when they arrive
  17. perfect thanks so much! im actually planing on taking out my young cousins i figured they would enjoy it, and it gives me a chance to put some free time into something i love. hopefully i will see a few of you out there
  18. If i rember corectly there is a fall fish rescue in the canals, anyone have any idea what im talking about?
  19. your storys are awsome!! i think you should tell them twice a week lol or maybe we need to fish toghter sometime
  20. This has happened to me so many times this year already. i have had a few bad run ins that end in me yelling at them telling people to get the hell away from me. but most of the time people are decent and they will respect your space once told. one time i had a raft actually hit me! i was also fishing a streamer lets just say they were not happy and i raised alot of *hit lol
  21. same thing happened to my mom. she got sick though and they fired her! i switched from telus as soon as that happened
  22. dont worry lynn your not the only one lol!
  23. I started fly fishing when i was 10 years old. my dad and uncle had my brother and i out casting on the lawn for hours. once we got good enough at casting they took us with them. first trip would have been beaver ponds for brookies. i took 2 years off so that would leave 9 years fishing. by the way i have always lived within walking distance to the river, so im on it about 4 days a week.
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