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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. I always stay at Racehorse Creek. I've stayed at Dutch Creek as well. I think that they are very similar..perhaps RHC is less popular/busy. $12 a night plus firewood.
  2. I saw these at Fish tales as well as Russels. I don't think they would be the best for me as the actual felt sole has a smaller surface area than other wading boots. I have heard a lot of good things about them and they have received good reviews. I need a bit more traction tho'..I think. I am going Cloudveil 8X
  3. After wearing my new replaced waders ( Thanks Sage/Reddington) the last few outings I have decided to wet wade with my soon to purchase Cloudveil 8X wading boots. What do you wear inside the boots? I have worn regular thick socks and /or neoprene booties. What do you people wear?
  4. You're a poet...........and you didn't even think you were!!
  5. It's all part of my job. The shirts the booze distributors gave the girls at the R&C are more like keychains!!!
  6. Stopped by Fish Tales on my way back from SW AB yesterday and saw these wading boots, They seem pretty nice. I am in the market for a new pair of boots and I was wondering if any body has any reviews on these. Thanks http://www.kingfisherflyshop.com/flyshop/cloudveil/boots.cfm
  7. Here's a picture of the ever graceful Kudra gloating over her victory in the Racehorse Campsite races!!
  8. I hate losing fish on a knot. Drives me nuts that there is a fish that is suffering with a hook in it's mouth ( and perhaps a dropper dragging) because I didn't tie my knots right. My best stories are the ones about the fish that got away!
  9. Someone asked "Where are the albino elk?" To which the Parks employee replied" Albino Elk? Never heard of any but I guess it's possible". The tourist said" Of course there are. There are signs along the highway of white elk with red eyes and the sign Attention under it!!" That's one of my faves.....
  10. It seem's that there are a lot of old Banffites on this Forum. I worked there from 78 -88 and worked at the King Eddy. Probably served a few of ya!
  11. I worked three summers at Tunnel Mtn Campground in Banff. I was asked a lot of stupid questions. "Are there any undiscovered lakes around here?" I heard they have a book at the main Parks info office downtown that the staff write all the stupid questions in. I'd love to see that!
  12. I have a Sirrius satellite radio. It is awesome. I purchased it at Visions for $65, It includes a vehicle dock (easily removeable) a cigarette lighter power adapter and an antenna. It also came with another dock, power cord and antenna for the house. The actual satellite receiver is moved from vehicle to home. It is easy to install and I enjoy the channels. I love driving fishing and playing name that tune by myself!!
  13. I'll be there.....same time....same place....! Sunday-Tuesday
  14. I was up there last Sun-Tues. Water was very high and very dirty after all the rain. I was gonna bring my gear but decided with the weather not too. They have banned quads and 4x4 from a lot of areas so it is not as bad as it was. Lots of small fish when fishable to keep you amused.
  15. I heard that Hiawatha is still open with new ownership. I could be wrong. We will all miss Bernice!!
  16. I was in WSS on the weekend and spoke with the GM, Mike. He said it was hard to get staff. I'm not sure if that includes the FF dept
  17. I saw an ad in a fishing mag for a calendar "Women in Waders". I thought it might make a good gift for a friend so I checked there website. As I was cruising through their website I saw an item "XL Momen in Waders" as well as" XL Black Women in Waders". I was disappointed when I realized they were T-shirts!!!
  18. I have a staff camping trip to North Ghost Recreation Area on Waiporous Creek, Sun June 17. Last year it was fishable and I was there this past weekend it it didn't seem too bad. I might cast a line between "Beer Bongs"!!
  19. I was camping at McLean creek a few years ago and we had a visiting skunk. I sounded the horn at him thinking he would go away. He didn't. He then became our friend and sat with us at the fire. pretty Cool. We didn't feed him tho' well not directly!!
  20. I carry an air horn when I am in bear country and let it belt every 5 mins or so. I have never encountered a bear (again..knock knock) The worst is when you are crawling around in the back of the pick up and you accidently kneel on it!! Quite loud in an enclosed place!!
  21. Myself and a fw other fishing buddies are considering purchasing bearspray this year? Any advice? What brand...Approx price....Where to purchase in the Calgary area?
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