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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. Sirrius satellite stations: 70's Soultown Hair Nation Comedy I play "name that tune" as I travel the 2 hours. Seems to make the trip go by quickly.
  2. See Johnny Darbles......
  3. This is my fishing and camping buddy, Kudra. She is great company. I borrow her from my friend every Sunday-Tuesday. I really appreciate it. She has never entered the water I'm fishing and just sits on the bank and snoozes and eats horse flies. So far a great fishing dog. She's pretty quick (ask Lynn) and jumps well. She also walks on water....
  4. Hemostats plural? Why more than one? Just curious....
  5. How much does your bull trout fly box weigh?
  6. 1) Jump on the scale 2) Record weight 3) Put on vest 4) Jump back on scale 5) Record weight with vest 6) Do the math Now, how much weight are ya lugging around? Any vest pic's?
  7. I saw a grizzly this morning close to a car parked (fisherman?) on the FTR between Racehorse Campground and Daisy Cr bridge. I went to the random campsite near where he was parked. I didn't see him but I honked my horn SOS. Hopefully it is short-short=short, long-long-long, short-short-short. Hope it helped.
  8. Best fishing is from Wed-Sat. Fishing sucks Sun-Tues!!
  9. "but you MUST work in a rubber tip of some sort (like on a cane tip) or you will be telegraphing you presence. " Perhaps I will devise something for the staff tip. Good advice
  10. What were Custer's last words at Little Bighorn? These Sioux's are killing me! Please..Please..Can I post bad jokes too?!!
  11. I don't use the staff just for wading but also for accessing the areas I like to fish. The Elk has pretty squishy areas where you have to walk. Also walking to rivers over marshy type areas can get a bit mucky. Even yesterday getting to a pool on the Racehorse I had to cross a placed log over a marsh and when you weigh 240 lbs you don't always trust them so I used the staff for balance etc For the freestone rivers where I normally fish and wade my purchase is more than adequate. I have heard that a ski pole type small basket on some staffs are good for these silty conditions.
  12. I'll try that next time out. The Cloudveils are great..so far! I've yet to hear anything bad about them.
  13. Thank God Kudra didn't see it as it swam around the pool for a half hour or so. She was too busy scratching/licking her horse fly bites! Poor thing!
  14. I use a wading staff and I love it, I bought this one at Cabela's and it is great for freestone rivers. I'm not sure how good it would be on mucky bottoms as the sections might pull apart. Pretty reasonable price I ttought. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...f&noImage=0
  15. I was fishing my favourite place Monday night and was scared S*&tless by a huge beaver roaming around the pool. The thing was bigger than the dog!! Will the beaver activity drastically affect the feeding habits of the cutties below?
  16. My report: Purchased a pair of Cloudveil 8X wading boots and tried them the last few days on the Oldman/ Racehorse. The boots come with an extra insole for wet wading to help "fill" up the boot if you are wearing socks that are thinner than neoprene. I wore socks and neoprene and I prefer the socks route as the boot drains. Nepoprene is more comfortable but the "squishiness" I found a little gross. So I will wear socks with my boots but I will purchase better socks than the pair I wore. I also tried "basic " Crocs and they didn't cut it for me. Also Racehorse much warmer then Oldman!!
  17. Reminds of Jessie around Kudra before the rematch!
  18. BBT...Do you know the symbolism of tobacco?
  19. The last few weeks within 2 blocks of my apartment there has been a murder and an attempted murder, Tuesday morning a Native woman was stabbed to death and a few weeks ago my friend was shot in the neck at the pub he owns. I moved to the Beltline area 1 1/2 yrs ago and it is getting scary. I always travel on my bike so I get to scoot by all the crap I see. Thank God! It was very unnerving watching the fire dept. power wash the blood off the sidewalk on Tuesday afternoon. I feel terrible about the woman who perhaps was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was stereotyped (perhaps) as an undesireable. No one deserves what she received. I would like to put a small tribute by the spot where she was murdered. What would be a proper way to show my respect in Native custom?
  20. I will be fishing for a few days next week and I will try socks and neoprene socks. Neoprene socks are cheap at MEC. I will keep you all posted. LF I can't wait 'til the next long wekend for the "race". Koods had a bit of blood on her from a few scratches from the barbed wire but for the record, I'm no Michael Vick!!!!!!! It's GO TIME!!!!!
  21. I've kept a few flies in the back of my head....mostly for the next time!
  22. I guess that's what happened to me..
  23. I was checking out the Westfly website and saw this tip...don't know if ya want to risk it. If it works...I'd be amazed. ---If your rod is stuck and you want it to come apart, just drive home with the tip section sticking out the window. Unfortunately, it works every time Good Luck. I had the same problem last time out..left it...went fishing with the rod and then it came apart no problem. Perhaps I was lucky..
  24. I like the dog races at Race"Dog" Creek
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